Specific Effects Of Pluto In Aquarius On Each Zodiac Sign Throughout 2024
The Pluto in Aquarius transit happens once every 248 years.

Pluto is the ruler of the underworld, the planet that governs all that is often hidden below the surface. This represents your truth, desires, and sometimes, even identity, all of which will experience change during Pluto in Aquarius from 2024 until 2043.
Pluto is ruthless in its pursuit of the truth, but only because it knows it is the basis of complete transformation. Although Pluto rules all that is below the surface of life or consciousness, it doesn't just seek to have you become aware of the truth but to use it to create the changes necessary so you can embody more of who you are.
Pluto in Aquarius meaning
While Pluto in Capricorn felt heavy and carried with it a great deal of trudging through the monotony and societal rules to make headway, Aquarius is air energy. It inspires freedom and greater space in your life. Things will seem less challenging and hard, and with you also being able to honor more of your authentic nature, you will be able to make greater, more pronounced changes with Pluto in Aquarius.
Depending on where this energy affects you explicitly, know that you will begin a new alchemical process of listening to your soul more deeply. While Pluto tends to transform events more slowly, it will be felt especially strongly in the first few months of 2024, so don't hold back from embracing your divine destiny.
Important dates for Pluto In Aquarius 2024
Photo: sparklestroke and DEBZ / Canva
January 20 - May 2, 2024
Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20 and will be direct in this new zodiac sign for most of the first few months of the year.
While Pluto in Aquarius energy will differ depending on where this energy shows up in your chart, the idea here is to break away from something you've realized finally is no longer in alignment with you. Pluto deals with buried or hidden desires and truth, and Aquarius is an air sign that wants to get things out into the light of day so that they can be acknowledged and embraced. Although Pluto tends to be an intense planet, in Aquarius, the energy will feel lighter. Instead of feeling bogged down in the earthly realm as it was in Capricorn, it will encourage greater freedom and opportunities.
May 2 - September 1, 2024
Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius from May 2 to September 1, 2024, giving you the chance to process what was brought up or identified at the beginning of the year.
Pluto makes dramatic changes, but unlike Uranus, it is done slowly. Sometimes, so slowly, you may not realize what you've accomplished or been through until after you can look back at it. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius is best used to reflect on what truths you are embracing and those you are still trying to suppress or deny.
September 1 - October 11, 2024
September is when things get interesting, as Pluto will return to Capricorn for the last time in your lifetime.
Pluto in Capricorn was all about helping you realize what was no longer working, allowing you to identify whether you were being motivated by obligations or, instead, the truth of your soul. Now that Pluto will return to Capricorn, it is your divine test from the universe and the chance to tie up any remaining loose ends from the previous chapter in your life.
October 11 - November 19, 2024
Pluto was direct in Capricorn at the end of 2023 and now it will be again, except it is not only for a very short time, but also the last time you will ever work with this energy.
Make sure that you are honoring yourself, your truth and your talents during this time. This means being able to put yourself first, prioritizing your dreams, and being authentic in your conversations with others. Although Pluto is in Capricorn, this is your chance to show to the universe that you have learned the lessons you were meant to and that you are ready to progress to the next level of your life.
November 19 - March 8, 2043
Pluto permanently moves into Aquarius on November 19, where it will remain until March 2043.
This is an incredibly poignant period in your life as you are now fully in this new phase, which also means all that has occurred since 2008 is now behind you. You should be able to see where you've grown and have more of a concrete idea of how speaking your truth, embracing unconventionality, and opening yourself up to the universe allow more opportunities and freedom.
Think of Pluto in Aquarius as finally being able to live the results of the lesson learned while it was in Capricorn as you honor your inner self and embrace the life meant for you.
2024 Pluto In Aquarius horoscopes for all zodiac signs
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Wishes, Community, and Social Support
Aquarius energy governs your social sector, known for its themes of community, friendships, and the support that you receive from those that surround you. This area of your life is also known as your house of wishes and one of the few places that carries a theme of relationships or partnerships. When you change how you interact with others, you also create a space for profound growth and expansion within your life.
With the North Node in your sign of Aries through 2025, you can expect big changes in who you choose to surround yourself with. This means that while moving or a new career may be looming, ultimately, the biggest change you can make to your life is in who you spend your time with. Whether it's a friendship or romantic relationship, the connections you invest within ultimately determine how big you dream — and your ability to create whatever you wish.
Pluto in Aquarius theme dor 2024: Success, Career, and Purpose
While Pluto and Jupiter, for that matter, moved through earth signs of Capricorn and Taurus respectively, you felt greater ease in your life. Even if others felt challenged by the deep earth energy, there was comfort or a feeling of being able to know what to expect, which brought you security. Yet, a big part of your journey recently has been to learn to create an inner sense of security so that you don't miss out on the opportunities the universe has in store for you.
As Pluto shifts into Aquarius, it highlights your career sector, which means that through this next phase, you will go through profound and meaningful changes. Whether you change paths altogether or return to school or work to become more successful, this new chapter will be about embracing your talent and gifts. Don't worry if it feels all unknown right now, but instead, trust that everything that occurs is divinely sent to help you achieve success in all the ways you desire.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Luck, Freedom, and Abundance
You are preparing to enter one of the most amazing and expansive phases of your life, not only because Pluto shifts into Aquarius but also because Jupiter will enter your sign of Gemini in 2024. After a period of immense healing and abnormal solitude, you are ready to get back out into the world and bring to fruition every dream you've ever had.
Aquarius energy rules the luckiest part of your life and also carries themes of abundance, travel and education. Part of Pluto's magic is being able to help you tune into what you really want or what is within yourself so that you can make the most of each opportunity. Pluto in Aquarius will help you move beyond the limitations or restrictions in your life so that you can not only feel more expansive but also create the abundance you've always desired.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Transformation, Partnership, and Connection
Pluto in Aquarius is incredibly impactful for you, as its time in Capricorn represented a complete overhaul of your romantic relationship. If you did not experience a significant break-up in the previous phase of Pluto in Capricorn, consider yourself lucky as many did. But, if you are still together, it also means that the relationship has been able to transform into something new and different.
Aquarius energy represents the ability to transform, create a significant life partnership, and help you feel more connected to yourself and your relationship. With Pluto here, especially after its time in your romantic sector, you are being encouraged not to slow down. While you should focus more of your energy on peace, you also need to keep surrendering to the process of change and challenge yourself to try new things. Often, what feels most aligned with your soul is also what you never expected.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Love, Autonomy, and Self-Expression
There have already been clues of change moving through your life as you have begun questioning what it is you really want or that fits the way you want to love. As Pluto shifts into Aquarius in 2024, there is finally the opportunity to tune into your soul and truly embrace the love and relationship that honors your truth the most.
Pluto in your romantic sector always brings a sense of transformation, truth, and the ability to figure out what works best for you. You may explore the idea of untraditional relationships or marriage. This might include retaining the feeling of independence, autonomy and the ability to live life however you dream. The most important aspect of Pluto in Aquarius is to keep an open mind and make sure that there aren't any old wounds from the past that could lead you to shut down on a chance for love.
Pluto In Aquarius Theme For 2024: Well-being, Routines, and Determination
Everything is set to change, and with Saturn in Pisces, ruler of your romantic sector, you are also feeling ready and more committed to the process at hand. While there is a romantic transformation already occurring within your life, you are preparing to move into a new era where you are putting yourself first and taking care of yourself in all the ways that you need to feel like your best self.
Although it is always coated in love and the best of intentions, you can often put yourself on the back burner and allow yourself to prioritize taking care of others or their healing. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, you will be given the opportunity to honor your truth about what you need to feel your best. This might be changing up your daily schedule, working from home, starting a new breathwork routine or devoting more time to focus on your needs. Pluto in Aquarius may have you step into a new routine, but ultimately, it will allow you to feel as if you are finally and fully embracing your truth.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Commitment, Joy, and Childhood
It's time to get back to basics and what it is that lights you up from the inside. Aquarius energy governs over your house of commitment, which can be marriage, your sense of happiness and the children that surround you as well as your inner child. As Pluto shifts into Aquarius, this is a time of purging and reconnecting with who you were so that you can lead the life that has always been meant for you.
As Pluto shifts into Aquarius, you may find that your happiness becomes more of a priority, and while it may bring up significant relationship themes, ultimately, what you genuinely want to commit to is creating a life of joy. This may also be an important time for inner child healing, especially as it connects to what you had dreamed or enjoyed doing as a child. Remember that sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is reclaim your childlike wonder and start to believe in anything possible.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Freedom, Authenticity, and Healing
While Pluto in Aquarius generally represents a time of freedom for everyone, for you, it hits home quite literally. Aquarius energy governs over your sector of home, family and healing, which means as this energy begins to filter into your life, you can also expect dramatic changes that allow you the freedom and ability to not only be who you want but to live wherever you feel called to.
Generally, Pluto in Aquarius will bring changes to your physical home, but it's all to help you live more authentically and freely. There may be some unconventional themes that are present, as Aquarius rarely resides in any box. Still, ultimately, there will be a new arrangement or solution that is able to benefit everyone involved. Try to focus on setting the stage for what you hope will occur and let yourself remain open to the surprises the universe has in store for you.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Truth, Communication, and Transparency
As a fire sign, you are known for being passionate and driven when it comes to the truth. Often, how you express yourself or the agreements you make can lack the thing you are so ambitious to create. To pursue the truth also means that you are committed to speaking and living yourself. While it's often a tumultuous path to arrive there, it will always lead you back to your truest self.
Pluto in Aquarius governs over your sector of communication, self-talk and the agreements that you make with others. While in Capricorn, you learned what is of the most value to yourself and what it means to live from a place of worthiness. Now is your time to draw the line in the sand on what you will accept and what you want. The clearer you are with others and the universe, the greater ease you will find in creating this new authentic chapter of your life.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Self-Worth, Finances, and Value
Since 2008, Pluto has been in Capricorn, which has resulted in a complete change. Not just in who you are, but in every single facet of your life. This is the magic of Pluto. If you look back to what was going on in your life at that time, you likely wouldn't have been able to imagine you'd be where you are now. While self-growth is a lifelong process, you are now entering an easier phase of life, which means there will also be more opportunities to enjoy it.
Pluto in Aquarius will highlight themes of finances, self-worth, and value in your life. Not only will you be asked to rise in what you deserve from others and life, but you will be creating an era of greater financial wealth as you do so. What you think you deserve is often what you will attract, and in this space in your life, it's also about focusing on not just the wealth you deserve but on the quality moments with those who mean the most to you.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Self-Growth, Magnetism, and Attraction
It's your time, Aquarius, and that has never been truer as Pluto shifts into your zodiac sign. In Capricorn, Pluto led you on a deep healing journey where you learned to trust yourself more explicitly so that you could also know intuitively where the divine was leading you. In this phase of your life, as much as you were able to create wonderful things, it was also one of hard work and, at times, struggle.
As Pluto shifts into Aquarius and lights up your sense of self, authenticity, and truth, you will begin to attract all that is meant for you magnetically. While this will still be a season of growth, it's more about learning how to use your wings rather than realizing you even had them to begin with. Remain mindful of the themes of ease and the power of attraction so that you can truly put yourself in the prime space to genuinely draw everything that's meant for you into your life.
Pluto in Aquarius theme for 2024: Intuition, Dreams, and Self-Validation
There's a little bit of Aquarius in you, especially as you do tend to like to do your way at times and have been known to dance to the beat of your drum. You can work with the energy of Pluto in Aquarius much more easily than that in Capricorn, which often felt like you had to do everything a certain way, which is never a theme that you do well with. As you move from one era to another, it's important to remember that what you've learned can never be taken away.
Aquarius energy governs the deepest part of your chart that rules the subconscious, which means that while you are already highly intuitive, your gifts will likely be increased. This will lead to a stronger connection with spirit and the divine, allowing you to visualize the life that you want to create truly. You were always born to go in a different direction than others and live a unique life, and now you are finally being set free to do just that.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.