The Most Attractive Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked

What makes the most attractive zodiac signs so alluring?

woman and zodiac signs Raamin Ka via Unsplash / gargantiopa and Chikovnaya via Canva

By Tasdid Alvi

Which zodiac signs are naturally attractive? While each and every one of us is unique and has something "special" that makes us stand out, zodiac signs can help us learn about how someone's behavior influences their likes, dislikes, and attractive qualities.

What are the most attractive zodiac signs?

The answer is hotly contested, but the top five most attractive zodiac signs are typically thought to be Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, Aries and Leo.


In 2019, the dating app Happn revealed that Scorpios were the most liked zodiac sign across the app for most months of the year, suggesting that Scorpio's attractiveness is obvious even through a screen. Meanwhile, signs Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, a trait evident in both signs' levels of attractiveness. As for Aries and Leo, these two fire signs have big, commanding personalities that many people find naturally charming and magnetic.

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Though Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, Aries and Leo are believed to be the most attractive zodiac signs, that doesn't mean all other zodiac signs are doomed to a life devoid of attraction. Remember, beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder, but it's also not just about looks. For example, being a good listener, having a sense of humor and being emotionally intelligent are just a few traits that make someone attractive, and each zodiac sign embodies its own type of attractiveness.

Though a sign may not be enticing to some people, that doesn't mean they aren't still attractive! In fact, non-physical qualities may be the hardest to resist. Where do you rank?

The most attractive zodiac signs, ranked

1. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The most attractive thing about Scorpio is their mystery.

Scorpios are known as intense and mysterious people who will rock your world and then leave you on the side of the road wondering what happened. Their dark and mysterious side is attractive to the other zodiac signs. Another desirable trait of Scorpios is their passion for their beliefs. These people are not afraid to say their opinion and will always fight for what they believe is right.


RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Attractive?

2. Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The most attractive thing about Libra is their sensitivity.

Libras are highly sensitive and diplomatic people who seek peace, balance, and harmony. They're always aware of how others are feeling. Libras will be there for you when you need help or support, but they will also be there when you want to debate emotional or philosophical problems.

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3. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The most attractive thing about Taurus is their success.

Is there anything sexier than a woman or a man who knows how to get the job done right? Taureans are humble but determined to succeed, and because of their perseverance and stubbornness, they tend to be excellent leaders in any industry. Those born under the sign of Taurus are loyal but also very generous people who love to be surrounded by beautiful things. They also enjoy pampering their loved ones.


RELATED: How To Attract A Taurus Woman

4. Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The most attractive thing about Aries is their passion.

Those born under the sign of Aries are extremely passionate, impulsive, determined, and highly independent. Aries are usually very charming and attractive, and they're certainly the most passionate lovers in astrology. They're confident, stubborn, require constant movement, and are not afraid to chase after what they want in life. The fierce passion they carry makes them completely irresistible to the other zodiac signs.

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5. Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The most attractive thing about Leo is their charm.


Leos are naturally charming and enthusiastic people, and these are their two most desirable qualities. These individuals are born stars — they're always in the spotlight and their enthusiasm is contagious. There's no doubt that Leos are charming and radiate warmth, but these attention seekers can be egotistical and manipulative at times.

RELATED: Why Are Leos So Attractive?

6. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The most attractive thing about Sagittarius is their kindness.

People find Sagittarius' kindness and spontaneity super-attractive. These individuals are gentle, free-spirited, fun-loving, kind, and adventurous. They're very active and energetic people who value honesty and can always come up with fun ideas or new adventures to fill up their time.


RELATED: Why Is Sagittarius So Charming?

7. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The most attractive thing about Pisces is their flexibility.

Pisces are highly emotional, flexible people. They're great listeners, so when you have a problem, they will listen without judging or interrupting, and give the best advice. Even though they may be naive at times, Pisces have old souls and are very wise, so they will not let others walk all over them easily.

RELATED: What Makes Pisces The Most Beautiful Zodiac Sign In The World

8. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The most attractive thing about Virgo is their intelligence.

Those born under the Virgo sign are communicative, sensitive, organized, and supportive people, always there to lend a helping hand or solve a problem. Intelligence is Virgo's most attractive trait. There's nothing sexier than someone who isn't afraid of challenges and likes to take problems head-on.


RELATED: Why Are Virgos So Attractive

9. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The most attractive thing about Gemini is their wisdom.

People born under the sign of Gemini are incredibly smart, adaptable, curious, and easy-going. Geminis are attractive because they're great storytellers and even better friends. If you have to cancel your plans or things didn't work out as planned, Geminis will totally understand. And this amazing trait makes them one of the best signs to be friends with. People love their bubbly personalities and enthusiasm for learning. However, you must be careful because even though they're charming, these people tend to have sharp tongues.

RELATED: Why Are Geminis So Attractive?


10. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The most attractive thing about Cancer is their spontaneity.

Those who are born under the sign of Cancer tend to be very sentimental, caring and loving, and it's really hard not to fall in love with them. They're spontaneous, quite unpredictable, and they genuinely care about everyone in their life. They're very supportive and always want to help others achieve whatever they're after.

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11. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The most attractive thing about Capricorn is their drive.

Capricorns are known for their quiet personalities; however, even though they are silent, they're incredibly focused, persistent and determined to succeed in every area of their life. They remain firm in their beliefs and values, and they can be tough to get to open up.

RELATED: Why Is Capricorn So Attractive?

12. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The most attractive thing about Aquarius is their quirkiness.

These people usually see life differently than others, and they're most attractive when they're in their element. Aquarius is extremely loving and supportive, and they will stick by your side no matter how tough things get. Their friendly attitude makes them absolutely irresistible.


RELATED: What Makes Aquarius Zodiac Signs So Beautiful, Per Astrology


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Tasdid Alvi is an astrology writer for Culture Astrology.
