Zodiac Signs With The Most (And Least) Luck In Life

Was your sign born under a lucky star?

lucky woman zodiac Dean Drobot, YASNARADA / Canva; Codioful / Pexels; nambitomo from Getty Images

Whether it's getting out of a speeding ticket, playing winning lottery numbers, or being in the right place at the right time, luck comes in many different forms. And many people constantly question how lucky they are. 

But luck isn't something you should always depend on. Luck won't protect you from getting in trouble or paying the price, only you can do that. But astrology certainly helps.


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Here's how lucky (or unlucky) each zodiac sign is in life

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

how lucky is aries Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Aries is lucky in the way that they make opportunities for themselves. In essence, they make their own luck. Aries don't depend on a mystical magical force to make good things happen; rather, they do what needs to be done and reap the rewards.

Aries wouldn't mind a lucky break but they aren’t counting on one, as they believe only they are in charge of creating success. "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” is their favorite saying.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

how lucky is taurus Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Taurus don't put much faith in luck because they have more bad luck than good. But they are survivors, and no matter how bad a break they experienced in the past, they are able to turn it around to work in their favor.

It's Taurus’ incredible strength of will that makes them persevere no matter the unlucky things that have happened. They have everything they need to make a good life for themselves, and that doesn't include a lucky rabbit's foot!

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

how lucky is gemini Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Gemini learned a long time ago not to depend on their luck, but to depend on their wits. Gemini is considered one of the luckier zodiac signs, and are intelligent, driven, and cunning enough to handle any challenge or obstacle that comes their way.

Though Gemini isn’t quite as lucky as other signs, it’s a good thing for them. Gemini is all about change and persuasion, and by a lack of luck, they would never be able to tell their stories that win them so many admirers.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

how lucky is cancer Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Even though they can't always see it, Cancer is truly lucky; in fact, they are one of the luckiest zodiac signs in all of astrology! They get all kinds of serendipitous breaks and opportunities that most people don't.

Most people don't find money in the street nor do they win a jackpot like Cancer seems to. But their lucky streaks are a reminder that they should be grateful for all their good fortune, and to share the wealth with those around them.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

how lucky is leo Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Leo isn’t especially lucky, but it seems as if everything they touch turns to gold. Leos are lucky in the way that they have an innate sense of who they are and what they can accomplish. They don't need a lucky star because they are the star.

Leo is the one who is running the show. And if they do experience any bad luck, they find a way to turn it into a positive, using it to help them succeed in an even more glorious way.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

how lucky is virgo Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Virgo has never been someone to depend on luck because they have never had much. Everything they have is from their gifts of learning and focus. But by not taking the easy way out of any situation, Virgo has turned themselves into an incredible person, and that’s lucky enough.

While they might not be that lucky, people feel lucky to know Virgo. This zodiac sign enriches the lives of everyone around them, and it brings Virgo joy to do so.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

how lucky is libra Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Libra is extremely lucky, but they don't take it for granted. Libra’s luck has helped to give them a positive outlook on the world and their life. They try to see the good in every situation, and that attitude plays out in wonderful ways, in all aspects of life.

Because Libra knows they are luckier than most zodiac signs, they try to pay it forward whenever they can. Whether it’s something small like buying an item for the person behind them in line, or sharing a lottery ticket win with others, Libra wants to give as much as they have been given.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

how lucky is scorpio Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

It's easy to assume that because of Scorpio’s sometimes-pessimistic attitude, they haven't been too lucky in life. But that's simply not true. Scorpio is quite lucky, especially in terms of manifesting what they want.

If they put their mind to it, there’s not much Scorpio can’t attain. Whether it’s making more money, going on vacation, or buying a new pair of sold-out shoes, they somehow always get what they want.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

how lucky is sagittarius Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Sagittarius is an incredibly lucky zodiac sign! It doesn't matter if they are traveling in a foreign country or at home, they just seem to attract good fortune. Who else gets upgraded hotel rooms, free swag, and special favors out of the blue?

Sagittarius seems to attract good luck like bees to honey, which is an amazing thing to happen to them. This sign likes to push their luck sometimes, so it’s good to know they have the universe on their side.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

how lucky is capricorn Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

While Capricorn may not always have luck on their side, they should consider themselves incredibly lucky with money. It’s like they are increasing their wealth from completely unexpected sources, like a distant relative who passed away and left an inheritance.

But Capricorn is also lucky in that they know what to do with an unexpected dividend. They don't spend large amounts of money in a short period of time; rather, they save it and let it earn interest. Capricorn doesn't depend on luck, but they are happy when you have good fortune every now and again.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

how lucky is aquarius Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Aquarius isn’t the luckiest person in the world and has had many challenges thrown at them. But Aquarius is a fighter and won’t let anything get them down. They may not get any breaks from the universe, but they take what they get and use it to their advantage.

Because Aquarius is incredibly creative, they turn around bad luck and make it into something resembling good fortune. Not having continuous good luck just makes them more innovative and determined.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

how lucky is pisces Eduard Litvinov, Dirtyline Studio and Ibnu Hasan / Canva

Pisces is extremely lucky, but they are so used to having things go their way that they don’t always appreciate it. They get everything they want, whether it's because they just have an innate sense of how to get it or because they are guided by unseen forces.

Pisces needs to believe they deserve their good fortune, and that the luckiest thing of all is the inspiration they receive from it. Because without it, they may as well be just another unlucky zodiac sign.

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Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and frequent contributor to YourTango. She's had articles featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman's Day, among many others. 
