The Happiest Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Happy
These happiest zodiac signs revel in life's simple pleasures.

When it comes down to the basic needs of a human being, the ultimate goal is simply happiness. To be content. To not be worried. We crave the peace and promise of happiness, and we spend lifetimes in pursuit of it. Some get it, and for others, the search never bears fruit.
Of course, happiness means something different to everyone. However, it's achievable by all. As Life Coach and Writer Debra Smouse explained in a YourTango article, "The secret to happiness — and living in a state of being happy — is to decide to BE happy. You accept it as fact and allow it to flow through you."
But if we've learned anything from astrology, there are those zodiac signs that seem as though they cannot be happy, no matter how hard they try; it's just in their nature. Perhaps they are burdened with self-doubt, or perhaps happiness seems a thing they can never participate in. It would make sense that the planets affect the simplest of human emotions and that depending on when we were born, we may or may not fall into the category of happy.
Here are the happiest zodiac signs, ranked from most to least happy.
1. Sagittarius
Without a doubt, Sagittarius is the happiest sign of them all. This comes as no surprise as Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, fortune and success — how could you not be happy with those themes being an innate part of your personality? Sagittarians come with this natural sense of adventure and freedom. When Sag feels bad, they have a built-in escape mechanism from the pain that lets them go right back to their happy place. Sagittarians are happy-go-lucky fools that are better off happy, foolish and unscathed by anything in this world.
2. Leo
Pretty much the same as Sagittarius, these folks are right up there with the happy kids. Ruled by the positive and bright Sun, Leo thirsts for positivity and always finds it, no matter what. While they might not be as completely able to magically remove sadness in the way that the magic Sag can, they are still one of the happiest signs of the zodiac.
3. Aries
Rounding out the fire signs, Aries is a fairly happy camper. They have a devil-may-care attitude and a tendency to crack jokes all the time, but they are not always satisfied with the people in their lives, and if it bothers them, they let that ruminating feeling go on and on. Usually, they snap out of bad moods quite easily as they consciously prefer to be happy and content.
4. Libra
Libra is of the "fake it 'til you make it" gang, and guess what? Faking it works! Libra has a gentle nature, and they want to go with the flow; they do their best to avoid conflict, though they certainly don't fear it. They'd just rather avoid it, and in doing so, they effectively create a state of happiness and contentment for themselves. Libra is a happy sign.
5. Pisces
Oddly enough, with all that sappy, emotional bloodletting that Pisces are known for, these are pretty happy people. Maybe it's because they cry so much... and I mean it. Maybe they've found that the secret to happiness is to not repress their feelings, which, in the long run, makes them very happy people.
6. Gemini
Gemini's dualistic nature allows them an open door to happiness whenever they so choose, especially when they're feeling down. Nobody can get out of a funk like Gemini; they seriously do not indulge in feeling bad. Gemini sees life as a choice — feel good about it, or bad. They always choose good.
7. Capricorn
Capricorn, ruled by the strict planet of Saturn, is not often thought of as one of the happiest zodiac signs. Rather, they're seen as stoic and cold. However, what keeps Capricorn happy is knowing that they have the freedom to fight for what they want. These are very free people, and they do not appreciate repression of any kind. So, they express themselves in many ways. Their expressive nature gives them a free pass to the state of happiness whenever and wherever they want it.
8. Scorpio
Those of you who fall under the sign of Scorpio already know that happiness is what you make of it, and nobody tries harder than Scorpio when it comes to personal contentment. You'll find them working out, staying fit, reading great books and eating properly, because so much of what makes Scorpio happy is found in physical attainments.
9. Taurus
Not altogether unsatisfied, Taurus wants to be happy — the only problem is that they continuously self-sabotage and end up hurting themselves. It's a curse, this self-destructive behavior, and Taureans themselves don't understand why they do it again and again. However, when Taurus does reach that state of super-happy, they are like the sun at midday: always shining.
10. Cancer
What keeps Cancer down is that they are never satisfied in the moment. Happiness is always a goal, something "over there," something to strive for. They do not settle into the now moment because they don't believe in the present, and so happiness is a fleeting notion that they rarely acquire. Cancers will benefit from remembering that ultimately happiness is a choice, if they just remember to choose it in the moments they are feeling down.
11. Aquarius
Unfortunately, Aquarians are fairly miserable people who tend to get it wrong every time. Schadenfreude is popular among Aquarians, which translates as finding joy in the misery of others. Aquarians are highly guarded and don't easily let others on to the emotions they're feeling. If Aquarius can just remember to let people in, they might find that they're able to experience happiness more often.
12. Virgo
Happiness is not allowed in the Virgo mentality. Virgo is the saddest, most personally miserable sign in the zodiac thanks to their criticalness. Virgos are known to be mean to both themselves and others, which, as you can imagine, can make it difficult to feel happiness. If Virgo can learn to turn their inner critic into an inner life coach, they'll have the chance to be truly happy.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.