Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Monthly Horoscope For August 1 - 31, 2024
Powerful messages of growth and prosperity.

Your monthly horoscope for August 2024 — based on your Chinese zodiac sign — is here! But first, what does August have in store for everybody?
The I Ching hexagram for the month is Water over Earth (#8). It speaks of the importance of building strong communities that uplift each other, make space for divergence and disabilities, and seek to grow together while embracing diversity at the individual level so it's fun for everyone to engage and interact. After all, where's the fun if everyone's a baker?
Of course, creating such a space can be difficult when the world has been divided by those who live by the principle of “divide and conquer.” Yet, that change is possible.
History is a testament to the capacity of humans for love and kindness. We are not in the dark ages, after all. Let this be your driving force in August. Little steps can conquer mountains, and little drops can change the ocean.
Here's what each Chinese zodiac sign can expect during the month of August 2024.
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Lucky Day for Love: August 4 & 7
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 12
Lucky Day for Career: August 31
Rat, August will be a wildflower type of month for you. New adventures, refreshing friendships, and delightful discoveries await! All you need to do is take tiny steps out of your comfort zone and remind yourself to breathe whenever you feel stressed. “This too shall pass” can be your mantra whenever unreasonable fears try to lock you down.
If you feel called to, do something creative this month that brings your soul peace. Whether that's tinkering with an old car in the garage, crocheting an amigurumi pet, planting flowers, or trying your hand at baking bread, you get to make the final decision.
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Lucky Day for Love: August 23
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 22 & 23
Lucky Day for Career: August 21
Ox, if you have been dealing with heartache, sadness, or a fallout with people who you thought were friends but who turned out not to be so, the month of August is here to support you as you heal. Lean into the cosmic currents, and you will discover invisible strength and signs from the universe.
You are also encouraged to find catharsis, whether through working with a therapist, filling a journal in private, writing poetry, or anything else. Don't mind those who try to guilt you or snort at you for taking care of yourself when wounded. It's the most natural thing to do!
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Lucky Day for Love: August 20
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 19
Lucky Day for Career: August 18
Tiger, the month of August will be a period of rest and peace for you — almost like a break between periods of high energy and drive. Allow your heart to ease into this so you can recharge your batteries. You will feel even better if you engage with your loved ones and remain close to them. Sitting in silence in their presence will have a positive impact on you, too.
If you feel called to, this month is also a great time to learn how to cook or to add new recipes to your repertoire. You can set a strong foundation for your culinary skills and build on them each day.
Neng-studio | Canva Pro
Lucky Day for Love: August 17
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 16
Lucky Day for Career: August 15
Rabbit, the message for August for you is a cryptic one — don't let the fox into the hen house. You are being urged to be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, whether they are friends, family members, acquaintances, or otherwise. If you see a red flag, don't ignore it. The cosmic currents won't be able to protect you if you do.
If you feel called to, maintain a journal where you write your impressions, thoughts, and hunches. Over time, your subconscious mind will reveal what your conscious mind was struggling to understand. It's time to build faith in yourself.
Neng-studio | Canva Pro
Lucky Day for Love: August 14
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 15
Lucky Day for Career: August 15
Dragon, there is much ahead of you still in this year. Don't feel disheartened by the fact that we are already in the eighth month of the year. Patience will help you cross the finish line with style and pride. If you lean into your tasks, the mundane day-to-day activities won't faze you. Keep your eyes on the prize, and keep carrying on!
If you feel called to, now's a good time to expand your circle of friends and acquaintances. Be more social, but know your limits. New ideas, new conversations, fascinating subjects, and more await you on this path.
Lucky Day for Love: August 17
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 17
Lucky Day for Career: August 18 & 21
Snake, the energy in August for you is shrouded in mystery. You are encouraged to trust your instincts and not ignore red flags. Some of you are on the verge of a big breakthrough. You must protect your space and energy to keep up until the very end.
If you feel called to, now's also a good time to reconnect with old friends whom you've lost touch with throughout life. Sometimes, a big dose of nostalgia and reconnection is enough to bring inspiration back to your life. You may even discover paths and avenues you haven't explored yet!
Lucky Day for Love: August 23
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 22
Lucky Day for Career: August 27
Horse, the energy of August is beautiful — but more like how Belladonna is beautiful. There's a tinge of deadliness here specifically for you. For some of you, this is a direct message about being more careful of what you eat and drink, especially if you have allergies.
For others, this is a message about avoiding negative people. Just because someone is heartstoppingly handsome or gorgeous doesn't mean you should make an effort. And that includes musicians, actors, and so on.
You are also encouraged to ground yourself more this month to stay mindful of your actions and environment. Set healthy boundaries, too!
Lucky Day for Love: August 29
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 22
Lucky Day for Career: August 12
Goat, the energy of August is a bit dull for you now. But a slower-than-usual month allows you to write your own story without any overwhelming astrological influence trying to push you here, there, and everywhere! To do so, you are encouraged to maintain a journal so your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration don't disappear like a mist.
If you feel called to, now's also a great time to start a Pinterest page or create some new boards for manifestation. Visual cues have a strong impact on our psyche, so lean into them!
Lucky Day for Love: August 12
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 13
Lucky Day for Career: August 12
Monkey, the energy in August has an ephemeral quality to it. If you have secret psychic abilities or strong intuition, those gifts will be heightened under this influence. If you don't, you will observe more signs and synchronicities around you than usual. Engage with everything like a detective. Don't throw anything out of the window until you are sure there isn't a clue hiding underneath.
This influence will impact your entertainment choices too this month. You may prefer darker themes or realism over slapstick humor and soft vibes. Pay attention to anything that stands out to you while you are engaged this way. A window of opportunity for healing old wounds will open soon.
Lucky Day for Love: August 12
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 12
Lucky Day for Career: August 14
Rooster, this month's energy is grounded in adventures and delights. But what that may mean to one person will be different to another, so focus exclusively on what excites your heart and fills you with delight! “To each their own” is the motto, but you can bring your friends and acquaintances on this jolly ride with you, too.
You are also encouraged to try something new that someone else recommended to you. This is the month for explorations. If you don't like it, you don't need to try it to the end (like a book rec or a movie). But at least this way, you would know what the hype is all about.
Lucky Day for Love: August 12
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 13
Lucky Day for Career: August 12
Dog, know your mind and trust your own counsel in August. This month's energies will throw various curveballs at you to test your determination and resolve. This current is not your friend, though! Treat this as a dragon worth slaying, and you won't get distracted by anything in the world.
If you feel called to, now's also a good time to start a hobby to help you build your patience. Whether this is woodworking, crocheting, pottery, or something else, choose your adventure and go for it!
Lucky Day for Love: August 12
Lucky Day for Friendship: August 10 & 11
Lucky Day for Career: August 9
Pig, the energy in August is all about steering towards those who genuinely love and care for you and moving away from spaces that try to break you down or damage your self-esteem. Not every person in the world will understand you, but not everyone will go out of their way to make you feel strange. That difference will bring you peace and new friends.
If you feel called to, hike to the top of a mountain (it can be a small one) and just contemplate life. Or go to the beach at five in the morning and just sit and stare at the waves. Deep insights await you on this path.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.