Major Personality Differences Between The Same Zodiac Signs Born In Different Months

So different, yet so alike.

twin women kiuikson via shutterstock / Chikovnaya and Svetlana Hashymova via canva

The astrological New Year begins with the Sun entering the sign of Aries during the Spring Equinox, around late March. This is why a Sun sign season does not occupy an entire month. Instead, it will start in the middle of a month and continue onto the next month.

This causes differences between two people with the same zodiac sign born in different months.

RELATED: What Is An Astrology Zodiac Sign Natal Chart & Where To Get Yours For Free


These subtle disparities also depend on decans. Decans divide the zodiac signs into three parts, each representing a sign in the same element.

If you look at your natal chart, you'll see that the Sun (and other personal planets) each have a degree right above them. Each sign ranges from 0-29° degrees. From 0-9°, it is the first decan, usually the first ten days of a sign. The next ten days represent the second decan which is 10-19° degrees and the third decan is 20°-29°, the final ten days of the sign.

When you have other personal planets closer to the neighboring signs, it makes the distinctions between the same zodiac signs in different months more pronounced.


Personality differences between the same zodiac sign born in different months

March Aries vs. April Aries

Aries born in March share the space with dreamy and visionary Pisces. First decan Aries express their Martian energy the strongest since they are the leaders that are determined and daring.

The second decan Aries falls under the sign of Leo. April hosts most of the second and third decans. Aries born in this decan focus on having their victories and standing out is easy for them. They love the spotlight.

Finally, the third decan is represented by Sagittarius, making their energy more Jupiterian. They are the fearless and independent philosophers of the Aries group. 

RELATED: 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits & Characteristics Of The Aries Zodiac Sign


April Taurus vs. May Taurus

April Tauruses born at the beginning of their season are very in tune with their Venusian traits. They are charming, romantic, and easy-going.

The month of May has the majority of decan two and three.

The ones who fall in the second decan will be like Virgo, making them more Mercurial in their behavior. These are the overachievers and planners.

Ambitious and determined Taureans in the third decan are similar to Capricorns. Expect these Taureans to be extremely hard-working go-getters that fight for what they want.

RELATED: The Best And Worst Taurus Personality Traits

May Gemini vs. June Gemini

Geminis born in May represent the first decan. They are talkative, social, and love to learn. They can absorb information with ease and will know a little about everything.


The Geminis who are in the second decan will behave more like Libras. These are the Geminis born around June. They appear to be in control, love art, and beautiful things and are usually popular.

The visionaries fall in the third decan, represented by Aquarius. These Geminis are eccentric, fun, and outgoing. They also value their independence and creative visions.

RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Gemini Zodiac Sign

June Cancer vs. July Cancer

Cancers born at the beginning of June under the first decan are ruled by the Moon. They love to care for others and are warm and loving.

The second decan, born in July, is ruled by Scorpio which makes them very mysterious and private. These Cancers do not trust others easily. They are ambitious, loyal, and bold.


The third decan is linked to Pisces. These Cancers can be very romantic, selfless, and outgoing. They are extremely creative and passionate about their work.

RELATED: The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits

July Leo vs. August Leo

July Leos are proud and confident leaders prepared to take on the world and know how to sit on their throne. Expect a take-charge attitude from them.

August, or Second decan, Leos have traits similar to Sagittarius since they value their independence, are free-spirited, and are ready to make changes at a social level.

Finally, the third decan Leo, born mid-August, have the pioneering spirit of the Aries. They go after what they want, know their limits, and are meticulous when driven to accomplish what they desire.


RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Leo Zodiac Sign

August Virgo vs. September Virgo

August Virgos are perfectionists, planners, and diligent researchers. They set their eyes on something and are determined to succeed.

September, or Second decan, Virgos have similar traits to Capricorn. They are a hard-working sign and their commanding personalities make them more comfortable in leadership positions.

The third decan (mid-September) will display more Taurus-like qualities. These are the Venus-ruled who know how to make their presence known. They prioritize their looks and will gravitate towards fashion and self-care.

RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Virgo Personality Traits


September Libra vs. October Libra

September Libras are in the first decan where Venus traits radiate proudly. They love dressing up and being in the spotlight. Hardworking and ambitious, expect their excellent networking skills to get them to positions of influence.

Second decan Libras, born in October, are similar to Aquarians. They are not afraid to take risks. They are analytical, meticulous trendsetters. More independent than September Libras, relationships might not be as important to them.

Finally, the third decan mid-October Libra is ruled by Mercury/Gemini. They are known for their networking skills, wit, and determination. Good writers and public speakers are in this decan.

RELATED: The 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Libra Zodiac Sign


October Scorpio vs. November Scorpio

Scorpios born in October show the Martian qualities that make them strong, driven, and filled with purpose. These Scorpios are hard-working and patient and prefer staying out of the limelight.

The second decan November Scorpio is connected to Pisces. The artists and creatives are in this decan and they are not afraid to express themselves, especially if they have planets in Sagittarius.

Finally, the third decan Scorpios, born in mid-November, are ruled by the Moon and will show similar traits to Cancers. These are the homebodies and the ones that will put a priority on family and building relationships.

RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign


November Sagittarius vs. December Sagittarius

Sagittarius in the first decan, or those Sagitarrius born in November, are optimistic but appreciate the occasional dose of reality. They are the adventurers and networkers of the zodiac who want to travel and learn from other cultures.

Those born in the second decan, December, are ruled by Mars and express traits similar to Aries. They can be more impulsive and combative, but is just their passionate nature and desire to succeed.

The third decan, Sagittarius born in mid-December, have no issues taking on leadership positions where they can help others. Many in this decan gravitate towards careers in politics or law.

RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Traits Of The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign


December Capricorn vs. January Capricorn

First decan December Capricorns are ruled by Saturn but might be more free-spirited if they also have planets in Sagittarius. They find a balance between work and play, prioritizing their need for fun.

Second decan January Capricorns are ruled by Taurus and are confident and courageous, unafraid of going after what they desire. These Capricorns are more romantic and outgoing.

Third decan Capricorns, born mid-January, have Virgo traits. They are hard working and usually gravitate towards scientific and other research-related fields. These are perfectionists and will prioritize their careers to reach the top.


RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Capricorn Zodiac Sign

January Aquarius vs. February Aquarius

January Aquarius born in the first decan of the sign are driven and not afraid to break boundaries. Ruled by Saturn, they know how to plan to get to where they want.

February Aquarians born in the second decan are usually bookworms with a hunger for knowledge. This Gemini-ruled decan loves communicating with others and their social circle is expansive since they are witty, curious, and engaging.

The third decan mid-February Aquarius has Libra traits, making them social and driven to make enduring connections. They know how to make lasting impressions. Their artistic qualities can make them more innovative. 


RELATED: The 10 Best And Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius + Their Perfect Love Match

February Pisces vs. March Pisces

February Pisces in the first decan are the dreamers and have an impressive imagination. Channeling their creative side, they make great artists, poets, or designers.

The second decan March Pisces is ruled by Cancer, so they know how to make others feel at home. They are caring, loyal, and easily trusted by others.

The third decan Pisces, born in mid-March, is in Scorpio. Ruled by Mars, they are often more aggressive and focused on success. They are also more reserved emotionally, showing the world a different side than what they are at home.


RELATED: The Best & Worst Pisces Personality Traits


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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
