Manifestation Expert Shares The Biggest Green Flags You’ll Make A Lot More Money In 2025
Are you ready for financial abundance this year?

Some years are better than others, but both the highs and the lows are an inevitable part of being human. When it comes to the highs, the usual hope is monetary, however, and it makes sense why. Life is expensive, and having greater wealth means less stress about everything from rent to childcare.
Fortunately, the universe sends us signs that can indicate whether financial abundance is on its way. While money may not buy happiness, it can make life easier, and sometimes, that’s what you need at the moment. According to manifestation expert Alleah Friedrichs, two green flags indicate you will make a lot more money in 2025.
If you’re experiencing these two things, financial abundance is likely on its way to you:
1. A deep gut feeling
“So, the biggest green flag is actually this crazy feeling you have on the inside, where you just know, you can feel it in your bones, and there’s no proof. That is the biggest green flag,” said Friedrichs.
There is truth to trusting your gut. The key moment to listen to it is when you just know. That’s difficult, and not everyone has the skills to know when to rely on their intuition. However, some signs can indicate whether to trust it or not.
Sometimes, we feel a sharp pinch in our stomach or, on the flip side, a wave of peace and safety. These sensations work in your favor, especially when you can distinguish them from anxious butterflies, which leave you uncertain about where you stand with the situation at hand.
In that case, it’s important to tell the difference. With time, you’ll improve your ability to understand your emotions. When your gut tells you it’s going to get better, that everything will be alright, and that financial abundance is on the way, there’s a deep sense of peace and unshakable confidence that it’s already happening.
2. Something in your life recently exploded or drastically changed
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“This green flag is if something in your life recently blew... up,” explained Friedrichs. Don't be afraid of the sudden upheaval; it signifies change, and that's where the universe's message lies.
While it’s true this shift may cause a sense of uncertainty and fear, rest assured, you’re not alone in feeling doubt. It’s easier said than done, but sometimes, the best approach is to let it be and go with the flow. A drastic shift in routine could be exactly what’s needed to guide you toward a better life path that is right for you. “The most effective way to deal with change is by accepting it and trying not to fight it," Susan J. Noonan, MD, wrote for Psychology Today.
Trust the Universe, and the signs will make themselves clear.
Having a gut feeling and dealing with a major life change can, to the skeptic, seem like everyday occurrences that don't mean much of anything, but trusting in yourself and your inner strength is key to the process.
Collective World wrote, "Trust in the Universe’s timing and your own ability to manifest abundance is a powerful indicator that your desires are materializing. It’s a sign that you’re in harmony with the flow of abundance, and you’re allowing it to come to you effortlessly."
Remember, as Friedrichs explained it, "Energy is the basis of everything ... as soon as you can fully drink this Kool-Aid and live your life moment by moment with a premise that like energy attracts like energy ... everything changes."
Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.