Weekly Love Horoscopes For January 2 - 8, 2023

It is time to do things differently.

Weekly Love Horoscopes For January 2 - 8, 2023 Canva Creative Studios/WebTechExperts from Pixabay via Canva/

In the first full week of the new year, you are being encouraged to move past any obligations or restrictions and truly create the love and relationship that fits your own needs.

Venus, the planet of love, changes signs early in the week giving the first month of the new year one that will inspire you to break free from the rules of love that have held you back.

Venus in Aquarius is committed and emotional, however, it also does not care if it ruffles a few feathers by following its own heart.


During this time, you will break away from anything that has felt restrictive and instead is in the place to create whatever kind of relationship truly feels fulfilling for you.

While last week we held themes of healing, this week is all about freedom.


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The Cancer Full Moon occurs this week as well, and though Cancer is the sign of home and family, it is also about making sure that where you are is truly a place that nurtures your own soul.

Cancer must learn to care for itself as much as it does for others, and this week is your chance to see how much you have grown in this area.

By caring for your needs first, you also give yourself permission to do what is in your best interest, even if others may not approve or even understand.


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This is the rising principle of Venus in Aquarius which is determined that as you start this new year off, you will be doing things differently.

Most romantic days this week:

Monday, January 2nd

Venus, the planet of love, shifts into free-spirited Aquarius today, shifting the way you look at relationships. While Aquarius is most known as an air sign that prefers to rebel against norms and find its own way of doing things, this sign is still very committed and loving, just in a unique way.

When Venus is in Aquarius, you are more likely to make up your own version of a relationship container that suits you best rather than thinking it must look a particular way. During this time you can practice greater independence both with your partner and with each of you separately as well. It is time to discover what nonattachment means in love and how it can lead to an amazing relationship.


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Friday, January 6th

The Full Moon in Cancer occurs today bringing romantic themes surrounding self-love and home to fruition. Whatever has been happening for you in these areas since the New Moon in Cancer on June 28th, 2022, will now reach a point where you can see what has come full circle, what has grown, and even what has not improved.

It is an opportunity to see if you have tended to your own needs primarily and if the energy you have been receiving from your relationship has been reciprocal or not. During this lunation, emotions will be high because of the influence of sensitive Cancer so it is important to give yourself and others space to feel what may arise.


With Uranus and the North Node, both in Taurus, influencing this Full Moon, there may be some surprise awareness popping up about how to bring in greater balance to your home and relationship.

Weekly love horoscope for all zodiac signs starting January 2 - 8, 2023


(March 21 - April 19)

Best Love Day: Friday, January 6th

The Full Moon this week occurs in the water sign of Cancer. Cancer energy rules your home, family, and committed relationship. Full tends to bring things to your head, whether it is a positive or something more challenging that you may need to deal with. It may be that there has been a process of trying to get things in greater balance and this week you will finally be able to judge your progress.


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(April 20 - May 20)

Best Love Day: Monday, January 2nd

The Moon moves through Taurus early in the week prior to the Full Moon which can give you time to settle into your feelings. As an earth sign, sitting in your emotions can be something you seldom do or may find challenging. But this week as you are feeling more connected to yourself, you will also be able to feel more connected to your partner as well.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Best Love Day: Friday, January 6th

The Full Moon in Cancer activates themes around value for you. It may be that you have overlooked just how valuable your current partner is, or even having one, to begin with. While you are incredibly strong and capable of so much, it doesn’t mean that it’s not worthwhile to have help and the support of someone who loves you. Spending time reflecting on how your partner adds to your life can change things this week.


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(June 21 - July 22)

Best Love Day: Friday, January 6th

The Full Moon in Cancer is occurring opposite the Sun in Capricorn. This bridges together your own sense of self along with themes in relationships. During the past year, a large amount of your own work has been focused on your own self, however now it is time for you to make sure that you are embracing your partner as well. Use this Moon to reconnect with them emotionally and trust you will not lose yourself in love again.

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(July 23 - August 22)


Best Love Day: Monday, January 2nd

Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Aquarius, the sign that governs matters of the heart for you. Venus in this part of your life means that you can expect some surprise romantic encounters leading to a new relationship or that you and your partner could suddenly deepen your connection. This is an amazing time for love, and all you have to do is simply remain open to embrace it.

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(August 23 - September 22)

Best Love Day: Wednesday, January 4th

Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, activates the part of your life that rules intimacy and transformation. This week it aligns positively with Venus, the planet of love, in Capricorn. Capricorn energy governs romantic themes like marriage and long-term commitment for you. Together it’s spelling some major changes that are already in store and which could very well lead to an engagement by week’s end.


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(September 23 - October 22)

Best Love Day: Wednesday, January 4th

Jupiter is in Aries bringing expansion and positive developments to your love life just as Venus in Capricorn moves into your home sector. This is part of the development that is going on in your life and bringing massive change as well. The week ahead is the beginning of an important phase within your own life and one that will help bring you everything you have been wishing for.

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(October 23 - November 21)

Best Love Day: Monday, January 2nd

Venus, the planet of love shifting into Aquarius activating change and independence within your home life. This air sign rules this part of your life so you can expect changes and developments to take place. Aquarius figures out its own way. It is innovative and independent, which means that you will be able to produce solutions that represent your own unique needs and desires. This is an empowering time for you to truly create more of the life that you love.


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(November 22 - December 21)

Best Love Day: Wednesday, January 4th

Jupiter in Aries just entered Aries for the first time in twelve years, beginning a brand-new cycle. As a Sagittarius, Aries energy rules all themes related to marriage and long-lasting love. Venus in Capricorn brings in awareness of the value, both for yourself and within your relationship. This week is the merging of these energies allowing you to honor the value your partner brings to your life and let that grow into a new level of commitment.


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(December 22 - January 19)

Best Love Day: Friday, January 6th

The Full Moon in Cancer brings in some romantic possibilities especially as the Sun is illuminated in Capricorn. The balance of Cancer and Capricorn is one of achievement and nurturing. It allows you to feel that there is a balance between your home and work lives.

It also helps you moderate the care of others with the care of your own self. During this lunation and this week, it is important to make sure that you are honoring your personal relationship as much as the success derived from your workplace.


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(January 20 - February 18)

Best Love Day: Monday, January 2nd

Venus is the planet of love, as it shifts into Aquarius this week you will get a chance to focus more deeply on your own self-love. This will help you reconnect with your own self, including those needs and beliefs that are close to your heart. While it may make you strive for greater independence within your relationship, it also will help your partner be more apt to speak your own love language so any challenges that occur should be able to be quickly dealt with.

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(February 19 - March 20)

Best Love Day: Friday. January 6th

This is going to be an amazing Full Moon for you as it occurs in Cancer. Cancer is the water sign that rules over marriage, pregnancy, and everything related to long-term relationships. It will help bring a manifestation of what you have been working towards since the New Moon in Cancer at the end of June. During this time, you can see the progress made as well as enjoy a deeper emotional connection with your partner.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website
