Why Are Sagittarius So Independent?

Charmed, I'm sure.

Why Are Sagittarius So Independent? Kosinskaya Tatyana/Shutterstock.com

Nothing says I'm a Sagittarius like Miley Cyrus singing the song 'Midnight Sky".

A strong need to be free is what defines the Sagittarius zodiac sign. 

Sagittarius is so independent. They have to do their own thing or else unhappiness sets in.

Born between November 22-December 21, Sagittarius is an independent zodiac sign who is complex and multifaceted. They love to travel and to make friends. Everything that they do requires that there be no strings attached.


Why are Sagittarius so independent?

When you learn that there is so much about life to explore, you want to experience it right away.

Sagittarians love to learn about life and each day is an opportunity to discover something new.

They hate to feel stuck in one place or mindset for too long.

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Sagittarians value their independence. They are free spirits who are unafraid to travel and explore the world.

They love to test their strength with physical adventures. They are independent thinkers, who explore life through their ideas.

What is it about this zodiac sign that makes them so independent?

Read on to find out why Sagittarius is so independent, per astrology:


1. Sagittarius loves to explore.

If you ever want a travel buddy or need a friend who brings out the best in you, find a Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is the manic pixie dream girl of the zodiac charming the awkward and emotionally stunted into becoming bolder.

Sagittarius is very independent and won’t let themselves be held back.

If you've made friends with a Sag, you have to learn how to keep up with their quick-moving minds and spirits.

2. Sagittarius is courageous.

Sagittarius's archetype is the centaur.

Sagittarius’ symbol is a centaur, half-horse, and half-human.

Their beast half allows Sagittarius to tap into their primal side.

They have strong instincts and seek pleasure while their human half creates an intellectual, curious layer that gives deeper meaning to their concrete worlds.


Sagittarius wants to find joy and passion in their lives. They are curious natured.

Their zodiac sign's mutability gives them the courage to try new things.

They enjoy exercising both mind and body allowing for adventures to take many shapes of those ideas or activities.

Sagittarius’ boldness inspires others to want to be more of a free spirit like them.

2. Sagittarius is lucky.

They are ruled by Jupiter which is the luckiest planet in astrology. When you're lucky you don't mind taking a few risks.

This allows Sagittarius to explore their potential. Plus, Jupiter is also about growth, and Sagittarius loves to grow their mind.

Sagittarius is philosophical.


The human half of the centaur Sagittarius inclines them to think deeply about meaning.

They do everything they do with purpose, and their curiosity makes them explore new possibilities and ideas.

3. Sagittarius is culturally aware.

Their zodiac sign rules the ninth astrology house which is about religion and world culture.

Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter in association with the Greek god Zeus.

Jupiter focuses on big picture ideas making Sagittarius think in terms of the grand scheme of things.

Their constant quest for joy in life not only makes them adventurous in spirit but also in their minds.

Sagittarius wants to find the meaning behind everything they and others do.


They will think deeply to search for that meaning until satisfied with an answer that resonates with them.

4. They have mutable fire energy.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign born at the end of fall/the beginning of winter.

This modality and element emphasize the ever-changing nature of life allowing Sagittarius to be easily adaptable.

Mutable signs are born at the end of seasons, so change comes very naturally to them.

The fire element is formless and always oscillating, again, causing innate adaptability.

Sagittarius’ pliancy is admirable to more set-in-their-ways zodiac signs.

Sagittarius is not only intellectually smart but life smart because of their quick thinking and flexibility.


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5. Sagittarius is honest.

Sagittarius does not beat around the bush, they see no use in wasting time with mind games or passive aggression.

Their fire element makes Sagittarius direct, so they face life head-on and are unafraid to speak their minds.

Sagittarius does not mind rocking the boat because they know that the ultimate truth comes from individuals’ honesty.

Their strong emphasis on truth and answers in life causes them to apply these grand ideas in smaller ways like never telling a lie.

This attitude can jostle other zodiac signs at times, but those others also admire Sagittarius’ candor.


6. Sagittarius is creative.

The specific centaur that Sagittarius is based on in Greek mythology is named Chiron.

Chiron is the Wounded Healer who is also known for music and medicine, to name a couple.

This mythological symbol highlights Sagittarius’ creativity, they enjoy making things beautiful and good.

Their search for new ideas allows Sagittarius to think outside the box.

They will come up with new and interesting ways to look at things as well as in the creation of things.

Sagittarius is a jack of all trades.

They like to try out different media for art and are good at most new things that they set their minds to.

This creativity done with such heart puts so much beauty and charm into the world dazzling all who get to experience Sagittarius’ creations.


7. Sagittarius is optimistic.

Seeking eternal truths can make many develop a pessimistic view of life with the realization that there is so much innate pain in being alive.

But all of that pain is recognizable because it is balanced with so much joy and love, also natural and fundamental aspects of life.

Sagittarius chooses to look at the brighter side of this duality.

Their understanding of ends as the potential for new beginnings is in itself an optimistic perspective on the world.

If a Sagittarius is dissatisfied with their current position, they are unafraid of change.

They will make a change for the betterment of themselves and the people around them.


Their optimism is infectious making Sagittarius a wonder to behold, and certainly, a zodiac sign all can learn from.

8. Sagittarius is knowledgeable.

When you try new things and travel, you learn that the world allows room for growth.

Sagittarians have an allure about them that emulates cultural awareness and emotional intelligence.

9. Sagittarians are blunt.

This zodiac sign is known for its honest communication style.

To speak your mind, it requires a willingness to stand on your own two feet.

Sagittarius’ unique understanding of the world makes others want to listen to what they have to say.

Their wealth of experience comes from doing many things that others are too afraid to try.


RELATED: Why Is Sagittarius So Special?


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Colleen Fogarty is a writer who covers self-care, astrology, and related topics.
