Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week For April 17 - 23, 2023

Greatness of any kind will always come with risk.

zodiac signs' luckiest day of the week april 17 - 23, 2023 Pro-Stock Via Canva Pro

Your weekly horoscopes for the luckiest day of the week are here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs, April 17 - 24, 2023. Here's what is in store for you, including how to manifest your best life using the stars, astrology, and the magic of the cosmos.

This week, the Eclipse Portal opens! We are kicking off a series of endings and beginnings, bringing amazing power and opportunity your way. Luck is on your side, zodiac signs. This week, you see what you must give up to get what you want more than anything else.




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Eclipse season is a game-changer. It removes what you've outgrown to make space for magic to come in; it will. To make the most of this auspicious time, here's what day of the week will be your luckiest by zodiac sign!


Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week for April 17 - 23, 2023:


(March 21 - April 19)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

Open your eyes and see things as they are. Not seeing through wounds or doubt, not even through the fear that may still linger on the edges of your dreams. Open your eyes and see that certain things must be eclipsed from your life to keep moving ahead. You will need to release something to welcome the amazing.

This is a stroke of luck. This glimmer of hope helps you realize that the only thing you need to do now is to release what is no longer true for you. Release what is only taking up space and allow yourself to seize the magic of this new beginning.


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(April 20 - May 20)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

Return to your truth. Return to the space where you feel alive and know you can do anything, even if you must change everything. You are entering your zodiac season, where you will experience the brilliant bright Sun moving through your zodiac sign igniting a deep truth and calling for action.

Refuse to sit on your dreams and your passions and instead step into the realization that you hold the key to manifesting whatever your heart desires. The world is yours; own it.

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(May 21 - June 20)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

Your new beginning is coming, but for that to happen, you may have to adjust to some of the people surrounding you in your life. Your social group is always a hugely important part of your life. They are your family.

But you need to make sure that those surrounding you can help support you in the direction you want to go and are not distracting you from doing that. Ensure that those who support you truly do and the people you look for encouragement are headed in a similar direction. You have come too far to be held back by those who are jealous.

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(June 21 - July 22)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

The only thing you must do right now is to continually expand into all the spaces you have dreamed of occupying. Keep pursuing your dreams; the world will adjust. Things will figure themselves out somehow, but you deserve to be happy regardless of direction.

This provides both a beginning and an end in terms of a career or professional move, though it also may ripple out into your personal life. You must do what feels right for you and no one else. This entirely new chapter you are heading into will bring greater fulfillment, but only if you remember that you must come first.


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(July 23 - August 22)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

Do not be afraid to change your mind. Do not be afraid to shift gears or even perspectives. The more you allow yourself to try new things and take chances, the more you will define your truth. But there is a way of living that will be transitioning to something greater as you do. A piece of how you thought life would go or even what was important will have to die so the new you can be reborn. Regardless of how far-fetched an interest or opportunity seems, this week is yours to go for it — no regrets and no looking back.


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(August 23 - September 22)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

You deserve to light up from the inside. To be able not to feel trapped in being a certain person or even live a certain life. The only thing that limits you is your belief that you must be. You can have a life that is full of not just stability and love but adventure and meaning.

You worked so hard to get out of that box, never allowing yourself to think that certain things are not meant for you. As the Sun returns to Taurus this week, new ventures or experiences will become a top priority as you stretch your wings and discover how far you can fly.


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(September 23 - October 22)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

Lean into your safety. Your comfort and stability wrap you in the warmth of love. Allow yourself to transition out of your fear mindset and into one that is more trusting and will continue to support you in all the growth you hope to achieve within your life.

As the Sun returns to sensual Taurus, it is time to shift into greater security that all you have recently accomplished is safe to trust within. Nothing is lurking around the corner waiting to interrupt your cultivated happiness. Allow yourself to be open to receive by the brilliant Sun and trust that you are calling in everything you have always deserved.


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(October 23 - November 21)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

The big adventure might always seem to call to you, but you must also take care of the basics. Sometimes you can get so caught up in lofty ideas and feelings that you overlook what you genuinely need to make that happen. This week, focus on what you need to feel your best to live your best life.

The New Moon Eclipse in Aries helps you prioritize yourself, allowing you to focus on boundaries and peace and cultivating a life of feeling healthy and alive. This is where the source of all your energy comes from, where you help nourish yourself so that all those ideas and dreams can come to fruition.


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(November 22 - December 21)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

You have always known that you must create space to receive. It is not that you do not deserve to have it all, but to create that, you need to gain more clarity on what that means. Understanding the purpose of something, whether it be personal or professional, is something that you strive to do. Yet, ego can often get involved and have you making moves to satisfy it instead of the truth you are longing for.

This week, the Eclipse Portal opens, and there will be some major realizations about how you have been sabotaging your happiness by not creating the necessary space to receive it. Trust that whenever something is removed, it is always to create space for something better.


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(December 22 - January 19)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th


You deserve ease. You are worthy of simplicity and happiness. You should not have to struggle constantly, feel like you are always on edge, or even be judged by others. But this, of course, begins with yourself. While you can always strive for more, being happy with what you have is where it all begins. Recognizing why you must find joy and gratitude in life is yours to discover.

As the Sun returns to earthy Taurus this week, you may find that those things which seemed challenging only last week now no longer matter. When you focus more on the positive in your life, you will naturally appreciate more of what you already have.

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(January 20 - February 18)


The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

You are exactly where you are meant to be, meaning you are worthy of taking up space here. As you continue to look around, amazed at this new life that you have grown into, make sure that you allow yourself to take up all the space that is yours. Part of growing up is reminding yourself that your current life is nothing like anything you have had before, which means you do not need to make yourself small anymore.

You do not need to perfect a conversation before you have it or even tiptoe around the feelings of others. Instead, you can own your ability to be your full self which means trusting in yourself to have the conversations to help you get to that next level.

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(February 19 - March 20)

The luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 20th

When you know deep in your soul what you are worthy of, there is no stopping the power of attraction from manifesting in your life. But when you're in doubt, you interrupt that vibration. You deserve not just a life built on joy but one that is financially fruitful.

There is no rule that you must struggle to attain your highest dreams.  Instead, you can do both. You can always do both. This week the New Moon Aries Solar Eclipse shines a light on reminding you of who you are and what you are worth. You can feel built up and ready to take anything on, trusting that it is all meant for you.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.