Cancer Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships
To win Cancer's heart, you must prove how much you care.

Cancers are the most loving and caring zodiac signs in astrology. Born between June 21 to July 22, those with a Cancer Sun sign are nurturing, compassionate, and intuitive.
Cancer Compatibility: Overview
The Crab of the Zodiac will love you until the end of time, just so long as you don’t hurt their feelings. If that happens, even if you had no intention of hurting them, you will have to work hard to win them back.
Cancers can hang on to a hurt for an extremely long time, even when it looks like they’ve moved on. They can lash out if they feel emotionally sensitive around someone.
What makes a good or bad match for Cancer?
When Cancer is in a relationship, they are all in. They will do everything in their power to make that relationship healthy and long-lasting. They are selfless, committed, and caring.
Cancer doesn't want to disappoint anyone, least of all someone they love. When they let someone down, they tend to feel the pain, and have empathic abilities.
The intuition of Cancer can seem a bit woo-woo. How do they know what is going on with you before you do? They just do; they trust their gut, and, generally, it doesn't steer them in the wrong direction.
Their intuition is more than a hunch; it’s a directive. If they get the feeling that someone isn’t to be trusted, they won’t ignore it.
Cancer’s personality is extremely creative, and this zodiac sign has an incredible imagination. They are never boring, especially when it comes to showing their love. The Crab is also talented (both in the bedroom and outside of it), and has artistic abilities.
The problem is, with so many talents, it can be overwhelming for Cancer to know what to focus on.
Cancer Compatibility With Each Of The 12 Zodiac Signs
Not sure if you have good compatibility with Cancer? See where your zodiac sign stands.
Cancer and Aries
Love: On the surface, Cancer and Aries may not be a disastrous combination — they're both creative, enjoy doing things, and are very bright.
The problem is that Aries has issues with impulse control and can lash out. And if it's directed at a Cancer, it will not only hurt them, it's not likely they will get over it quickly.
It's not that Aries doesn't have a sensitive side — they definitely do, they just tend to be inwardly directed when it comes to being sensitive.
Sex: Cancer’s sexual relationships are deep, meaningful, and gentle, and they have a hard time opening up to new experiences in the bedroom, especially if it’s with someone they aren’t emotionally attached to. Aries, on the other hand, is unemotional and doesn’t consider intimacy their priority during sex.
However, if Aries and Cancer are attracted to one another, their sex life could blow them away.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: Cancers love to take their time with things (especially relationships) and make sure they're done right, while Aries is impatient and okay if something isn't perfect, as long as it's done fast.
Cancer and Aries are like two trains who are on parallel tracks: they join up for a while, and then split and go their separate ways. But a relationship is possible if both partners are willing to make certain changes.
Cancer and Taurus
Love: When Cancer and Taurus get together, there is usually a collective exhale as, finally, they've found their true partner.
Each sign is very sensual and enjoys all of their five senses, whether it be tasting delicious food, drinking wine, listening to great music, or enjoying art. They're sensitive and caring, especially to their loved ones.
Sex: Cancer and Taurus have a high sexual compatibility, as both want similar things from sex. Cancer wants tenderness and a close connection; Taurus wants their partner to feel physical pleasure and true satisfaction.
Each sign offers the other what they need most in sex: Cancer gives Taurus a sense of closeness, while Taurus is an encouraging force for Cancer to relax and trust.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: Cancer has a love of home, and Taurus has a love of making their homes beautiful and comfortable.
Both of these signs need security in a long-term relationship, and to be able to trust their partners. They both like to go slow, making sure they aren't too hasty in making a decision.
Cancer and Taurus are present for each other and won't stray, especially after they've made a commitment.
Cancer and Gemini
Love: Cancer and Gemini come from completely different places.
Cancers are emotional and Geminis are intellectual, which means it's hard for these two to understand each other, and understanding is exactly what Cancer craves most. Geminis tend to be restless and need intellectual challenges and new experiences, while Cancers are more about nesting and bonding.
Sex: While Gemini is perfectly fine with trying new things and experimenting during sex, Cancer prefers a tender touch.
The only way for these two signs to have a fulfilling sexual experience is if Gemini manages to calm Cancer down and connect with them on an emotional level. A positive experience depends on Gemini’s ability to communicate.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: In long-term relationships, Cancers tend to make Geminis feel smothered and fussed over as if they're the constant child in the relationship. When compared to the deeply caring Cancer, Gemini can come off as indifferent and callous.
While Cancers have their moments where they're social, they're practically a hermit when compared to the social butterfly that is Gemini, causing issues in a romantic relationship.
Cancer and Cancer
Love: You might think that this is the perfect match and, on some levels, Cancer and Cancer are extremely compatible. The tricky part of a relationship between two Cancers is how much sensitivity is involved.
Their relationship can become a breeding ground for resentment, grudges, misunderstanding, hurt, and emotional upheaval. Not everyone responds to emotional stress in the same way, and if Cancer thinks their partner isn't understanding them, they get even more upset.
Sex: The benefit of sex between two Cancers is that they both want the same thing: tender touch and intimacy. If these two connect on a deep emotional level, a healthy sex life is completely possible.
However, sex based primarily on emotion disregards physical pleasure, meaning things could become boring. Experimentation is needed here, as is an open mind to adding something new.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: With such a shared compassionate disposition, two Cancers in a marriage or relationship are built to last, as long as they learn to not make everything an issue, and brush things off and let them go; if not, they could be setting themselves up for long-lasting acrimony and bad feelings.
Two Cancers together should also be sure to keep their relationship exciting, as boredom can set in after some time.
Cancer and Leo
Love: A relationship between these two signs could work, but both parties would have to make an effort.
Leo and Cancer are both dramatic in their own way — Cancer is highly sensitive and needy, and Leo loves attention and needs reassurances to keep their confidence up. Leos are powerful people who don’t shy away from confrontation. Cancers, on the other hand, are sensitive and don't like feeling conquered.
Sex: With two strong personalities, a fulfilling sex life just may not be in the cards for this pair. Both are emotional signs, especially during sex, but Leo’s excess of passion may make Cancer feel uncomfortable.
Cancer wants a sensual and soft experience, and Leo’s personality may just be too intense. However, both signs can improve their experience by being open and listening to the needs of one another.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: In a long-term partnership, both signs are loyal and are committed to their relationships.
Cancer and Leo are creative, intelligent, and warmhearted. Each brings strength to their relationship, as well as love and warmness, spreading both to one another.
And if they can find their groove, this relationship has a potential to be filled with passion and romance.
Cancer and Virgo
Love: The relationship between Cancer and Virgo gets better and intensifies over time.
Cancer is everybody's shoulder to cry on, and Virgo is the one they go to fix things; together, Cancer and Virgo make everything better for everyone. Their differences fit together well, and their similarities further strengthen their bond.
Sex: When this Earth sign and Water sign get together in bed, there is a huge possibility of a mind-opening sexual experience.
Though Virgo isn’t seen as an emotional sign, during sex, they give into their feelings and embrace their emotional state of mind. As long as Cancer is patient and willing to guide their Virgo partner through an emotional experience, their differences make for something wonderful.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: Both signs will go slow and really get to know each other before getting serious, as neither likes to make mistakes and thoroughly think their choices through first.
Virgo and Cancer are both very good at communicating with each other, even though Virgo is more logical and analytical than perceptive and intuitive Cancer. Virgo also isn't as openly emotional as Cancer, and Cancer could have better organizational skills, but these aren't deal breakers.
Cancer and Libra
Love: Cancer and Libra really aren’t a great pairing. They can be friends, but may have some disagreements and fights.
Cancer doesn't understand why Libras act from their heads instead of their hearts, and Libras find Cancers a little too easily distracted. Cancers are cautious while Libras (for all their thinking) can be gullible and easily influenced.
Sex: There is a good chance of high sexual compatibility if Cancer and Libra have a connection deeper than just a physical attraction. Otherwise, sex between them doesn’t have a spark of passion, and Libra’s need for speed can’t get past Cancer’s desire for intimacy and an emotional experience.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: In long-term relationships or marriage, Cancer’s emotions can cause major issues. When Cancer gets too emotional, Libra feels uncomfortable and will try to distance themselves out of a sense of not knowing what to do to help.
These two are at cross-purposes. It's not that they can't get along or don't like each other, they just don't understand why the other does what they do. There are a lot of misunderstandings, so to avoid too much aggravation, they're probably better off not getting romantically involved.
Cancer and Scorpio
Love: Cancer and Scorpio just... work! These two Water signs are both extremely intuitive, sexual and faithful.
Together, Cancer and Scorpio are able to focus and pool their energies into achieving whatever they want. They have a lot of things in common such as music, books, and movies, so there is never a shortage of things to talk about.
Sex: Scorpio is the most sexual of all the zodiac signs, but Cancer has a deep understanding of Scorpio's sexual disposition.
Since Cancer is all about intimacy during sex, they are more than open to Scorpio’s need to express their innermost emotions. As long as Scorpio remains open to being their true selves during sex, both partners can have a great connection.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: Cancer and Scorpio have all the makings of a fantastic relationship.
Cancer's more possessive qualities will help Scorpio feel secure in the relationship, and Scorpio's intensity will help light Cancer's passion. Cancer may be more of an open book since Scorpios tends to be more closed off, but it's that mystery that keeps Cancer intrigued.
Both signs are willing to dedicate their lives to making the other happy and satisfied.
Cancer and Sagittarius
Love: If Cancer is attracted to Sagittarius, it might be better for them to just keep it a crush and not pursue a relationship.
Fire sign Sagittarius can be clueless and easily hurt Cancer's feelings without being aware of it. Cancer may be attracted to Sagittarius' intelligence, sense of humor, and optimism, but the two signs ultimately don't go together well.
Sex: In a sexual relationship, Cancer struggles to understand Sagittarius’ lack of need for any emotion, and their desire for constant change. A satisfying relationship can’t be achieved unless both are willing to shed the qualities that hold them back and let go of preconceived notions of one another.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: What does Cancer prize almost above anything? A secure and stable home life. And Sagittarius doesn't want to be tied down.
If they're in a committed relationship, Sagittarius will still need to feel independent, which could cause Cancer to feel abandoned. Cancer would love to hear about Sagittarius' adventures but, for the most part, they wouldn't want to join them.
Cancer and Capricorn
Love: On one hand, Cancer and Capricorn might be a good match.
These sister signs both like to have a strong foundation, tend to put family first, and are surprisingly creative. However, when compared to the moody and emotional Cancer, Capricorn can come off as cold and unemotional.
Sex: These opposing signs will find a high level of passion in between the sheets.
Capricorns can be emotional, despite their stereotype of being indifferent, and Cancer’s need for emotional depth in a sexual relationship matches well with this. Both are serious about sex, and their differences are what bring them close together.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: There's a great deal of mutual respect between these two but, unfortunately, sometimes a union between them can come off as more business-like than romantic.
They are both very determined, protective of what is theirs, and hardworking, so they do share similar attitudes regarding their life goals. A relationship has a strong possibility of lasting if they find a place of understanding.
Cancer and Aquarius
Love: It would be very difficult for Water sign Cancer and Air sign Aquarius to make a connection.
Cancers are very emotionally demonstrative, and they take their feelings seriously. Cancers need to talk about every nuance of what they're feeling, and Aquarius aren't that receptive to other people's emotions. It's not that Aquarius doesn't care, but emotional displays make them extremely uncomfortable.
Sex: There is just no chance of Cancer and Aquarius having a healthy, fulfilling sexual encounter.
Sensitive Cancer and complex Aquarius want different things from sex, causing a major level of stress that cannot be overcome. Cancer also desires an emotional connection, while Aquarius can only find stimulation through intellect.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: While Aquarians are great thinkers, they sometimes don't think before they speak and can say hurtful things without meaning it.
If Cancer spent enough time with Aquarius, they might learn to become a little more guarded and less vulnerable, but at some point, their emotions will come out, probably in a messy way. Aquarians also like to do things just to see what happens, which could backfire and cause Cancer distress.
Cancer and Pisces
Love: These two softies are the emotional equivalent of peanut butter and jelly. They're sensitive, compassionate, romantic, and caring. They both have their moods, their creativity, and selflessness in common.
Cancer is enough of a creative person that they can understand Pisces' artistic sensibilities and will develop a real appreciation for Pisces’ work. Much like a sponsor and an artist of days gone by, Cancer will make sure Pisces gets the recognition and compensation they deserve.
Sex: With an emotional connection as strong as Pisces and Cancer’s, sex between them is deep, intense and intimate.
Where Pisces brings creativity and inspiration, Cancer balances it with their giving nature. And despite their shortcomings and differences, these two signs are able to let go of what holds them back.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: One person in their relationship needs to be an adult, pay the bills and do all the unpleasant things of life, but it shouldn't always have to be Cancer, even though Cancer is the more grounded and responsible of the two.
If they could remain together in some fantasy world, they would. The problem is that they tend to share the same flaws, so when the cold light of day interrupts their lovefest, it’s jarring.
What sign is Cancer attracted to?
While Taurus and Capricorn are great matches for Cancer, the Crab tends to be most attracted to Scorpio.
Scorpio’s mysterious nature and passion are intriguing for Cancer, who find these traits to be complete turn-ons. Cancer is also mesmerized by Scorpio’s matched emotional nature and their undying level of loyalty.
What is a Cancer's soulmate?
Virgo is analytical and Cancer is sentimental, but Cancer can find a once-in-a-lifetime soulmate match with Virgo.
The two have the utmost respect, understanding and love in a romantic relationship, and can openly communicate, keeping in mind one another’s sensitivity.
Who is Cancer sexually compatible with?
As well as being romantically compatible, Cancer is sexually compatible with Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, as well as fellow Water signs Scorpio and Pisces.
Overall, Cancer has highly emotional sex with Pisces, and fulfilling sex with Taurus, who understands Cancer’s needs the most.
What is a female Cancer's best match?
For a Cancer woman, their best match is a Scorpio man.
Scorpio’s aggressive energy matches well with Cancer’s more mellow nature. Simply put, they balance one another out, have the same values placed in their home life, and communicate well.
With Cancer compatibility, you can't just rely on a horoscope or even your Sun sign to determine whether or not you have a chance. It’s important to remember that there are exceptions to the rules, and getting a more accurate picture of love compatibility means paying attention to your other placements.
Consider getting a full natal chart reading for a better understanding of how well your unique personality matches with others.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram.