Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Months For Financial Success In 2025
Find out the lucky money months of the year when your zodiac sign is most likely to rake in the dough.

According to astrology, some months are better than others when it comes to money matters. Jupiter and Venus are the two planets connected with money and finances, and each zodiac sign's luckiest months for financial success in 2025 take these two planets into account.
Jupiter is associated with money, luck, and expansion while Venus is sometimes called the other money planet, which is associated with love, beauty, and values. In 2025, Jupiter transits through Gemini and into Cancer, where it remains until mid-2026. Venus typically transits through each of the zodiac signs in a year’s time. These transits influence each zodiac sign at different times throughout the year.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest months for financial success in 2025:
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Aries: May/June, October, November
Venus enters Aries in May, transiting your first house until June 6. When Venus transits your sign, it is always beneficial, giving you extra magnetism, charm, and luck. This is a good time to seek a job or ask for a raise. If you are in sales or on commission, this can directly translate into more money. Jupiter transits through Gemini, a compatible and helpful sign, until June 6, giving you an extra boost.
On June 6, Venus enters Taurus until July 6. Not only is Taurus associated with money, it transits your second house of money, making it more likely you can succeed financially at this time in terms of a raise, promotion, offer, or new opportunity. This only happens once a year.
In October, two eclipses in Pisces/Virgo place focus on your work. This could help if looking for a new job or opportunity. Venus also enters your seventh house of partners, which includes work partners, drawing others to you which can turn into lucrative career opportunities.
November is a good month because Venus transits your eighth house of investments and other people’s money, which includes corporate money or money coming from anyone else or even investments. You could get a loan or receive a settlement of some kind if this is in the works.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Taurus: January, July, and December
In January (and until June 7, 2025), Gemini transits your second house of money. Its energies amp up on February 4 when it turns direct again, making this transit even more powerful. This month, Venus in Pisces also transits your 11th house of groups, hopes, and wishes, which can also give you a boost — especially if you network.
In July, Jupiter leaves your second house, but Venus enters it on July 4, increasing all of your financial opportunities.
By December, Venus has transited into Sagittarius, which represents your eighth house of other people’s money which includes companies, loans, and partnerships, benefitting anything you have going on in these areas.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Gemini: April, June, December
Jupiter in your sign gives you appeal and luck from the beginning of the year until June 6. This is the month Jupiter moves into Cancer, or your second house of money. Jupiter in the second house is a strong indicator of more money, and the planet will remain in this sign through mid-2026. This typically is one of the best placements financially.
In December, Venus transits your seventh house of partners. This can be good for romance, but this house includes partners of all types including work and can draw others to you who could hold a key to something new.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Cancer: January, February, July-September
In January, Venus transits Pisces, which is compatible with you. Your luck could come through foreign connections or foreign people.
During February, Venus transits your 10th house of career. This month, you will stand out and have luck in terms of advancement and new opportunities.
Jupiter enters Cancer in June, but it squares Saturn which can cut back on our financial luck. By July, however, Jupiter is moving full steam ahead through your sign (which only happens once every 12 years), bringing you luck and opportunities for more money
In August, Venus joins Jupiter in the Cancer zodiac sign, which is really a benefit to you! Two money planets in your first house seldom happen, so this is a real lucky break — and you should make the most of it.
From August 25 to September 19, Venus enters Leo, your second house of money, greatly increasing your financial potential. You really have a lucky summer, Cancer!
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Leo: January, March, September, October
In January, Venus transits your eighth house of other people’s money, providing help in terms of gaining money through others or investments.
In March, Venus transiting your 10th house of career helps you shine at work. Since Venus is retrograde at this time, your opportunities may in some way relate to projects or people from the past.
September begins with Venus in your first house giving you a personal boost. On September 19, Venus moves into your second house of income, so now is the time to ask for a raise or schedule a job interview.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Virgo: March, May, June, October-December
March is a great month for you, Virgo, since Venus enters and transits your eighth house of other people’s money, loans, and investments. Since Venus is retrograde during this time, it takes us back to the past, so focus on past projects, people, and contacts that may be of help. Venus’s retrograde in Aries will continue through the first week of June.
On May 13, Venus turns direct, transiting through Aries again throughout May and into the first week of June even more powerful than when retrograde. At this time, turn your focus toward the future rather than the past in terms of contacts, especially once Jupiter enters Cancer.
In mid-October, Venus enters Libra in your second house of money. This always gives us a boost with finances. It may be time to ask for a raise.
In November, Venus enters Scorpio, or your third house of learning and ideas. Now is the time to focus on any new ideas and plans that may increase your finances.
On December 4, we experience our final full moon of 2025, which falls in your 10th house. This gives you an opportunity to stand out from others and gain attention for all of your hard work in 2025.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Libra: May-July, October-December
In May, powerful Jupiter spends its last full month in Gemini, which can only be positive and helpful. At the same time, Venus transits your seventh house of partners, drawing others to you. This is not limited to romantic partners although this could occur as well. Partners, including those you work with, will find you more appealing and on point this month.
In June, Venus enters your eighth house of other people’s money, where it is very powerful in Taurus. The eighth house includes partner’s money, corporate money, loans, and investments. Venus will be in this house until July 4 before entering Gemini for approximately 30 days, where it will benefit you in terms of travel, foreign connections, and places.
On October 14, Venus enters your sign, Libra. This only happens once a year and is when you personally get a boost and are at your most magnetic and attractive and able to draw others to you more easily.
November 7, when Venus moves into your second house of money, is one of the better times of the year for giving your finances a boost before the planet enters your third house in December. The last month of the year is the time to focus on new ideas that may benefit you financially. In addition to this, you may take some type of class or seminar that could help boost your earnings.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Scorpio: January, August, November, December
During January, Venus is in Pisces in your fifth house. At this time, you may make monetary gains through friends or receive a beneficial tip.
On June 9, Jupiter, the planet of gain and expansion, enters your ninth house where it will remain into the first half of 2026. Jupiter in Cancer is very compatible with Scorpio and will trine the Sun of every Scorpio at some point, bringing you luck. During this time, you may gain through travel, education, and dealings with foreigners. In November, Venus joins Jupiter in the sign of Cancer, giving you a double dose of positive energy.
During December, Venus enters Sagittarius, or your second house of money. This can only help with gain in financial matters and it could be a beneficial time to ask for a raise or seek a new job.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Sagittarius: January, April, June-December
Jupiter is in your seventh house of partners for the first half of 2025, benefitting both your romantic partnerships and business partnerships. Mid-April, Venus turns direct in your fourth house, which rules your foundation. This could be a positive time to begin something new.
June to December is your best and luckiest time of the year because Jupiter enters Cancer, or your eighth house of other people’s money. This includes money from partnerships, loans, corporations, and investments. Typically we see a positive increase in finances when Jupiter enters the eighth house, where it will remain until mid-2026.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Capricorn: January, February, August, September
In January, Capricorn benefits from Jupiter’s transit through Pisces in the third house. If you have an idea for something new, now is the time to pay attention.
On February 12, a full moon falls in your eighth house of other people’s money. You may have a focus on money that comes through a partner, corporation, loan, or investment.
During August, Venus begins its transit through your seventh house of partners. This includes co-workers and people at work. You start something with a business partner. Since it joins Jupiter in the same sign, this doubles your luck.
Starting September 14, Venus in Libra will move through your career sector until October 13. Now is the time to make major moves in your career because you will stand out and be noticed with the help of Venus.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Aquarius: January, August-November
As we begin 2025, Venus transits your second house of money and income through early February, giving you a boost in income and representing a good time to ask for a raise or more money.
Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9, where it will remain in your sixth house of work until mid-2026. During this period you should make gains in your job. It's also a great time to look for a new job, and if you are so inclined, you should succeed in finding the right fit for you. Remember this transit will remain for the next 12 months!
August is a great month for you since Venus joins Cancer in your house of work, giving you an extra boost of luck in this area. From August 27 to September 19, Venus in Leo transits your seventh house of partners, helping you attract others who may benefit what you are trying to accomplish.
From November 5 - 30, Venus will transit your 10th house of career. Often with this transit, you shine or stand out to those who may be important in your career. It could also be a positive time for new projects.
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Luckiest months for financial success in 2025 for Pisces: January-June, October-December
In many respects, 2025 is a good year for Pisces because Jupiter, the planet of luck, transits your fourth house (or what is considered your foundation) until June 9. You can successfully make many changes in important matters during this time.
When Jupiter leaves Gemini and enters Cancer in June, it is very compatible with your sign and will trine the Sun of every Pisces at some point, bringing you luck and gain. As it transits your fifth house, you could receive tips or luck through friends.
During January 2025, Venus is transiting your first house, giving you magnetism to attract and convince others of your value.
On February 5, Venus enters Aries, or your second house of money, which is beneficial for increasing your income. Venus is very powerful in February, but in March, it retrogrades. The retrograde can cut back on some of its beneficial rays, but financial luck can still occur. During Venus’s retrograde, focus on past projects and people for the best luck.
From March 29 to April 13, Venus moves back into Pisces due to its retrograde, but turns direct on April 13, amping up personal magnetism once again. The planet remains in Pisces until April 30, and on May 1, it re-enters your second house of money where it will remain until June 6th. This will be a long cycle that should benefit you.
From October 13 through November 6, Venus enters your eighth house, boosting your possibility of more money through corporations, partners, loans, and investments.
On December 25, Venus enters your career house until January 17, 2026. While Venus is here, you could get a raise, promotion, new job, or just stand out and become recognized for all of your hard work — which could of course lead to new opportunities.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.