What You Need To Feel Emotionally Secure In A Relationship, According To Your Moon Sign
One of the best transits in synastry is a Sun-Moon exchange.

The Moon in our natal chart shows us many things, including the nature of our early life, the role the mother played in our lives, what we crave on an emotional level, and what it takes to feel like we are home. It also shows us how we connect with others on a deeper, more intimate level and what we need to feel secure in a romantic relationship.
"The Moon sign is all about someone's emotional responses and how they connect with other people," astrologer Celine Diong explained in a series of TikTok videos. "It's all about what makes you feel safe and secure."
What you need to feel emotionally secure in a relationship, according to your Moon sign
Aries Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Aries is a high-energy sign and is typically open to many different things. An Aries Moon values excitement and a deep connection with their partner who can share their passion for life. An Aries Moon needs someone who matches their energy and spontaneity to feel emotionally secure and fulfilled. This includes things like sudden trips or dates, unexpected adventures, and being open to doing things at the spur of the moment as opposed to planning.
Taurus Moon
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A Taurus Moon is very laid back and does not like to be out of their comfort zone. They approach things in a relaxed manner, are not in a hurry, and don’t do well with pushiness. For this reason, the Taurus Moon needs "someone who's a little bit more practical," Diong explained.
Taurus is a practical sign, and a comfortable and attractive home environment is important. They typically don’t like change, a high-paced environment, or spur-of-the-moment activities. Money and material possessions are important to Taurus, so it will take time for the Taurus Moon to feel ready to merge their home life with someone else's.
Gemini Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Gemini is a rational sign that connects with others through conversation. They are generally open-minded, intelligent, literate, social, and enjoy a variety of people in their lives. A partner would need to understand that the Gemini Moon person frequently connects with all types of other people sometimes at any time of the day or night. They generally like to be busy and active. Possessiveness would not go over well with Gemini or feeling restricted in a relationship.
Cancer Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Cancer needs to feel secure and loved in a relationship that is solid and generally committed. They like to know where they are going as opposed to guessing. Family is important to Cancer so they would expect a partner to be respectful at the very least, and a Cancer Moon would not do well with a partner they felt they couldn’t introduce to their family members. Money, or at least the drive to make money, can be important because Cancer is always looking to build a future and does not do well with financial insecurity.
A Cancer Moon is warm and empathetic and will do just about anything to protect their own. A prospective partner would need to be ok with the fact that like the Moon Cancer’s mood changes literally every 24 hours since the Moon rules Cancer.
Leo Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
A Leo Moon needs to feel appreciated, pampered, and admired. They need a partner that makes them feel inspired and they like big romantic gestures. Leo is a fire sign and they are very social and typically have many friends. A prospective partner would need to know this and feel comfortable with their partner’s enjoyment of being in the spotlight. Leo Moons typically have high self-esteem and need the respect of their partner.
Virgo Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Virgo is an organized and structured zodiac sign, and the Virgo Moon needs a partner who appreciates and values these qualities. A partner who is flaky, always late, and cannot be depended on will never work for a Virgo Moon. Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of speech and communication, they must have someone they have a mental connection with who can also communicate clearly.
Work is also important to Virgo, known as the ‘worker of the zodiac.’ Therefore, any prospective partner must have a career path and plan to garner the interest and respect of Virgo Moon.
Libra Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Libra is one of the signs ruled by Venus, and Venus is all about love, beauty, and romance. These are the three things that Libra Moon cannot live without in a partner. Of course, we could add manners, style, and the ability to socialize and converse with others since Libra is a rational air sign. Pettiness, sloppiness, anger, and jealousy are qualities that Libra Moon finds hard to tolerate as well as being unkempt or crude. Libra likes to keep their friends and activities and not lose themselves in their partner and their activities.
Scorpio Moon
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More than anything else, a Scorpio Moon wants to feel their partner is loyal and trustworthy. Open and honest communication is extremely important because once trust is breached it may not be possible to get it back.
Scorpio likes to have long discussions about deep subjects and they want to know all about their partner's past. They prefer relationships with depth, intensity, and sometimes tension. They often like to be in control of the relationship.
Sagittarius Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
A Sagittarius Moon is all about freedom and not being constrained in a relationship. They need space to grow and explore and a partner who doesn’t understand or like this will probably not last. Sagittarius loves adventure and new activities and seeks a partner they can enjoy these things. Their partner must respect their independence and jealousy and possessiveness will send them running because they are very slow to commit.
Capricorn Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
A Capricorn Moon seeks a partner who is loyal, steadfast, and reliable. They typically want a partner who shares their vision for the future and can help them achieve their goals. They can be slow to commit because they want to be sure the relationship will last. Sometimes they are attracted to partners with money or who can help them socially or professionally.
Aquarius Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Aquarius Moons look for a partner who can stimulate their mind and curiosity. They are an intellectual and rational sign, so jealousy and clinginess are not something they will tolerate for long. They value independence and an independent mind and look for a partner who appreciates this and has ideas of their own. They also like to socialize and mingle with others and need a partner who can appreciate this.
Pisces Moon
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Pisces Moons seek a romantic, deep, and almost fairytale-like romance. They are very sensitive and will not do well with a partner who is brash or insensitive. They seek a very deep soul-level type relationship, someone they can trust and lean on at times. They love to share creative and spiritual bonds and someone who appreciates their sensitivity and empathic, creative abilities.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.