Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs, April 10 - 16, 2023

You are amazing just as you are.

luckiest day of the week april 10 - 16, 2023 for all zodiac signs Laure Tancredi from pexels

Your luckiest day horoscopes are here for each zodiac sign in astrology. Find out what day is best for you, April 10 - 16. 2023.

As Venus shifts into Gemini and the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn occurs, it opens the space to realize that our decisions shape our lives.

It helps you understand what you are hanging onto, blocking the abundance you seek.

Seeing clearly that it was never the universe abandoned you but only that you could not see the gifts it offered you.




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And as you do, life suddenly blooms in technicolor as it revives your soul, giving you hope that the best days of your life are ahead.

Luckiest day horoscopes for each zodiac sign for the week of April 10 - 16, 2023:


(March 21 - April 19)


Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 13th

Owning your voice and power will allow you to advance in your desired ways. You have an inner voice concerning how you are seen by others, especially in your professional life, that is deterring you from finding success and achievement.

In the week ahead, the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn encourages you to reflect on what you inherently believe about yourself and your capabilities, making sure to shed anything you have outgrown to move forward confidently.

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(April 20 - May 20)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 13th


To experience life is the greatest adventure. To be able to embrace the expansion opportunities, letting yourself get carried away by the call of your soul will always bring you to the most amazing of destinations.

But to do that, you need to let yourself cease with the thoughts that somehow that life is not meant for you. It comes down to letting yourself dream bigger than you have before. Let yourself try new things and experiment with the amazingness that life offers so you can create your own luck.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, April 11th


In being able to experience luck, honoring your own truth becomes increasingly important. This aspect of truth is rooted in what you need and want from life versus the endless stream of thoughts that tempt you in different directions.

This week as Venus in your zodiac sign aligns with Pluto in Aquarius, there is an important realization or understanding based on your own truth that can help you take off to greater doubts. Do not doubt what comes in this week, as it will lead you to expand your life in all the ways you desire.

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(June 21 - July 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Friday, April 14th


A big part of your life is expanding into new and different spaces. Stretching yourself beyond who you thought you had to be or should be into all the places your soul has known you belong all along.

In the week ahead, as Saturn in Pisces crosses paths with the fated North Node, you will feel that confirmation from the universe that you are right where you are supposed to be. Even if it feels uncomfortable or different, you are being led to leave and start living the life you have dreamed of.

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(July 23 - August 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, April 11th

One of the most divine moments that can happen occurs when the universe conspires to make all your dreams a reality. It is an opportunity to work with the divine forces to seek new opportunities and changes within your life.


This week, you get a powerful boost as Jupiter crosses into the heart of the Sun in Aries, lighting up possibilities within your life. You will have to leave that comfort zone of certainty to take advantage of it, but it will undoubtedly help you embrace new experiences and a deeper meaning of yourself and the life you are creating.

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(August 23 - September 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 13th

In your soul, you will always know when you are participating within your soul contract. It is those feelings that you have which tell you that the moment you are in is not only divinely orchestrated but that is also serving a bigger purpose.


This week, Saturn in Pisces unites with the North Node in Taurus, helping you bridge the divine lessons that you have learned by stepping into a new and exciting chapter of your life. This will help open doors that have seemed closed and allow you to gain greater confidence in pursuing your soul's path.

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(September 23 - October 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, April 11th

To embrace all the divine luck you are trying to manifest, remember that, ultimately, the universe will ask you to choose it. With anything amazing, healthy, or unique, you must always embrace your conscious choice to choose that path.


This is because there is a balance between both fate and free will. When you choose the path meant for you, the universe can respond. In the next few days, Venus, the planet of love and wealth, transits into Gemini, activating this ability to choose and to choose well.

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(October 23 - November 21)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 13th

You are a wealth of emotions and feelings, sometimes often bogged down by everything you keep inside when you do not realize these feelings; whether because of heartbreak, success, or even new understandings, you create blocks within yourself.


You inherently allow the universe to respond to you by validating your worthiness to express yourself. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn this week will help you overcome any self-sabotaging thoughts preventing you from speaking your truth so that you can truly step into the space of abundance and love.

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(November 22 - December 21)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, April 11th

Happiness is never overrated, but sometimes it also changes depending on where you are with yourself. What made you happy at age five might not be all that is fulfilling at 35. Sometimes even less time must pass for that to be true. But you always need to remain aware of who you are growing into because this will change how you approach decision-making within your life.


It is about owning the truth of who you are now and freely expressing that so that you are not only consciously creating a life of peace and joy but also in the space to attract that from the universe continually. As Jupiter crosses into the heart of the Sun this week, joy will become the most important commodity. That is the point of everything.

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(December 22 - January 19)


Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, April 13th

You can sometimes be excruciatingly hard on yourself as you judge based on impossible standards or even those that do not denote success. There has been a push lately from the universe to have you see that you are not what you do but who you are.

You are worthy without having to prove yourself, without having to overwork or even achieve financial freedom. You are important just because there is no one else like you. As the Last Quarter Moon rises in your own sign, it is time to recognize that the thoughts that make you second guess yourself are no longer part of your story. You no longer need to subscribe to proving anything and instead enter the space of attracting everything.

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(January 20 - February 18)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, April 11th

Life is not always about overcoming that next big hurdle. Sometimes the best moments are those where you can understand why you had to work hard to achieve what you have. It is time, simply times, the smiles of happiness, the sign of peace that tells you that you have found joy through healing the parts of yourself that thought you had to become someone different.

This week as Venus, the planet of love and wealth, enters Gemini, you will see the meaning behind the choices that you have made. The times the redirection was the blessing and joy you have created in learning to be yourself unequivocally and unapologetically.


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(February 19 - March 20)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, April 11th

Emotions will always rule your would, as does your soul. It can be hard for you to see or even learn to care about the material world since it is so easy to live independently where nothing matters but love and the freedom to run about in the wilds all day. But financial success is rooted in your self-worth.

Understanding that you are worthy of a life of financial ease and that just because you lead with your soul does not mean you should ever suffer. In the days ahead, as Jupiter and the Sun unite as one in Aries, you will receive a momentous reward from the universe for your past work and dedication to your purpose. Ensure that your self-worth is checked so you do not spend one minute doubting the abundance meant for you.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.