Luckiest Day Of September 2024 For Each Zodiac Sign
The month of September 2024 carries strong themes of wealth and lucky second chances.

On the luckiest day of September 2024 for each zodiac sign, focusing on your own energy can help you realize just how much power you have over what you attract into your life. This abundant mindset can help you manifest greater success, wealth, and lucky second chances of fate.
September begins with Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus along with Pluto retrograde re-entering Capricorn on Sunday, September 1. This is powerful energy that will make it seem as if everything has changed overnight. Uranus retrograde allows you to process recent events and even opportunities in your life, while Pluto retrograde in Capricorn calls you to truly release and finish up an important chapter of your past. There is a sense that you will experience greater freedom along with the reminder of what matters most as Mars moves into Cancer on Wednesday, September 4.
While September is set to be a breakthrough month, especially for many in terms of finances. There will also be a sneak preview of what 2025 will bring as the Pisces Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse rises on Tuesday, September 17. Pay close attention to this lunar event, especially as Saturn retrograde here will give you deep insight into where to invest your time and energy for the biggest rewards.
The universe is always trying to reveal your destiny to you, and in moments like this, you might just finally realize how close you already are to living the life of your dreams.
Luckiest day of September 2024 for each zodiac sign
Aries: Sunday, September 1
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
You may need time to understand the logistics of a particular idea, Aries, but once you do, the sky is the limit. Finances will be turning around for you in September as you start to have more time to process changes as well as the recent ideas you’ve had to generate more income.
You tend to do well with those spontaneous intuitive thoughts, so you should do well with the energy that Uranus retrograde in Taurus brings on Sunday, September 1. Just remember to listen to yourself, and don’t be afraid to try a new idea in order to make the progress you are hoping for.
Taurus: Sunday, September 1
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
You really are being given a second chance at freedom, Taurus. This chance to revisit a past opportunity in your life will occur as Pluto retrograde reenters Capricorn on Sunday, September 1. The month ahead will be about recognizing and accepting this second chance, not just for freedom, but also for luck and abundance.
Though Pluto doesn’t station direct until October 11, you should still feel free to make necessary and important decisions. Remember that you can either sit around dreaming of your life, or you can actually go out and live it, Taurus. As uncomfortable as it is to face your regrets, in this case, it will actually help you realize what you wished you had taken a chance on, which is precisely what Pluto retrograde in Capricorn will bring back into your life. A second chance deserves to be taken because a window of opportunity will be closing that you may not receive again in this lifetime.
Gemini: Tuesday, September 17
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
You have been working for what you want, Gemini, but now you’re about to see where all that diligence and effort is leading you. Since Saturn has been moving through your house of career, you have been putting in more work and time to prepare for and ensure your success. As the Pisces Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on Tuesday, September 17, you will have your chance to see if where you’re heading is still where you want to be.
Although the Pisces series of eclipses won’t begin officially until 2025, take this opportunity to rededicate yourself to your purpose because regardless of what path you choose, each one leads to success. It’s also important to not give up or stop just yet, as long as this process is, the rewards may be slower to come, but you have to keep believing that it will all be worth it.
Cancer: Wednesday, September 4
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
You are meant for remarkable things, dear Cancer, you just need to start following your dreams. There has been a current theme in your life encouraging you to make sure you are prioritizing yourself over anything or even anyone else. This isn’t because only your success matters, but because you deserve to know that you are living the life you are meant to, and as long as you put others first, you might not be.
Mars will move into Cancer on Wednesday, September 4, filling you with greater boldness, determination, and desire to take action on your dreams. Mars is incredibly motivating, so it’s important for you to make the choice to work with this energy. No matter what else might be going on, you must decide that your success matters, and start moving forward, especially if it involves a return to work or even beginning a new career path. You deserve to not just achieve success, but to know that you are honoring your divine purpose in this life.
Leo: Monday, September 2
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
It’s time to embrace a new beginning, Leo, but you also must remember what you are worth. The Virgo New Moon on Monday, September 2 brings in a new beginning to your financial life and helps you with earning more and attracting more of what you dream of. Virgo is all about plans though, and lucky for you, you also just wrapped up a Mercury retrograde in this earth sign, so you should be quite clear about what needs to be done in order to attract more wealth in your life.
You’ll also begin to see that knowing your worth plays a significant role in what you are able to create. Knowing your worth helps you to have the confidence you need to make big moves and even risks in your life, trusting that you deserve all the success you intuitively feel is meant for you. As long as you have a plan in place for your success, and never settle for less than you deserve, you will certainly find yourself richer and happier by the end of September.
Virgo: Thursday, September 26
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
The universe has been trying to get you to open up to new possibilities, Virgo, and you finally do so in September. But it also comes with the ability to work together for a greater good. You will receive an offer or opportunity that has the power to bring in more money to your life. Whether this is from a current job or unexpected investment opportunity, it’s important to remember that you won’t be doing this alone.
Focus your skills on networking or even bringing in your romantic partner to your business so that you can have the support that you need to manifest the success you desire. Sometimes you can think that it’s better to work on a particular dream solo, but that is only because in the past, others have let you down. Try to take a chance not just on yourself, but on the reality that having the right person in your corner can make all the difference.
Libra: Wednesday, September 4
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
This is your life, dear Libra, but you often forget to live as though as it is. Jupiter in Gemini is urging you out of your comfort zone. If done properly, your life will look completely different this time next year. It can be scary to embrace change, especially if you are hesitant to find out what embracing your destiny really means. Not only are you being urged to invest in the life you want to live, but you also need to start choosing yourself.
As Mars returns to Cancer on Wednesday, September 4, you will start feeling the pull to put more energy and time into your career. This energy is very much tied to the abundant transformation Jupiter in Gemini is bringing into your life, but you can’t hesitate to make choices that are best for you. Whatever you want for your career, you need to make happen, because your future is genuinely riding on it.
Scorpio: Sunday, September 8
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
As someone who doesn’t shy away from hard work, you may need to start thinking about how you can work smarter instead, dear Scorpio. Part of you is tired from feeling like you always must fight for what it is you want, or what you feel you deserve. But to step more into a life of ease requires that you start thinking about your approach to career, finances, and honoring your self-worth.
The more you feel like you are fighting to stay afloat, the more likely it is you are not living in alignment with your truth. Instead of trying to hang on for dear life, let go and see what happens. Focus on the choices you can make for yourself that honor who you are and what you want from your life and see what happens. Thinking smarter and not harder begins with your choice to shift from struggling to thriving, but you are the only one who can make that decision.
Sagittarius: Monday, September 9
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
You are accustomed to second chances, Sagittarius, and in fact, you live your life assuming they will come. While this has often worked out well for you in the past, you do want to make sure you are not operating on the guarantee that no matter what you choose to do, you will still stumble into your fate. The universe is kind, but it can’t make something happen that you’re not actively trying to create for yourself.
As Mercury returns to Virgo on Monday, September 9, themes involving your career from July and August will resurface and once again present an important opportunity. Try to keep in mind that not all chances keep coming back. You must decide what you want for your life and not just the present moment. You may have to put off any instant gratification right now so that what you do choose is something that you actually can continue to live with. But regardless of anything, make the choice Sagittarius, and don’t wager on it returning when you feel more prepared for it in the future.
Capricorn: Sunday, September 22
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
Libra season is all about career development, Capricorn, so as this new era begins on Sunday, September 22, it’s essential that you quite literally get down to work. The Sun represents the choices and actions taken in your external life, and in Libra, it is all about those made in your professional life. Whether you are starting a new job, project, or role within your existing company, your focus must be on your career.
You may find it more challenging to achieve that work-life balance you are after, but with conscious time created for both, you should be able to navigate anything that your romantic life asks of you. As much as you must focus on balance, you do need to make sure you’re not trying to do it all. That means that you may need to honor your boundaries around work as well as time spent with loved ones, because it’s not your job to make everyone happy — you can only do what you feel is your best.
Aquarius: Thursday, September 26
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
When there are processes of transformation, Aquarius, you don’t need to feel like you must decide in the moment. In fact, once Mercury moves into Libra on Thursday, September 26, it would be best not to, even though you will be surrounded by opportunities. Try to hold space for whatever arises, whether it’s career, personal, or travel opportunities, until the Libra solar eclipse in October when more will be revealed.
For now, simply receiving all that comes your way and realizing you don’t need to make any immediate decisions is all you have to do. But in that process, you also need to remain open. Put yourself in new situations, engage in a conversation about the future, and even research those intuitive ideas you’re having. But then practice the pause, so that you can learn, sometimes all you need is time to realize what is meant for you.
Pisces: Sunday, September 8
D GraPX and Eduard Litvinov / Canva
Within your heart, Pisces, you know precisely what you must do to achieve the success of your dreams. You do have an innate way of achieving your destiny, especially in your profession, as you are able to discern how to move forward as your authentic self and overcome any challenges with your unique way of seeing life. Yet, as Pallas shifts into Sagittarius on Sunday, September 8, this ability will be intensified, asking you to embrace your inner wisdom before making any quick decisions — and to always trust yourself.
You don’t have to be like anyone else to achieve the success you desire. This means while others can advise you, you don’t need to change who you are to be in alignment with your purpose. Focus on finding the best answers for you, especially as they relate to continued success and recognition in your career, and you are guaranteed to come out on top.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.