Monthly Aquarius Horoscope


Luckiest day: Sunday, July 21

Lucky theme: Trusting yourself

Inside of you lives a deep truth that can help you to understand what is meant for you and even what is not. But to make the most of this energy, you need to trust yourself, especially when it comes to what feels like a 'no' versus a 'yes'. This isn’t about logic or practicality, but instead, that intuitive voice that helps you understand what you need to do to create a life of true purpose and abundance.

This necessity of trusting yourself will be especially powerful around the Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, July 21 as it helps to illuminate that inner voice. This is the moment when you need to tune into your intuition, validate the way your nervous system responds to certain situations and trust in your own divine dreams. The more that you can simply trust yourself and not over-question, the more you will be able to manifest and take advantage of the divine guidance you’re currently being given.

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