Everything To Know Before Dating An Aquarius

Dating an Aquarius is not always easy, but when it works, it's extra rewarding.

Last updated on Apr 02, 2023

aquarius zodiac symbol, couple Cristian Castillo via Unsplash / Sanjay Indiresh, R-Designs Criativos and Soly Moses via Canva

Dating an Aquarius is a wild ride. This is a relationship that, once this mysterious zodiac sign finally opens up to you, will be full of excitement and new experiences.

Of course, before you can really get into the most exciting part of dating the Water Bearer, you have to be patient with the Aquarius zodiac sign while she opens up to you. Not a lot of people have patience for a zodiac sign who never really seems like she's even remotely interested in you, but there are a few ways to get her to be more honest about her feelings with you, instead of her just pretending she hasn't noticed you yet.


The first thing to know about dating an Aquarius is that they're looking for someone who can be their best friend. Aquarius is ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus; Saturn encourages Aquarius through authority, tradition, and rules, while Uranus encourages rebellion, originality, and independence. Therefore, Aquarius has a duality in their chart that must be equalized.

Aquarius is one of the three air signs and its symbol is the Water Bearer, which represents their search for knowledge and truth, and the flowing of energy, paradoxes, and polarity. The Water Bearer is also associated with healing and cleansing, and is a symbol of service in the Zodiac; Aquarius thrives under this symbol.


An Aquarius personality can seem very intimidating and cold to people, but that doesn't mean they aren't also warm and friendly. An Aquarius woman is a great judge of character because she's a very social person and knows how to read people well. She's clever, sarcastic, curious, inquisitive, independent, creative, hardworking, and thoughtful.

RELATED: The Most Important Things To Know About An Aquarius In Love

Why is Aquarius so hard to date?

The downside to dating an Aquarius is that she can be temperamental and uncompromising at times. Aquarius is a fixed sign, which makes them very stubborn and unwilling to adhere to others' ideals, only their own. Even though Aquarius is an air sign and is often open-minded to all possibilities, there are times when she's decisive, and no one can sway her from changing her mind.

When dating, if an Aquarius woman knows that you actually want to make a connection with her that's more than a casual hook-up, she'll be more inclined to show you the real her. That said, there will be times when all Aquarius wants is a casual hook-up, and these often don't amount to anything.


Commitment takes a while with Aquarius because they need time to trust you and believe in you. Aquarius men and women take 5-7 months to finally get close to you and get there in terms of building trust.

If you want an Aquarian's trust, don't be too perfect. Aquarius can tell if you're trying to be someone you're not, and they respect authenticity and realness. The faster you show them the real you and prove that they can trust you, the faster they will do the same. You need to show them that you're a trustworthy person and are worthy of their trust in you.

Another thing to keep in mind when building trust is that you can call her too complex and mysterious all you want, but the guard she puts up is really just her making sure that the people in her life aren't fake; Aquarius puts a lot of effort into cultivating friendships and relationships! And when she's really into you, she's going to want to start building an unbreakable, solid foundation that's going to connect you two.

But no matter how you feel about Aquarius when you first meet her, everyone should date an Aquarius at least once because she's going to change your life. That sounds cheesy, but even a short relationship with her will have you trying new things, getting out of your comfort zone, and knocking your socks off in bed.


And even if the relationship ends, she's one of the zodiac signs you'll keep thinking about long after it's over. An Aquarius partner is something you should definitely try, at least once.

RELATED: Aquarius Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign

Facts about dating an Aquarius

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Aquarius can handle just about anything.

Not much can shake an Aquarius. They have strong cores that keep them cool under pressure in almost any situation. Whether you're coming to them with a tough past or issues you're still learning how to work out, Aquarius are the partners who will accept you no matter what. Plus, they have never been ones to shy away from a challenge, so bring it on!

You can trust Aquarius to get deep. Not much can scare them away, so stay up late and tell each other your greatest fears and what you want to accomplish most in life. Secrets are safe with them because they know how important it is to rely on someone completely. If you think Aquarius get scared off, don't worry — they can handle it.

The Aquarius personality is curious by nature.

Try that new fusion restaurant, learn how to weld, listen to new music, try that new position in bed — Aquarius do it all at least once. Aquarius loves to try new things and is always down to do something new, because if they don't do it with you, they are probably off trying that new thing on their own... except maybe that new position (kind of hard without a partner and all that).

Aquarius is one of the more adventurous zodiac signs in astrology and is always more than eager to experience as much as possible in life. If you want a partner who will open you up to new things and show you that even a boring Sunday can be an adventure, Aquarius is the one for you.


Aquarius is a great listener.

They might not always be the chatty type, but they are always down to listen, especially to someone who means a lot to them. If Aquarius is dating you, you’re already pretty fascinating to them, and getting to dig around inside that brain of yours is a good way for them to get to know you.

When you’re with an Aquarius, you should be prepared to talk more than listen because they aren't the kind of zodiac sign that constantly needs to talk to fill quiet moments. They are comfortable when they can just be with you and enjoy the silence. Listening to someone they are dating is a way for them to connect on a deeper level.

Aquarius doesn’t always have to talk about themselves, either. When it comes to conversation topics, the sky’s the limit with Aquarius. All they really care about is getting you to open up to them so they can really get to know who you are. Plus, one of the things Aquarius wants the most in a partner is someone they can call their best friend, too, and you always tell your BFF everything, right?

Aquarius respects boundaries.

If any zodiac sign knows what it’s like to feel like everyone is always up in your business all the time, it’s Aquarius. They take painstaking measures to make sure you have the boundaries you need while dating them because they know firsthand that being nosy never really works out well for a relationship in the end. Granted, they can get a little too distant at times, so it’s important to keep honest, open communication with them. Aquarius will always try to let you know how they feel, but you definitely have to do the same.


Aquarius is not the kind of zodiac sign to go poking around in your personal life. If you want to share something, they know you’ll do so once you’re comfortable enough. They don’t get clingy or overbearing, either. Aquarius knows that having a life outside of a relationship is important, and they respect that you need to be your own person (that’s what they want, too).

Above all else, they understand how important boundaries and giving each other space are. They can still be super-affectionate and cuddly, but they won’t suffocate you, either.

Aquarius will keep you on your toes.

If you want a partner who will always keep you on your toes, Aquarius is the match for you. They are used to getting weird stares and don’t really care what anyone thinks about them, so as long as you’re okay with doing things you normally wouldn’t do in a relationship, you'll make a good pair.


Dating an Aquarius means you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get out of your comfort zone. Don’t worry, though; they won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to because they are fun-loving; though, they hope you’ll try new things with them occasionally.

Aquarius is one of the most entertaining zodiac signs. When you’re having a bad day, they will embarrass themselves just to see you smile, and when you want to have some fun, they will find something memorable to do together — like going to an axe-throwing range or taking an impromptu weekend road trip.

Aquarius can be pretty serious and sometimes even hard to read, but one thing you can always say about dating an Aquarius is that they are never boring.

RELATED: What Does An Aquarius Look Like?


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Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes.