How Virgo Season Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign From August 22 - September 22
“Be like a Virgo!”

“Be like a Virgo!” may be the motto and message of Virgo season, but the influence of this energy on each zodiac sign will be pretty unique. Are you ready to find out how the zodiac period between August 22-September 22, when the Sun transits through the sign of Virgo, will impact you?
Of course, some zodiac signs will be incredibly lucky during Virgo Season 2024 (more so than the rest), but there are hidden insights, new challenges, and a few adventures in store for everyone.
Virgo season horoscopes from August 22-September 22 for each zodiac sign
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Aries, you will feel blessed during Virgo season 2024. New friends and an improved understanding of the world and your life path are also in store for you. If you feel called to, work with sunstone to help you stay aligned with this positive force.
For most of you, your career and professional life will be in heavy focus during this period. An increased workload with new responsibilities may also be the case. Try to stay on top of it all by being more organized and pacing yourself. A trip to the stationery supplies store is called for here! You can also make use of bullet journals or daily planners with sticky notes and tabs.
There's no need to be speedy right now. The opposite will help. As long as you know what you want, Virgo season will unfold beautifully for you.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Taurus, your experience during Virgo season 2024 will be somewhat hit-or-miss. This is mainly because Uranus will go retrograde in the middle of the zodiac month (September 1) and there's always some shenanigan going on where Mercury retrograde, whose shadow period ends on August 28, is concerned.
You will benefit from being more mindful of your actions, words, and decisions. Meditating daily can have a positive impact by allowing you to pause and consider your next move more carefully.
For most of you, focusing on your relationship with your loved ones will pay more dividends than excluding them as you pursue something else. In this regard, Virgo season will help you understand the true value of love, support, and a positive community. Throw a house party if you feel called to! Now's the time to strengthen the bonds of love.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Gemini, your experience during Virgo season 2024 will be good. Mainly because Gemini and Virgo are tied by fate through their common planetary ruler, Mercury. So look forward to some fun times, fresh gossip (or spilled tea), and intriguing conversations about the future.
You may experience a bit of lacklusterness though. Almost as if a part of your soul wants to reach for something or achieve a goal but is not sure what that is. Soul-searching will help you get to the bottom of this, more so than conversations with others. So get yourself a good journal that makes you want to sit in peace and just write. Don't forget a good pen too! It may sound silly but a good pen makes all the difference in the world.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Cancer, you will have a somewhat hit-or-miss experience during Virgo season 2024, but not because of the astrological transits. this is more so because as the zodiac seasons have moved farther away from your sign, the transits are more aligned with the zodiac signs in the middle and end of the wheel.
A bit of FOMO is definitely to be expected now. Your natural tendency may be to keep yourself busy with chores, responsibilities, goals, and more. But you are encouraged to pause instead and do the opposite. Feel the jitters and the listlessness (whenever they strike you) and then let it go while breathing out slowly. The more grounded you feel, the easier it will be for you to engage with the rest of Virgo season. Especially if your preferred method for grounding involves physical activities like yoga or pilates.
In the end, this period won't be as significant for you from a bird's eye perspective.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Leo, your experience during Virgo season 2024 will be chef's kiss good! So don't worry about the end of Leo season — the astrology transits during this period have got you covered.
You will benefit from being friendly, outgoing, and lighthearted. Don't take negative comments or criticism to heart either. Look at the underlying intention instead. If the intention is positive or protective, you can rest assured you have a friend in your corner. Perhaps they have observed something you missed out. But if the intentions are negative, you can chalk it up to envy or any other unsavory feeling. It would be best to steer clear of such individuals and keep up the lighthearted spirit of the times.
In the end, Virgo season may not be especially significant for you, but it won't be a drain on your time and energy either. Just another month on your quest to achieve your dreams!
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Virgo, this is your season! And since the other transits are not clashing horribly in your corner of the zodiac wheel, you can rest assured that you will have a great Virgo season in 2024.
For most of you, this period will benefit you the most if you focus on your career, finances, and professional life. Outline the details and make more plans. You can take full advantage of the good energy in store for you to reach greater heights — just make sure to not forget your loved ones in the process.
However, striking a balance is not recommended at this time as you will genuinely benefit from going in deep on your projects and goals. But don't make your family and close ones feel unloved while at it.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Libra, your experience during Virgo season 2024 will depend on who you choose to engage with and what you choose as worthy of your time and attention. You will have some Plutonian experiences to deal with, complete with toxic interferences, controlling behavior, and some questionable peer pressure. Some people like to romanticize such Plutonian things, so be extra mindful of that.
On the flip side, if you choose your activities and interactions with an eye for personal growth and soul peace, you will discover new inspiration, new opportunities, and possibly a new romance, too. This is also the time to have fun and dance. If you can do so, you'll guarantee a smooth transition into Libra season on September 22 and subsequent days of sunshine!
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Scorpio, your experience during Virgo season 2024 will depend a lot on you and your values in life. Given the transits we have in store throughout this zodiac month, you can either find yourself or live through thirty days of total insignificance (from the perspective of your life path).
Journaling, speaking from the heart, listening to podcasts about random things that intrigue you, and being more curious about the world in general are definitely highlighted for you. They will help you deal with the more challenging aspects of Pluto Retrograde during this period. Reading memoirs is another great way you can ground this energy and transform it into something valuable and meaningful for you.
Just remember: what's meaningful to you may not be so for everyone else. And that's okay.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Sagittarius, your experience during Virgo season 2024 will be a bit of a hit-or-miss. For most of you, this zodiac month will be good with periods of friendly banter, night outs at the bar, picnic brunches, and so on. But there will also be small moments where you may feel dissatisfied with your life or wish for more.
Spending more time around those who exude positive energy, love, kindness, and equitable reciprocity will benefit you more than seeking out new experiences helter-skelter. Playing with pets or engaging with children (yours or those within the family) will also bring smiles and upliftment.
In the end, Virgo season may not be wholly significant for most of you, but its lack of memorability is a plus point for peace.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Capricorn, your experience during Virgo season 2024 is tied to at least one other person in your life. Whether it's a best friend you always spend time with, a romantic partner, or even a parent who may be controlling or interfering, your interactions with them will color the entire zodiac month for you.
If this relationship is positive and loving, only good things will emerge from this confluence and intermingling of energies. But if there are toxic elements present, you need to either have straightforward conversations about it to bring change into the dynamic or truly consider walking away. If you don't, the outer-planetary energies will mess up the other important areas of your life through this area of toxicity.
Journaling or meditation can help you find peace, enough to know what's the right thing to do for you.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Aquarius, sometimes one cannot escape one's destiny, no matter how hard they try. That will be your overarching experience during Virgo season 2024. It's all thanks to the outer planets (especially Pluto and Uranus) and their impact on you.
You will benefit greatly from keeping a journal at this time. Note down your observations and any premonitions you have. It will help you prepare for what you can sense. Aquarius may be an air sign but it always gifts its natives with the ability of foresight. Just remember not to second-guess yourself.
Now's also a good time to be more careful of the things you eat as that too can have an impact on your spiritual body. For some, this period will see the return of a soul you have known in a past life with whom you have unfinished business.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Pisces, your experience during Virgo season 2024 will be heartful and mellow. Not too extravagant, but neither completely unmemorable. It's that Goldilocks thing!
Spend time with your loved ones and pets. That will bring joy to you and add beauty and charm to your life. And steer clear of those who give off red flags. Sometimes people confuse your kindness for weakness... but why engage in drama at all if you intuitively know something is not for you?
Those of you who are artists will definitely find the Virgo season more fulfilling than the rest. You may even strike upon inspiration that gets you out of a slump!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.