What Your Zodiac Sign Needs To Manifest During Venus In Gemini On June 2, 2023

Let your love lead the way.

zodiac sign needs to manifest june 2, 2023 Mikhail Nilov From Pexels Via Canva

On June 2nd, Venus will be in the zodiac sign of Gemini, so here is what your zodiac sign needs to manifest on this day.  What you love or what you are passionate about is not a mistake or even an inconvenience — it is divine guidance. 

Orchestrated by the universe, what you feel the strongest pull toward, is also what is a part of your soul’s purpose in this life. You should never have to talk yourself into anything, whether it’s a job or a relationship. 


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And while everything which is meant for you will require work to create success, it shouldn’t cost you your passion. Focus on what you want. Allow yourself to embrace this truth as love for yourself so you invest your energy manifesting what is genuinely meant for you.  

What your zodiac sign needs to manifest on June 2, 2023, during Venus in Gemini:


(March 21 - April 19)  

Manifest: Healing conversations 

Create a tea with Echinacea, ginger, and peppermint. Drink by yourself as you sit quietly repeating the affirmation or offer to another you need to have a healing conversation with.  


Affirmation For Today: I am embracing the opportunities to bring healing with my words.  

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(April 20 - May 20) 

Manifest: Self-worth 

Take a violet candle and wrap it with a yellow string for greater self-worth. As it burns, repeat the affirmation as you envision a bright yellow aura protecting you from everything which isn’t meant for you and creating space for what is.  

Affirmation For Today: I am worthy of everything I dream of.

RELATED: The Secret To Making Your Manifestation Come True, Based On Your Moon Sign 


(May 21 - June 20) 

Manifest:  Purpose 

Write a letter of intention to yourself on what you are seeking purpose within. Fold it three times and place it beneath a blue candle. Repeat the affirmation and anoint your root and third eye chakras with rose essential oil to create space for divine guidance.  


Affirmation For Today: I am trusting the divine to help shift me toward my greater purpose.  

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(June 21 - July 22) 

Manifest: Clarity 

Using amazonite, place it in your hands and hold it to your third eye while repeating the affirmation. Place it in your clothing throughout the day and sleep with it under your pillow for greater intensity.  

Affirmation For Today: I am open to receiving clarity and understanding on critical issues.  

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(July 23 - August 22) 

Manifest:  Joy 

Plant delphinium or blue daisies by your door for greater joy. As you do repeat the affirmation, sending the intention for joy, happiness, and peace into the plants.  


Affirmation For Today: I am embracing each moment of joy the universe presents me with.

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(August 23 - September 22) 

Manifest:  A career decision 

Take a green candle and etch the word decision on it. Place it on your altar with an amethyst at the base. As you meditate on your altar space, repeat the affirmation ten times.  

Affirmation For Today: I am capable of making a career decision for my highest good.  

RELATED: How To Manifest A Better Life Than You Ever Thought Possible


(September 23 - October 22) 

Manifest:  Adventure 

Light an orange candle while you create a vision board for all you want to experience or try in this new chapter. Once finished, write on the back of it three practical steps you can take to accomplish each one. Set up in a space where you can see it often and anoint yourself with lavender essential oil before going to bed.  


Affirmation For Today: I am free to enjoy life and try new things.  

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(October 23 - November 21) 

Manifest:  Healing a romantic relationship 

Create a tea with lemon balm and rose, to enjoy with your partner. As you sit together, repeat the affirmation silently and envision a white healing light of protection surrounding you both.  

Affirmation For Today: I am able to start anew and heal what was previously wounded.  

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(November 22 - December 21) 

Manifest:  Living your truth 

Anoint your heart chakra with geranium oil as you repeat the affirmation. Throughout the day focus on the opportunities, you have for truth and lean into the greater trust of yourself while practicing deep belly breaths.  


Affirmation For Today: I am committed to following my heart and living my truth.  

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(December 22 - January 19) 

Manifest:  Self-empowerment 


Create or purchase a piece of jewelry such as a necklace with clear quartz. Send the intention of self-empowerment into it as you anoint it with lime essential oil. As you place it on yourself, repeat the affirmation six times.  

Affirmation For Today: I am embracing my internal power to create the life I desire.  

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(January 20 - February 18) 

Manifest: Gratitude 

Collect frankincense and lavender incense. As you burn it, write down everything you are grateful for in your life. Fold it three times and plant it beneath a lavender plant by your front door. Sprinkle with rosemary for love.  


Affirmation For Today: I am a vessel of deep gratitude for everything in my life.  

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(February 19 - March 20) 

Manifest: Greater meaning  

Create a sacred bath with rosemary and peppermint, either with essential oils or sprigs of the plants themselves. As you settle into the healing waters, repeat the affirmation, and allow yourself to breathe deeply as you become aware of what understanding reveals itself to you.  

Affirmation For Today: I am open to understanding the greater meaning behind recent events and lessons.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work. For more of her work, visit her website.