Monthly Taurus Horoscope
Virgo season has initiated opportunities and hope for you as you navigate this new landscape. On the 1st, Uranus will retrograde in your sign and Pluto will enter Capricorn once more, shifting your attention to the discipline you have acquired when it comes to making dreams a reality.
The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd can help you feel more Venusian energy because the Sun in Virgo can enhance your romantic life. Mars will ingress the sign of Cancer on the 4th, making this a period to explore your self-expression.
The Sun will enter Libra on the 22nd, reminding you of the progress you have made. Venus in Scorpio on the same day will help heal your relationships while preparing you to explore new horizons that allow you to feel aligned and fulfilled. The month helps you to transform your relationships, so be more willing to adapt and listen to your partner.