Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week For August 22 – 28, 2022

Reality is the starting point of dreams.

Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week For August 22 – 28, 2022 Canva Creative Studio/iconpix via Canva Pro/Shotprime

It is a big week in the skies as Virgo Season begins and Uranus turns retrograde jump starting a time for opportunities that are on solid ground.

When hoping for lucky moments to arrive you often consider them to be based on dreams, rather than reality.

A chance lucky encounter or opportunity can change everything.

However, the luckiest moments are those that are grounded and based in reality so they can keep growing.


This week Virgo Season begins as the Sun moves into this detail and plan-orientated sign helping you to see what you have in front of you and how best to navigate it so that you can still leave space for the universe to work its magic.

The big energy shifter though is that of Uranus turning retrograde in Taurus.

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Uranus has been quite active lately since it is union with the North Node at the end of July, this is creating waves of changes for you.


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But what it will begin to make you aware of is that you cannot live with your head in the clouds and expect the ground you walk on to be the one and the same.

Uranus retrograde helps you see what is real, what is working in your life and within yourself and what is not so that you can begin to make changes.

This is the shift from just merely hoping things will change or waiting for that lucky moment to arrive and you actually see how you have participated in the restrictions or challenges you have recently faced.

As you begin this process this week, space is made for the light to stream in so that you can see opportunities or chances that you have previously missed.


Luck is not just something you create but something that you make space for occurring within your life.

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The biggest difference though is that instead of just hoping for things to change, you take the steps to change them as well.

When your vibration changes, what you attract changes as well and that is what this week is all about because once you can genuinely see reality, then you can also create the path forward to your dreams.

Find out what your luckiest day of the week will be for August 22 – 28, 2022, by zodiac sign.


(March 21 - April 19)

Luckiest Day: Saturday, August 27th


The Virgo New Moon highlights not only your health but your greater purpose in life, helping bring you clarity and focus to the path ahead. You have been thinking a lot recently about making changes to your home and finances, but this week is realizing it is not just things that you would like to do but those that you have to do to bring about a greater sense of healthiness in all aspects of your life. This means that healthier decisions lead to healthier outcomes, which is exactly what you are aiming for right now.

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(April 20 - May 20)

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, August 24th


Uranus, the planet of unexpected luck and blessings, turns retrograde today helping you to make the most of things not going according to plan. This week brings a bounty of surprises your way, all touched with the divine energy of the universe. It is challenging when things go off script for you, especially when it comes to feeling stable and grounded within your life. However, this week, you will see just how amazing it can be when things go differently than you had imagined they would.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Luckiest Day: Thursday, August 25th

Mercury making its move into Libra today helps open you up on how to better express yourself, which means that you will have greater ease in making changes within your life. Libra energy always helps you center your thoughts and express your ideas so that you come across clearly in your direction.


Even if things make sense in your head as you are thinking through them, it does not always mean that they do to others once you have shared them. The energy of this week puts you in a place of action as your words end up truly creating the reality you have been envisioning.

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(June 21 - July 22)

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, August 24th

It is time to open yourself up Cancer as Uranus retrograde highlights the importance of those you surround yourself with. Those that you surround yourself with do not only dictate personal norms as well as direction for you, but they also offer opportunities for greater growth or expansion.


Within your existing circle, there is a treasure to be found. Look at what needs you have right now and rather than thinking you have to do it all alone, see who you can ask for help from within that circle. The people that are around you should ultimately help make life better, but it is your job to ask.

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(July 23 - August 22)

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, August 24th

Uranus retrograde in Taurus brings up themes related to your career beginning today which will prompt an overhaul due to some unexpected opportunities that are headed your way. It is time to forget about how you thought your career would go or even the route to being financially independent.


Look at what truly makes you feel passionate and gives you a sense of purpose. The more that you follow this, the more financial rewards you will receive. It is all about making sure that you are not selling yourself short of a dream that truly is able to be fulfilled.

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(August 23 - September 22)

Luckiest Day: Monday, August 22nd

The week beings with the Sun shifting into your zodiac season beginning your own personal solar return. This is an incredibly lucky time for you as it serves as your own personal new year. The Sun lights up your sense of self and beliefs so it is time to start shining and stop hiding your light because others may not understand.


It is not your job to make sure that people can handle your light, but only your job to just be yourself. Let yourself feel a sense of renewal as you are able to put the past year behind you and look forward to the new beginning that is just around the corner.

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(September 23 - October 22)

Luckiest Day: Thursday, August 25th

Mercury shifts into your zodiac sign today helping you to find the thoughts and words to create lucky opportunities for yourself and those in your life. Mercury is the planet that rules communication and even thoughts. Back in your zodiac sign, it means that you will be able to express those deepest ideas that you have had circulating about but which you lacked the faith to express.


Whether it comes to business ventures or thinking that it might be time to move in with a lover, it is time to just start talking because that is how you make things happen.

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(October 23 - November 21)

Luckiest Day: Monday, August 22nd

Sun moves into Virgo today prompting you to expand your social circle and recognize that you have a wealth of support and love around you. As a deep water sign, it is not unheard of for you to feel alone or like others do not understand you.

With so much activity arriving in that area of your life that highlights who you surround yourself with, the universe is trying to get you to focus on what you do have rather than what you do not. If it seems you're lacking something, try to look at it from a different perspective and allow those who care about you to truly be there for you, no matter what it is you are going through.


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(November 22 - December 21)

Luckiest Day: Saturday, August 27th

The New Moon in Virgo highlights an important new beginning in your career this week. If you have been looking for a new job or position, then this is the week that things start to take shape. If you are already quite happy where you are then now is the time that promotion or even a raise can take place.

This is all about newness for you and recognizing that your job does not have to be your life but only a piece of it. Make sure that your needs are fully being met and that while your career needs to serve a purpose, it also should leave enough time for you to still investigate your own on a bigger scale.


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(December 22 - January 19)

Luckiest Day: Thursday, August 25th

As Mercury shifts into Libra today it is time to reflect on if the work that you have been putting into your career is being reciprocated by the compensation that you receive. Part of being successful is not just having a job and working your way up but making sure that you are advocating for yourself and speaking up when necessary.

It is time to take inventory this week to see if your output in your career matches what it is you are receiving. Think larger than just salary, but hours, times off, and even flexibility. If you notice a discrepancy now is the time to speak up because the universe is on your side helping others see just how valuable, you are.


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(January 20 - February 18)

Luckiest Day: Thursday, August 25th

Mercury in Libra helps to push you to open yourself up to greater knowledge within your career and even in your life as a whole. Take a chance this week and learn something new. You will be pushed to expand yourself whether in your career or even life itself to look at taking a course, a class, or even a different degree.

This is all about you expanding yourself so that you are incorporating all of your recent growth into every aspect of your life. Even if you are successful at what it is you do, it does not mean that there is not something else that is calling to you. Make the most of every opportunity now and do not limit what is possible.


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(February 19 - March 20)

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, August 24th

Uranus retrograde in Taurus helps you open up and communicate the incredible ideas you have had recently which release a whole host of new opportunities. You are a dreamer by nature which means that you have ideas that others just will never think of, but it is also your responsibility to share them with others so that they can get off the ground.

This week that wealth of knowledge and ideas that you have been sitting on is going to go viral which will help you actually see it all begin to become reality. Never underestimate your own dreams because you will always see things differently than others and this is one of your greatest gifts.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
