What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Month Of September 2024, Per A Tarot Card Reader
Big, bold, and beautiful.

The month of September 2024 is here! With it, we are back with the monthly tarot card reading for each zodiac sign.
For the month of September, we have the King of Cups and the Queen of Wands on the table. That's a powerful duo, even if they are not a perfect match! Under their influence, we will discover the delight in engaging with people who are not like us. Whether it's a cultural exchange, a book written by an author from a different country, a foreign movie with rave reviews, or a vacation that forces us out of our comfort zone and our conditioned biases, September will be a transformative month... if you allow it to be.
Now let's take a look at the September 2024 monthly tarot card reading for every zodiac sign.
Aries: Ten of Pentacles
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Love life
Aries, your tarot card for the month of September 2024 is the Ten of Pentacles. It's the absolute best card to receive! So look forward to joy and financial stability. Some of you may receive a bountiful harvest too... more than what you may have expected from your labors.
Others will find happiness in the company of family, and may even have a new baby announcement awaiting them! Just make sure to pay extra attention to your love life. That's where flowers will bloom the most this month for you.
Taurus: Ace of Wands
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Whatever you touch shall turn to gold.
Taurus, you are urged to be strong, powerful, and confident in September 2024. The Ace of Wands is a harbinger of extraordinary drive and bursting capacity, which, if channeled properly, will lead to truly great things in the near future. So don't hold yourself back. Show them what you've got!
Also, if all that you touch turns to gold, you better choose where you would like to direct this blessing. Turning something toxic golden will not benefit you in the long run. But turning something truly beautiful into the same will make it ten times more valuable.
Gemini: Ace of Pentacles
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Peace and meditation
Gemini, the tarot card for you for September 2024 is the Ace of Pentacles. Your hard work will pay off this month, so keep moving forward without doubts! This will impact both your long-term endeavors and short-term ideas and activities. But the fruits will depend on the energy expended. So modulating your expectations is also important here.
If you feel called to, spend more time meditating and grounding yourself this month. It will enable you to go the distance without getting impatient.
Cancer: Ace of Wands
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Sweet treats for the heart.
Cancer, September 2024 for you will be one of love and happiness. The Ace of Wands is a beautiful card to receive if you have recently said yes to a marriage proposal (or vice versa) or committed to something new (maybe a business, a new job, a new adventure) with the hopes of creating a beautiful life for yourself.
Just make sure to balance out the outward focus with inward self-care too! Whether you do so with a pampering session at the spa, treating yourself to your favorite cookies from the bake shop, painting a self-portrait, or something else, let your heart guide you to that which will bring sweetness to your life.
Leo: Two of Pentacles
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Patience will win you the day.
Leo, you are absolutely extraordinary and will have a terrific month this September 2024! Don't let the traditional meaning of the Two of Pentacles drag down your spirit. In this instance, it's reminding you that great endeavors always have great challenges on the journey.
If you are surefooted, you will be able to adapt and juggle what you must. That will help you win, no matter what. In fact, it will show the naysayers that if they try to throw a wrench in your plans, you will use the wrench to build yourself a stronghold. Let patience and strength guide your steps.
Virgo: Five of Cups
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Astrology
Virgo, the tarot card for you for September 2024 is the Five of Cups. It cautions you against ignoring red flags, especially in those within your inner circle. False friends and toxic family dynamics often train the one being affected that there's something wrong with them for complaining about the bad treatment. If you let the truth guide you, it will steer you where your soul will feel protected and loved.
You may still need to heal from what you have experienced, but you will also realize how strong you are within, thus giving you the strength for the greater future.
Libra: Seven of Cups
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Emotions and emotional significance
Libra, two can tango while three may be a crowd sometimes, but your September 2024 tarot card urges you to always keep your options open if you are not 100% certain. The Seven of Cups is not linked to any particular area of life. It equally refers to love, business, gossip, money, personal fulfillment, and so on and so forth — so let this period be one of exploration and growth.
You are also encouraged to be mindful of your emotions and journal your feelings if they seem to swallow you whole. It's a sign that something important needs to be addressed within your subconscious.
Scorpio: Eight of Pentacles
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Dancing to your heart's content.
Scorpio, the tarot card for you for September 2024 is the Eight of Pentacles. It has a simple message for you: work hard and don't worry about the rest. Your artistic talents or professional competence will be acknowledged and visible to all. The right people will then find you to offer you more opportunities.
Don't focus on the naysayers while at this. They may be too motivated by envy or the desire to see you fall, but that's their problem. Trust your own heart and live authentically. That will help you thrive and live harmoniously with the world.
Sagittarius: Death
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Evocative spirituality
Sagittarius, the tarot card for you for September 2024 is the major arcana card Death. It speaks of transitions and transformations when one chapter ends and another begins. You are urged to let go of what will not fit into the new beginning and make room for fresh growth, new opportunities, and intriguing adventures!
You are also encouraged to be more spiritual this month (in the manner that speaks to you). If it brings peace to your life, grounds you, and helps you be more harmonious with your surroundings, it too will help you move into this new phase with confidence and strength.
Capricorn: The Emperor
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Professional life
Capricorn, you are your mother's son as much as you are your father's daughter. This is a metaphorical message about remembering that your roots also emerge from those who may not be like you, whether in gender, queerness, talents, circumstance, and so on and so forth. The Emperor tarot card urges you to remember those roots — the ones that are dissimilar — and understand that you are not as dissimilar as you may believe.
This will help you embrace the strengths that were always available to you while consciously steering away from making similar mistakes. For most of you, this awareness will also indirectly impact your professional life as you see similarities where you once may have only seen differences.
Aquarius: The Lovers
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Nothing lost, nothing gained.
Aquarius, the tarot card for you for September 2024 is the major arcana card The Lovers. It speaks of new paths and new opportunities where you may choose to take one option and leave the rest behind. So be mindful of your actions and decisions. You may be closer to a crossroads than you realize, whether in love, career, personal endeavors, or otherwise.
Also, now's the time to remind yourself that letting go or sacrificing something is not bad if it allows you to grow in the right direction. Just make sure that what you choose to let go or sacrifice stems from your own free will and no one else's.
Pisces: Wheel of Fortune
Design: YourTango
Area of good luck: Dreams and creativity
Pisces, the energy around September 2024 for you is beautiful but a bit up in the air, per your tarot card The Wheel of Fortune. If you remain mindful during this period and take heed of the signs and synchronicities around you, you will be able to act when you need to and be patient when you must. Thus, the wheel can spin however it wants to and you will still be as capable as a surfer tackling the big waves.
Just make sure you know what your true dreams are for your life and that you are not stifling your creative spirit! That too will guide you and bring you clarity of the best kind.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.