What Love Horoscopes Will Be Like For Leo Zodiac Signs In 2024
Let love be an adventure.

To attract the love that is meant for you, you first must be yourself, which means no longer trying to do what looks right or good to others but instead resonates with the very depths of your soul. You have been building momentum toward taking your romantic life in a new direction as you've learned to honor the inner voice within, but now, as a new year begins, you will be directed to become serious about the process required to step into your romantic fate.
The eclipse cycle in Aries and Libra will dominate much of 2024, focusing on receiving new opportunities for expansion. While these may not at first seem to carry romantic hope in them, it's important to remain open to whatever arises, as you may meet or encounter the experience destined to bring fulfillment and growth while participating in a career opportunity or trip for pleasure.
Remember that the more you surrender to the process of change within your life, the more you will inevitably release how you think something will look when it arrives or your expectations surrounding it. This is what allows you to meet new romantic partners or look at an existing one with fresh eyes and a willingness to let the relationship lead you instead of the other way around.
Saturn, the ruler of boundaries and karmic lessons, is setting up a home in Pisces, ruler of your sector of transformation, intimacy and the possibility of attracting a significant life partner. This is all good news for you, but it's also a sign that to create the relationship you desire, you're going to need to get serious about what you genuinely want.
Try to practice acceptance if the universe guides you away from an ex or situationship in the coming year, as you will need to shed those aspects of comfort to be able to let the year become all that truly it's meant to be. When you embrace new chances with hope and excitement for what's to come, you also can create a space where love can show up and sweep you off your feet.
2024 Leo love horoscopes
Best Love Day: Saturday, January 20
Practice Caution On: Thursday, January 25
Get ready to start the new year with some dramatic shifts as Pluto shifts into Aquarius, highlighting changing romantic structures and patterns. Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, has been in Capricorn for the last thirteen years, encouraging you to focus more on your well-being and learning about what you do and do not need in a relationship.
Now, as it shifts into Aquarius, as it shifts into Aquarius, you will start being able to embrace new and exciting developments in your relationship, whether it's discovering the unique commitment meant for you or meeting someone who represents all you've dreamed of; anything is possible now.
The Full Moon in Leo rises in January, and while it can boast good luck in other areas of your life, be mindful of your emotions during this time, as you may be prone to unnecessary risk-taking. A full Moon brings things to a head, so if you notice the feeling of bubbling over or becoming more explosive, try to take some time for yourself or open a path of honest communication with your partner. You don't ever have to be perfect to receive the love you desire, but you do want to make sure you're in the place to try your best.
Best Love Day: Monday, February 5
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, February 6
In February, truthfully, there isn't a bad day for love. This is one of the best months of the year to meet someone, become engaged or plan a wedding. In many ways, you are going to be able to see the work and challenges of the last few years begin to pay off now and will feel as if not only your heart is full but that you also have the emotional connection and support you've always dreamed of. Mercury, the planet of communication in Aquarius, is part of this amazing time in love for you. Along with Pluto, you're going to be receiving offers proposals and having the necessary conversations to continue to grow your relationship to new heights.
Asteroid Pallas, ruler of wisdom and intuition, shifts into Sagittarius, highlighting themes of commitment and joy. While there are genuinely no negative themes to this month, Pallas if feeling misunderstood, can inspire arguments, so if you are planning a wedding this month or a winter getaway, just remember you often may have to decide between being right or being in love. Never let anything outside of you become bigger than the love you have for one another.
Best Love Day: Monday, March 11
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, March 19
Venus, the planet of love, joins Pluto in Aquarius, ruler of intimacy, transformation and life partners. If you have been single up until now, this is the month when you may start to form a relationship with someone new. Especially as partnerships created around this time have the potential to last forever, when it comes to love, try to remain flexible this month and ensure you're honoring your growth and not slipping back into any ruts that merely feel comfortable.
While exciting and beneficial in many ways, there is also a warning this month to make sure you're honoring the universal code of integrity in love. The Sun shifts into Aries, a zodiac sign that is activated this year by the eclipses, and while it promises to bring expansion into your life, be mindful of using escaping tendencies to deal with uncomfortable situations in your relationship. It's not easy to remain present and talk about all that you're feeling, but it is something Saturn in Pisces requires you to do.
Best Love Day: Tuesday, April 23
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, April 30
The Full Moon in Scorpio lights up your sector of home and family, bringing in a powerful moment of fruition. Reflect on November 2023, as you may see that something has come full circle now. With so many opportunities around you, if you've recently relocated or moved in together, you may finally feel settled and more emotionally connected to your partner and your life. Remind yourself that everything you've been doing has been for the purpose of creating a life that is authentic for you, so ultimately, the only goal is to be true to yourself.
April brings Mars, the planet of ambition, desire and drive, making its move into Aries. Once again, your sector of expansion is being highlighted and can bring positive developments if you work with energy in the best way. For instance, if you're in a relationship, use this to bring in new energy to your connection by trying a new restaurant, planning a getaway or just road-tripping for a day.
Otherwise, this internal itch to try something new may backfire on you if you want to remain in your relationship. For those who are single, the only rule is that there isn't one. Travel, seize every opportunity, and honor what you've always wanted to experience, and along the way, you may run into love, too.
Best Love Day: Thursday, May 23
Practice Caution On: Thursday, May 2
The Full Moon in Sagittarius offers a bright spot for you as it rules over commitment and ushers in a phase of greater happiness for you. If you have been engaging in a serious relationship, then this is another month in which an engagement may happen, or you may create a whole other kind of commitment to satisfy your soul. Use this energy to not just focus on continuing to develop your relationship but also to enjoy life, especially if you're single. The more you are out there living the life of your dreams, the greater the likelihood that you'll also meet the love of your life.
Pluto in Aquarius has been shaking your romantic life up in the best ways possible this year. In May, it begins its retrograde journey, which means you may be less likely to make new decisions and may be thinking more about what you've experienced since the start of the year. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius helps you honor your truth more deeply and brings up important issues for you to continue working through. Allow yourself to process during this time without thinking anything is wrong with your relationship. When you can let things play out however they're meant to, you can save yourself from regret.
Best Love Day: Friday, June 7
Practice Caution On: Saturday, June 29
While June will primarily be all about new and exciting developments in your career, there are still some deep opportunities for romantic connection. Mercury, the planet that rules communication, will shift into Cancer, ruler of the deepest part of your chart. Cancer energy governs dreams, intuition, as well as your emotional healing, processing and acceptance. With Pluto currently retrograde in Aquarius, this is an amazing time to talk things out with your current partner, practice empathy or find deeper healing from past relationships.
Toward the end of June, Saturn in Pisces begins its retrograde journey, which means that all the forward momentum you've been doing will not be tested to make sure it is all in alignment with your growth. This can be a slower time externally, so likely, big events or romantic interludes won't be the priority, but it does give you a chance to let your inner self catch up to everything else that has changed in your life. When Saturn is retrograde, it allows you to learn how to do better, so try not to make any big decisions this month. Instead, give yourself plenty of time to process everything — without using work as an escape from your romantic life.
Best Love Day: Tuesday, July 2
Practice Caution On: Thursday, July 11
As a fire sign, you are always trying to be one step ahead of the others, and for you, making a splash wherever you go is something that comes naturally. Over the summer months, you are going to be reflecting on what you want for your romantic relationship, how you have grown, and if there is a space of alignment between the two.
This will begin in June as Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces, but now, in July, Neptune will also begin its retrograde journey. Because this is your sector of transformation, outward change may slow down right now but take heart because the quiet is something you will need to build the connection you're seeking.
Venus, the planet of love, shifts into your zodiac sign of Leo this month. While that may present a bit of a challenge in holding understanding space for your partner, it will help you focus on your self-love. When you are going through a phase of self-reflection, learning and embracing all that you deserve, a high level of self-love will help ensure that each decision and choice you make honors what you genuinely deserve.
Best Love Day: Friday, August 9
Practice Caution On: Wednesday, August 28
The energy starts to lift in August with the Full Moon in Aquarius, and you may find yourself feeling like getting out of the house, doing something new with your partner, or finally having the courage to ask that person for the number that you've been thinking about. While there is still retrograde energy around you, this month, things improve, career focus lets up a bit, and you can get back to enjoying your romantic connection while also feeling more confident. Sometimes, when you start to build something you've never had before, it can feel foreign to you. By giving yourself the time to receive it fully, you can also ensure that you keep growing into the love you've always desired.
Mercury stations direct in Leo later in the month after first beginning its retrograde journey in Virgo. Mercury in Leo allows you to be more focused and communicative about what you want and need, signifying this is a time when you need to start advocating for yourself. After June and July were introspective, especially if you're in a relationship, you need to start talking to your partner about what you've been moving through. If you're dating or newly in a connection, then use this energy to create a space where you can check in with each other to ensure that you are both feeling in alignment with one another.
Best Love Day: Sunday, September 22
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, September 17
To continue to build upon the upswing of energy that August ushered in, Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Scorpio, bringing in a wonderful time for connection and fulfillment in your home and family. Scorpio energy can help bring healing to your home and intimate connection right now. This can inspire spending more time with your partner, moving in together or starting to make improvements on the home that you share. If you recently started dating someone, this may be the month you both start introducing one another to family and friends. Trust that the quiet moments of the summer are now leading to the beautiful growth you hoped for.
Despite Saturn and Neptune being retrograde in Pisces, the first of the Pisces Eclipses occurs in September with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This not only helps with feeling more forward momentum in your relationship but also invites you to observe new opportunities that arise during this time. Because it's the first one, you are seeing what will occur more in 2025 and beyond, but it doesn't mean that a chance romantic encounter doesn't light the sparks of desire in your heart.
Best Love Day: Thursday, October 17
Practice Caution On: Friday, October 11
Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Sagittarius, renewing your zest for life and making you feel more satisfied and fulfilled with your romantic relationship. This is the area of your life that brings not only happiness but also commitment. Even if that isn't in the cards right now, you will still feel more connected to your partner. In November, all this turn begins to turn around, but for now, it's enough to allow yourself to be happy. Don't go looking for something to be wrong or problems where none exist. Sometimes, the biggest thing you can do for yourself is to receive the happiness you've been working to create.
As Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, you could experience some moments of déjà vu or old fears popping back up again. It's normal to feel triggered or wonder if this time is turning out like previous relationships, but you must validate how and why your connection is different now. The universe always gives tests before the most incredible moments of upgrades. This energy of Pluto in Capricorn will only last a month, so try to abstain from any big decisions and continue to be emotionally vulnerable with your partner.
Best Love Day: Friday, November 15
Practice Caution On: Monday, November 25
Things are genuinely looking up for you, but you need to make sure you let yourself believe it. Saturn stations direct in Pisces, which means all that internal work, growth and lessons you've been doing can now be implemented into your life and relationship. Although Neptune retrograde may still make it more challenging to see things in an optimistic light, try to self-validate and take steps forward, even if they are slow.
You must believe that you are on the right track and that you are creating what you've always desired, but you may also need to give yourself time to see that with your partner. Plan a romantic night or a drive on the weekend to get some quality time with your partner and remind yourself of why you've been continuing to work to establish the relationship you have.
Come the end of November, Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius, giving you an opportunity to reflect on the plans you've made for your relationship. If you are planning a wedding, trip or moving in together, this month may bring some unexpected moments — but try to trust that each one, whether it feels like a challenge or not, is for your highest good. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius helps you create the best possible plans for whatever is to come; you must remain open-minded and flexible.
Best Love Day: Saturday, December 7
Practice Caution On: Sunday, December 8
December starts like a dream as Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Aquarius and Neptune stations direct in Pisces. This is another month where there are no challenging or bad moments to contend with in the heart's matters. You may need to adjust to Neptune direct in Pisces, as you suddenly feel so much optimism about the future that you want to seize it all, but that isn't a bad thing. You deserve to be energized about your life and relationship, precisely how the upcoming month will feel.
Venus in Aquarius brings about a deeper connection with your partner or the possibility of new love. After the first major phase of Pluto in Aquarius, you are now understanding more about what it is that you want and need for your life.
Allow yourself to release all you've been carrying with a deep sigh as you trust in what you've created and what you dream of for the future. After so many changes, it's also okay to choose to do any holiday gatherings in whatever way you and your partner choose. You have learned that the only person who can know what is right for you is you, so fully embrace that power as you start a new chapter of your life.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.