How To Determine The Color Of Your Aura, According To Astrology
According to an astrologer, your Big 3 reveals the color of your aura.

Like fingerprints and personalities, the placement of planets on the day and at the time of your birth are as unique as you. Just like your birth chart reveals intricate details about your astrological personality, it can provide insight into the aura, or energy, you give off.
How to determine the color your aura using astrology
As Intuitive Astrologer Nichole West explains in a TikTok video, your Sun, Moon and Rising signs, or your Big Three, are good indicators of your aura color.
"Your aura is similar to the layers of an onion," West says in the video, with seven layers told. One of these layers is the Etheric layer, which is closest to your body and representative of your physical aspects. This aura color is connected to your Rising sign, which represents your physical attributes as well as the way your present yourself to the world. Just outside of that is the Emotional Astral Body layer, connected to the Moon sign which represents your emotional self.
"If you want to take it one step further," West adds, you can include the Mental Body layer, which sits just outside the Emotional Astral Body layer and is "connected to your Sun sign," or what we typically refer to as your zodiac sign. Just as the Sun sign represents your core personality traits, the Mental Body layer of the aura represents your overall thought processes and state of mind.
Note that this energy is everchanging based on your current situation, the people you hang out with, or even the way you feel for that day. But regardless of that, deep down your aura still remains; it is stable and strong.
It is important to know that aura is not just about the color or even the vibe, it is about everything in between that: known as the gifts and the “stuff” that make you, well, you. The health of your aura's expression is about the gifts of your soul. While each zodiac sign will go through different aura colors depending on their life's circumstances at the time; their characteristics and personality will shine brightest when their energy is clear. And like us, our aura color can change over time, whether it be from growth or circumstance.
The color of each zodiac sign's aura
Now you can "check out the zodiac signs connected to this Big Three of yours," West says in the video, to determine which aura color you identify with most.
Aries aura color: red
Photo: Mario Szafran and baddesigner / Canva
Aries think and speak with fire in their eyes and passion in their soul. You are known to act on your impulsive ways and the anger you feel at points can transcend across your entire features. These personality traits are the reason that if you are an Aries, your aura color will be in the red family. Not because you are this angry person, but because red is the perfect color to explain all that is you. You are passionate, fearless and outspoken. And while some are easily intimidated by the force that is you, others are intrigued.
Taurus aura color: green
Photo: Ahmed Maghraby and baddesigner / Canva
Taurus' energy and aura mimic their earth element. You are a grounded being who is always looking and trying to improve yourself, yet you're in tune with passion and creativity. You live for having a sense of belonging and your love for sensual pleasures and good things is palpable. There is no better to describe you than through an earthly green aura. "Lots of green for the heart chakra," West explains in the video, referring to Taurus' ruling planet Venus.
Gemini aura color: yellow
Photo: Hadiiiben’s Images and baddesigner / Canva
Geminis are often known for their bright and energetic behavior. The Gemini personality is funny, wild and free. Your aura color is yellow; why? Because you are unapologetically yourself. The livelihood your aura brings to those in your presence is unmatched. You are an angelic representation of youth and fearlessness.
Cancer aura color: blue
Photo: Ahmed Maghraby and baddesigner / Canva
Cancers are great at taking care of those who mean the most to them, and always lead with love. That is why you possess a blue aura. You are a soft-spoken nurturer who does everything with compassion. Your heart is strong and your mind is even stronger. You possess a rare power: the power of patience. Because of this the rest of your character is that of a steady one. You are the glue that holds things and people together, making your aura unmatched.
Leo aura color: gold
Photo: detshana and baddesigner / Canva
Leos are natural-born leaders. They know what they want and don’t let anyone get in the way of that. It is obvious why your aura color is gold. You are a wise happy soul. You seek thrill and adventure and people look to you for guidance. The greatest thing that you believe you can do for yourself is to fulfill all of your dreams, hopes, and desires. Your motivation in life influences others and gets them just as motivated because of you. You are commended for your clear way of thinking as well as your judgment of other characters.
Virgo aura color: blue-green
Photo: Ahmed Maghraby and baddesigner / Canva
Virgos are very analytical and matriculate. For reasons along with these your aura color is blue-green. You are a sensitive soul with a lot of thoughts and opinions running through your mind. You also have the mindset to want to do anything and everything on your own because your vision matters the most to you. You are not more of one color but instead and perfect and exact mix of both. Others admire your aura, and some don’t completely understand it, but once they begin to understand all that you are as a Virgo, they have a greater appreciation toward you.
Libra aura color: pink
Photo: jenn and baddesigner / Canva
Libras are magnificent beings with bright souls. Your aura color is pink. You are filled with life and energy and you tend to make anyone in your presence feel ecstatic. You always like to look and feel good which in return can make those around you want to also always look and feel good. And the reason your pink is soft and inviting is because it represents optimism and hope.
Scorpio aura color: burgundy
Photo: Ahmed Alaa Eldeen and baddesigner / Canva
Scorpios are fierce beings who are often misunderstood. The passion you have for people and things runs deeper than anyone could ever imagine; this is why the color of your aura is burgundy. Similar to the Aries, but deeper and stronger. Yet your aura does not always lie on the surface; it varies based on the situation you are in or the people you are with. And when it is active, people are fearful but not because your energy is scary but because they have never met a person with as great and powerful an energy as you.
Sagittarius aura color: violet
Photo: Waaave and baddesigner / Canva
Sagittarians have the freest of spirits. You rely on your intuition alone and you find great joy in going with the flow. Most would think that your aura is a mix of every color when in truth, the color of your aura is violet or indigo. You have a divine way of thinking and seeing the world; your aura is welcoming and makes those around you feel very calm. And if your aura was ever to disappear, the world would not know what to do without you.
Capricorn aura color: deep red
Photo: Keegan chandra and baddesigner / Canva
When people think of Capricorn, they also think of confidence and creative power. Which is why your aura color is a deep red. Your passion to be and do great things is where the red comes into play, deepened by the strong willpower you have, which is what makes you dependable and trustworthy. Your energy level is high and while you do have times when your good energy is lacking, most of the time it is large and in charge.
Aquarius aura color: turquoise
Photo: Waaave and baddesigner / Canva
Aquarians are known to be a guiding light. You, along with your personality, are valued at the highest level. People find trust and peace in you; they believe in you because, to them, you represent your aura which is turquoise. You are a radiant and charismatic being who is full of life and love. Your outlook on life is different than most, yet you easily attract people into following your ways of life. Your aura is one of the rarest to find and when people do come across it, they feel it — and you — are heaven-sent.
Pisces aura color: teal
Photo: Ahmed Maghraby and baddesigner / Canva
Pisces are known for their emotions. Which is why your color is teal, a blue-green that's as deep as your emotions. And whereas blue represents calmness, the green hue represents your sensitivity. You are known for wearing all your emotions on your sleeve. Your thoughts and feelings are deeper and more complex than most, and you crave real and personal questions. And over everything, they love to help and heal people. Their aura is almost always that of a welcoming one.
Lani Akingbade is a former staff writer for Affinity Magazine, former contributor and editorial writer for YourTango, social media and brand strategist, and digital content manager. Her writing often focuses on astrology, lifestyle and wellness topics.