Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From December 2 - 8, 2024
Magic is always around you – if you know where to look.

The luckiest day of the week horoscopes are here for each zodiac sign. The week of December 2 - 8, 2024 is an active one, though much of the energy will be focused on December 6 – 8 when a great deal of planetary activity occurs.
Before Mars begins its retrograde in Leo on Friday, December 6, use the beginning of the week to focus on your well-being, meditating, reflecting, and slowing down. Mars will begin its retrograde in Leo on Friday, December 6, before shifting into Cancer on January 6 and finally stationing direct on February 23. There is no rushing this process. Embrace what each moment has to offer.
On Saturday, December 7, Venus and asteroid Ceres shift into Aquarius, joining Pluto. This will increase your intuition and ability to discern what is right for you — even if it goes against the status quo. You might experience a change of heart to fulfill your destiny with the luck of the universe on your side.
Neptune, the planet of unconditional love, hopes and dreams will also station direct in Pisces on Saturday, December 7 bringing greater optimism for yourself, the future, and the goals that you hope to achieve.
The First Quarter Moon will peak in Pisces on Sunday, December 8, creating an energy of new beginnings, which will be based on the knowledge of your soul. Even if circumstances may appear challenging, or your dreams impossible, this energy will let you genuinely believe in your intuition so deeply that failure just isn’t an option.
The First Quarter Moon will connect deeply to Neptune stationing direct, both in Pisces, representing that what you choose to begin around this time won’t simply be about greater abundance or success for you — but truly can affect those around you.
Luckiest day for each zodiac sign the week of December 2 - 8, 2024
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Luckiest Day for Aries: Saturday, December 7
Lucky Theme: Dream A Little Dream
Dearest Aries, as hard as these last few months have been, you have still been operating within the divine timing of the universe. As you’ve gotten clearer about who you are and what you want for your life, there has been a slowness to manifesting — but that doesn’t mean what you desire isn’t meant for you, but only that you have been being protected from what isn’t.
On Saturday, December 7, Neptune will station direct in Pisces, allowing you to feel a surge of hope and optimism toward the future. This energy will help to fortify your dreams so that you can believe in yourself more deeply, which makes all the difference. Be sure to pay close attention to your dreams and intuition, as you will be receiving guidance on what direction to move in — and how to start making progress in this new phase of your life.
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Luckiest Day for Taurus: Saturday, December 7
Lucky Theme: Professional Abundance
You are destined for success, Taurus, but you may need to go about achieving it in unconventional ways. Venus will shift into Aquarius on Saturday, December 7, lighting up your career sector and bringing about possibilities for greater abundance and wealth. To tap into this lucky energy you will need to approach your professional life in new ways.
While being pragmatic is an asset of yours, you can’t always simply check the boxes off a list to do what is right. While integrity matters, there is no award at the end of this life for simply following all the rules. Try to reflect more on what you want for yourself, and don’t be afraid to be a bit more independent in achieving your dreams.
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Luckiest Day for Gemini: Sunday, December 8
Lucky Theme: New Beginnings
You’ve been moving through a phase of questioning your professional goals, Gemini, but all of that shifts once the First Quarter Moon in Pisces rises on Sunday, December 8. This theme of confusion has not solely been yours, but has been planted by others who may not fully support your dreams. By trusting those you care about, your confidence has wavered, and you have begun to wonder if they are right.
However, as Neptune stations direct in Pisces on December 7, your hopeful vision returns allowing you to seize an opportunity for a new beginning. Don’t hesitate to accept a new role or launch a new project around this time, especially if it’s something you feel driven to create. While you can love those in your life, Gemini, you need to make sure the decisions you’re making in your career are solely yours.
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Luckiest Day for Cancer: Friday, December 6
Lucky Theme: Worthiness
Try to slow down, Cancer, so that you don’t miss the opportunities for growth and abundance that are in store for you. Mars will station direct in Leo on Friday, December 6, giving you time to process the recent changes in your life and helping you reevaluate what is most important to you. Leo governs over your house of wealth and worthiness and creates a life that truly resonates with your soul.
As Mars stations retrograde, hold off on making any tremendous changes in your life and embrace what this new phase is all about. With so much change recently, you need to practice just being in the present moment. This will help you heal your nervous system and allow you time to remember what you deserve from yourself and others. By embracing this journey within, you will receive the keys to making your life what you have always dreamed of.
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Luckiest Day for Leo: Saturday, December 7
Lucky Theme: Hope Returns
The universe has never been against you, dear Leo, you just needed time to see that what hasn’t worked out has served to redirect your path toward your highest purpose. This journey has led to you having new ideas about what you want for yourself and your life, and though it may also be affecting your romantic life, you have more to accomplish than just a relationship.
As Neptune stations direct in Pisces on Saturday, December 8, there is a return of hope and divine trust in your path and the universe. You will have greater faith in yourself, which will also allow you to see possibilities where you previously weren’t able to.
Focus your energy on the changes you want to make in your life, including your rebirth as a new and more healed version of yourself. Although you are just beginning a new phase of personal growth thanks to Mars stationing retrograde in Leo on December 6, it doesn’t mean that you can’t embrace the hope that everything is happening in the way that it is meant to.
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Luckiest Day for Virgo: Saturday, December 7
Lucky Theme: Home Is Where The Heart Is
The greatest journey that you can embrace in this moment, Virgo, is the one within your home and the roots of your life. Asteroid Ceres shifts into Aquarius on Saturday, December 7, representing a desire to care for not just others but yourself. This will add to the focus on your home and family that began with the start of Sagittarius Season, but also represents a truly lucky period for anything related to home, family, and healing.
Because of this energy, you should experience a more joyful and connected holiday season than in years past — but it will also have far-reaching effects on your life and the dreams that you have.
It can be hard for you to embrace all you have, but with this shift, especially with Ceres in Aquarius, you will be able to be in the moment and find the balance between being there for others and yourself. Honor what you need to feel your best and permit yourself to enjoy the presence of those who mean the most to you.
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Luckiest Day for Libra: Sunday, December 8
Lucky Theme: Put Yourself First
The First Quarter Moon in Pisces will rise on Sunday, December 8, sweet Libra, helping you to unapologetically prioritize yourself so you can give yourself everything you’ve always needed. This is part of an ongoing theme that has asked you to prioritize your needs and dreams in this new chapter of your life. But the First Quarter Moon in Pisces is about new beginnings, so you will find out what it looks like to prioritize yourself during this time.
Consider what boundaries you may want to set, or changes to your daily routine that better honor yourself this time. While this might seem small compared to all you want to accomplish, it will lay the groundwork for transforming your life in all the ways you dream of. You set the tone for everything else in your life by how you treat yourself and protect your peace, so if you want to make drastic changes, this is also the place to begin.
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Luckiest Day for Scorpio: Friday, December 6
Lucky Theme: Trust Your Path
You may have to be more conscious with your thoughts, Scorpio, as Mars stations retrograde in Leo on Friday, December 6. Mars governs action and ambition, and in Leo, it activates themes related to your career. There are changes in store for your career, which is why it will be so important to become more aware of your thoughts and any internal story that you are still operating from.
Mars retrograde in your house of career will bring positive changes, developments, and new shifts into this area of your life — but it will do so by helping you become more aware of your motivations and what you genuinely want to create.
Remain positive during this time, lean into what your intuition tells you, and allow yourself to explore what you feel called to pursue. There is no rush in this phase, and though you may have to practice patience until April 18 when Mars returns to Leo after its retrograde, it doesn’t mean that you won’t make progress — just trust your path, no matter where it feels like it leads at this moment.
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Luckiest Day for Sagittarius: Friday, December 6
Lucky Theme: Focus On What You Want
Sagittarius, you are being given a gift. Mars will station retrograde in Leo on Friday, December 6, highlighting themes of luck, abundance, and spiritual meaning within your life. These are all themes that your zodiac sign rules over naturally, but with Mars in Leo moving through its retrograde here, you are being guided to reflect on what you’ve been working to achieve — and if it’s because of your truth, or for the approval of others.
Instead of continuing with the recent choices you’ve made or beginning a new path, use this time to reflect on the need to gain the approval or validation of others by what you achieve or accomplish in your life. This period of heightened awareness can help set you free to explore more of your path, however, you can’t continue to measure your choices against the accomplishments of others.
You are meant for a unique path, and because of that, the only measure of success you should use is the past version of yourself that would be so proud of all you’ve already accomplished.
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Luckiest Day for Capricorn: Saturday, December 7
Lucky Theme: Ease Returns
Allow yourself to release the struggle of the past few months, Capricorn, and welcome a new era of ease into your life. Not only has Pluto officially settled into Aquarius, but Neptune will station direct in Pisces on Saturday, December 7 helping you to understand the purpose of your past and giving you more hope for what you want to manifest in the future.
Neptune rules over your dreams, intuition, love, and the spiritual realm, so while retrograde you may have felt a greater disconnect as you were guided to focus on your inner self rather than outwardly on signs or synchronicities. But the energy around you will start humming once again as Neptune stations direct, bringing a renewed sense of hope, optimism, and understanding.
This will allow you to process and release matters of the past, as well as understand yourself more deeply, including the importance of emotional fulfillment. Your life doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s Capricorn, and beginning this week, you can finally focus on it feeling good rather than simply the obligations you once felt.
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Luckiest Day for Aquarius: Sunday, December 8
Lucky Theme: Financial Possibilities
You will be working in synch with the universe, dear Aquarius, which will let you receive greater wealth and make important shifts in your life. As you get used to having Pluto in your sign of Aquarius, you are beginning to want more from life and see more possibilities than previously existed. This has led you to start considering what you want for your life and allowing you to embrace your free-spirited nature to create what will deeply resonate with your soul.
As the First Quarter Moon rises in Pisces on Sunday, December 8, you will be able to use the energy of Neptune stationing direct on December 7, to have hope in yourself and the financial new beginning you want to manifest. While this will serve to improve your finances, it also has to do with you being able to create more of a life that is made up of what and who you value most.
Listen to your internal voice that reminds you of your worthiness and believe in the possibilities that exist around you. Remember, when you can begin to craft a life based on how you feel, you often will find greater success than just focusing on finances, career, or relationship status.
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Luckiest Day for Pisces: Saturday, December 7
Lucky Theme: Feeling Like Yourself Again
Allow yourself to shed the worries and stresses of the past, Pisces, and embrace the feeling of returning home to yourself. You’ve struggled to feel like yourself lately, which speaks to the hopeful, optimistic, and dreamy nature that you are known for. Instead, you’ve been more focused on the practical and rigid, and have become more skeptical toward offers and those that you care about.
As Neptune stations direct in Pisces on Saturday, December 7, you will be able to return to your authentic self and allow yourself a moment of rest before beginning a new phase in your life.
Mars will also station retrograde in Leo on December 6, which helps you honor more of what you need and embrace changes to your daily life. It brings the confidence you need to know what has to be done to make progress toward your dreams. Give yourself time during this period, to rest, focus on yourl health, and start trusting that the reason why you see life so differently than others is because you also have a very different soul purpose in this lifetime. Return home to yourself, Pisces, so that you can be reminded that you already have everything you need already within yourself.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.