The One Thing That Almost Instantly Puts Each Zodiac Sign In A Good Mood

There's one quick fix that boosts each zodiac sign's mood right away.

happy woman smiling with a balloon By Olena Kiyan, calatorescu, Keronyart's Images, Creweemmaeec11, Julia Dreams, Julia Avamotive from Pexels via Canva

It's challenging for anyone to pull themselves out of a bad mood. After all, negative emotions are strong and it can be hard to take the power away from them. 

Everyone has their own method of boosting their mood, and what works for you may not necessarily work for someone else. But astrology plays a large part in how the zodiac signs improve their mood.


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Here's the one thing that instantly improves each zodiac sign's mood

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

what puts aries in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

The best way for Aries to get a mood boost is by getting physical. Whether it’s swimming or a game of football, if they engage in an activity intense enough to get their blood pumping, it gets their mind off what puts them in a bad mood to begin with. Aries knows they will always feel better after getting their endorphins going.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

what puts taurus in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Taurus doesn’t need to be told twice to go ahead and treat themselves, so it’s no wonder indulgence puts them in a good mood. It could be taking themselves to the spa or having an expensive meal, but any type of pampering is ideal for them. Self-care is good for the soul, and in Taurus’ case, it’s a miracle cure for a bad mood.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

what puts gemini in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Gemini can sometimes be moody, so the best way for them to turn their frame of mind around is by surrounding themselves with friends or loved ones. Gemini loves to socialize, and being around people stimulates them, bringing them one step closer to feeling great again.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

what puts gemini in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

No matter how old Cancer gets, they are an old soul who gets nostalgic from time to time. So, the one way Cancer puts themselves in a good mood is by reliving fond memories. They are comfortable with all of their emotions, and remembering the happy times lets them see that happiness is achievable once again.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

what puts leo in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Leo loves to be center stage, so getting into a better mood means dressing up for everyone to see. They want to look sharp, all eyes on them! When other people look at them positively, it makes Leo feel incredible. It’s best that they buy a new outfit, get their hair done, and make sure they look on point.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

what puts virgo in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Virgo is never happier than when they have fixed something that leaves everyone else stumped. Maybe it’s a difficult mathematics problem, or a logical solution to a problem. Whatever it is, Virgo feels amazing once they have found the resolution, and are especially blown away by how impressed everyone else is.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

what puts libra in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Libra hates feeling down, so the best thing to improve their mood is a little bit of laughter. It’s difficult to stay upset when laughing! Libra will watch funny videos or just reminisce about fun times with their friends to put a smile on their own face.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

what puts scorpio in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Scorpio is a passionate zodiac sign, but to get out of a bad mood, they need to find a passion project. Maybe there’s a task they have been wanting to do for some time, and by giving it their all, that’s when they are truly happy. When they are focused, they are smiling from ear to ear.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

what puts sagittarius in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Sagittarius is very free-spirited, but that can overwhelm them from time to time. So, when they find themselves in a bad mood, talking to an older, wiser person helps put their troubles into perspective. Sagittarius will feel grateful for all the wonderful things they have, and their sour mood will turn around immediately.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

what puts capricorn in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

When Capricorn needs a mood elevator, making a detailed plan is sure to get them there, especially a plan that includes how they will make room for advancement in their life. When they prioritize what is most important to them, Capricorn will feel hopeful and happy.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

what puts aquarius in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

Aquarius is constantly working to make life better for their fellow humans, but sometimes they need to do something for themselves. And the best thing to get them in a good mood is to be out in nature. Whether it’s camping or walking on the beach, they can catch a breath and decompress.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

what puts pisces in a good mood ilonarepkina, Deadframe Works Images, Tais Bernabé via Canva

When Pisces performs such a small act of kindness, they begin to feel lighter almost immediately. That’s because, whether it’s a “good morning” to a stranger or giving money to an unhoused person, kindness also helps the giver. Everybody wants to be the kind of person who helps others, but Pisces takes it a step further in their quest for happiness.

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Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and frequent contributor to YourTango. She's had articles featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman's Day, among many others.
