November 2024 Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign
Monthly horoscopes bring sweet November love!

The astrology of November 2024 encourages you to let love be your heart's light and lead you to new adventures and extraordinary times.
November love horoscopes start off beautifully with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 1, followed quickly by Mercury entering Sagittarius on November 2. These energies give the collective a chance to set new intentions in love and manifest something wonderful. Since Scorpio energy thrives better in secrecy while Mercury in Sagittarius calls for inner truth, keep those wishes close to your chest while steering clear of peer pressure in love!
The middle of the month will see a tremendous change in how we engage with love and romance when Venus in Capricorn begins on November 11. Saturn retrograde will also come to an end on November 15, thus allowing Saturn direct in Pisces to challenge us to find love that's for the ages and generations. It won't be easy sailing, but the toughest trees can weather the strongest storms.
The November 25 Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius may throw a spanner in the works, so be extra careful of how you communicate in love. 'The truth is the truth is the truth' is the motto for beating mercurial shenanigans and situationships in love that lead nowhere.
The monthly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign in November 2024.
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Best days for Aries to go on a date: November 17, 23, 24
Aries, your love horoscope for November is centered around your need to find your soulmate. But you are cautioned against going all-out in this manner lest you manifest lack into your life. Try to be patient and calm instead. Ground yourself with regular meditative practices and self-care rituals. When you do, true love will find you, or you will know that divine timing is at play in your love life regardless of your current situation. If you feel called to, you will benefit from doing a Full Moon manifestation ritual for love on November 15.
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Best days for Taurus to go on a date: November 7, 9, 28
Taurus, you are in for a real treat in your love life in November! You don't want to wait around any longer for life to happen and for love to find its way to you. You are ready to take action and do whatever is necessary to have the kind of love you really want in your life. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you will benefit from doing a manifestation ritual in November, preferably during the waxing phase of the moon when your manifestation powers are really heightened. Working with spirit quartz is also indicated for you for the same reason.
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Best days for Gemini to go on a date: November 1, 13, 23, 30
Gemini, your love life in November may not feel very fulfilling from the perspective of your goals in love. Whether you are single or in a relationship, something is blocking you from finding your soulmate or having the kind of romance that lasts for a lifetime. This could be a mentor figure in your life who has certain expectations of you that may not align with your inner needs in love or friends and peers who want you to live a certain way and project a certain image through your chosen life partner. Try to meditate more regularly this month and be more introspective. That will help you find the insights you need to clear out these blocks from your love life.
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Best days for Cancer to go on a date: November 5, 27
Cancer, your love horoscope for November is deeply entwined with your family life. If you are single, there's a chance you will meet your soulmate through a family function or cultural event. But if you are already in a relationship, this is the sign you were looking for to meet your partner's parents, family, and friends (and vice versa) or truly consider deeply committing to each other. You are also encouraged to listen more in conversations with your romantic partner this month. Only good things await those who do.
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Best days for Leo to go on a date: November 3, 24
Leo, your circle of friends positively influence your love life in November. If you have excellent wingmen and women in your social circle, they will hype you up when you need to be hyped up and sing your praises when your praises need to be sung.
But this is also a cautionary message for those of you who have allowed toxic people into your life or are not trusting your intuition when it comes to toxic friend circles and groups. You may not find the kind of support you are looking for and the kind of love you want because they always get in the way. If you feel called to, work with clear quartz or moonstone in November to open your heart.
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Best days for Virgo to go on a date: November 2, 11
Virgo, your love life in November will bring up memories and wounds from the past that you may not want to come to the surface. You are urged to be cautious of such an impulse as it will only stop you from healing and finding closure. Since the first three weeks of November is Scorpio season, you will not be able to move forward in your love life until you let go of the burdens holding you back. Journaling, meditation, and introspection are all great tools to help you reckon with the truth.
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Best days for Libra to go on a date: November 11, 19
Libra, your love life in November is going to be absolutely fabulous! You will shine bright like never before and some of you may experience a glow-up. Just be careful of energy vampires being drawn to your flame. You can work with black obsidian to keep you safe in such situations. If you have found your soulmate, send gratitude into the ether for crossing paths with someone who makes your life full of love, joy, and laughter. It's a true treasure!
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Best days for Scorpio to go on a date: November 8, 19, 25
Scorpio, your love life in November is going to be absolutely amazing! Mainly because we're still in the middle of Scorpio season. Whatever you set your sights on can be yours! Just remember that individual free will shall come into play regardless. So if one person is unwilling to show up properly in love for you, now's the time to lean into your transformative nature and change the dynamic in your love life. After all, how else will true love waltz into your life if false love is taking up all the space?
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Best days for Sagittarius to go on a date: November 15, 17
Sagittarius, in November, take the opportunity to list out all the things that you are grateful for and those that bring you joy, delight, and laughter. When you do, this positive energy will reach your partner and be absorbed into your relationship. If you feel called to, working with clear quartz and/or citrine is indicated for you to bring positivity back into your life.
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Best days for Capricorn to go on a date: November 17, 18
Capricorn, your love life in November will be so beautiful and deep that you may not know what to do after being immersed in it. Just remember: everyone expresses love differently, so be open-minded and you will learn the love language of the one you are with. When you do, magic will blossom and burst. Working with green aventurine and clear quartz is also indicated for you for the same reasons.
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Best days for Aquarius to go on a date: November 17, 19
Aquarius, November will be all about being receptive and open-hearted. You usually prefer to do the work and be proactive in love, especially since air signs are considered masculine in polarity. Yet this month, you are called to do the opposite and become receptive. When you do, you will find extraordinary joy. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you will realize that holding yourself back will lead to a great transformation within you in love. Working with black obsidian and black tourmaline is also indicated for you.
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Best days for Pisces to go on a date: November 3, 23, 25
Pisces, your love life in November may come to a standstill after a point of time. When that happens, ask yourself why. Severe red flags in your environment may cause your internal flight-or-fight response to kick in, thus making you feel even more introverted than usual. When that happens, don't doubt the need within yourself to pull away. It just means that you have observed something that your conscious mind has not figured out yet while your subconscious has.
Journaling can definitely help you bridge the gap between your subconscious and conscious mind. If you feel called to, working with spirit quartz is also indicated for you in November.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.