Sagittarius Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

Are you compatible with this free spirit?

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Sagittarius are the stars of the zodiac! Don’t believe me? Famous Sagittarians include Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Brad Pitt, Steven Spielberg, and Sia.

No one would ever call these people slackers. So, when it comes to Sagittarius compatibility, it's no secret that this sign attracts a lot of attention. But who is lucky enough to receive the same affection in return?

Sagittarius Compatibility: Overview

Using astrology as a guide is a great way to determine Sagittarius compatibility and whether your zodiac sign has a chance with this fiery Archer. In order to know who is the most compatible, you first need to understand some things about Sagittarius.


They can’t sit still for too long. The only time they’re not doing something is because they’ve already exhausted themselves by being constantly on-the-go. They don’t have an overly strong attention span, and they crave new experiences and stimuli all the time.

What makes someone a good match for Sagittarius?

Sagittarius has a very active social life, especially since they like people, and people like them. They don’t enjoy long periods of isolation and will purposely schedule a day filled with activities and social engagements so they don’t have to spend too much time alone.

Other Sagittarius traits include being spontaneous and impulsive, and it’s not unlike them to make a split-second decision and completely change their plans. They’re flexible and they like to keep their options open — no over-planning for them!


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Sagittarians are optimistic, outspoken, and will get angry with you if you don’t ask them enough questions about themselves. They’re charming, charismatic, flirtatious, and independent.

While Sagittarius can also be somewhat self-absorbed, they’re so captivating that they’re difficult to resist.


Sagittarius Compatibility With Each Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius and Aries

Love: Sagittarius and Aries get along like a house on fire! They're both impulsive, adventurous, and love new challenges.

Sagittarius and Aries want to experience things for themselves, not just read about them and imagine what they'd be like. They love to have fun, are active, and the two of them together have incredible sexual chemistry. There is no room for boredom in a Sagittarius/Aries relationship.

Neither sign is overly sensitive because both have moments where they feel compelled to tell it like it is, even when their truth is harsh. Both signs are genuinely optimistic and excited about what each day will bring.

Sex: Thanks to their deep emotional compatibility, these two are also sexually compatible. These two Fire signs spark passion in the bedroom which helps to keep their flame alive. For Aries, sex is a conquest and Sagittarius is more than happy to join the game.


Long-term relationships and marriage: In marriage, these two are great at keep the fun alive. Even in their old age, they'll be adventuring together.

The downside to this pairing is how accident-prone the two of them are together, with Aries rushing around and Sagittarius paying attention to everything except what is right in front of them.

Luckily, they have the same kind of positive energy about them and a ton of things in common, so their relationship has the potential to be incredible.

Sagittarius and Taurus

Love: There is no middle ground with Sagittarius and Taurus — they're either intensely attracted to each other, or have no attraction whatsoever.


Both of them tend to come at life from two different directions, so even when they meet in the middle, there is conflict and tension. Sagittarius may not take Taurus' sensitivity seriously and say things to Taurus that make them feel attacked.

Taurus won't understand why Sagittarius can't sit down and relax for a minute, and Sagittarius won't get why feelings of peace and harmony are so vital to Taurus.

Sex: This Bull can be sensual but animalistic in bed, which definitely appeals to Sagittarius' sense of adventure.

These two can have a good time but probably won't have a long time together, so enjoy the fun while it lasts. Once things start to get repetitive, Sagittarius will be out of there.


Long-term relationships and marriage: It's hard to envision this pair even making it to their wedding day. It would take Taurus a long time to trust Sagittarius, and by then, Sagittarius would be bored and long gone.

This dichotomy is due to the fact that they couldn't be more different. Sagittarius loves action, adventure, and trying new things, while Taurus prefers the comfort and safety of home. These two couldn't have a less similar approach to life if they tried.

Sagittarius and Gemini

Love: You'd think these two would get along better than they actually do.

Fire signs and Air signs are both very social and good at conversation, but somehow, they don't seem to be talking on the same level. Maybe they feel competitive with each other as both are used to being the "fun one." They make much better friends than lovers.


Sex: That said, their sexual relationship is definitely one to be rivaled. Friends with benefits, anyone?

As open-minded, fun-loving people, these two will love to experiment in the bedroom. Both are open to trying new things. But once they run out of things to do, it will be a race for who can take flight first.

Long-term relationships and marriage: Neither sign is the most practical, reliable, or steady, which can lead to some definite problems in a long-term relationship.

Sagittarius and Gemini love passionately and, for a time, their relationship is electric, but that passion tends to burn out and these two tend not to have the abilities or talents to build their relationship back up from scratch.


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Sagittarius and Cancer

Love: Zodiac compatibility between Sagittarius and Cancer is tricky, and it's difficult to find common ground.

Sagittarius may not even know the first thing about how to handle one of Cancer's more emotional moments and may just prefer not to be involved with any drama. This would not go over well with Cancer, who expects the same level of caring that they give to their partners.

The more Sagittarius isn't there for Cancer, the more annoyed and ultimately angry Cancer will get.

Sex: They are sexually compatible, so perhaps a summer fling or a one-night stand might work. Cancer has a knack for knowing what the other person wants in the bedroom, which is great for Sagittarius who loves to be kept entertained.


Long-term relationships and marriage: Sagittarius are independent and freedom-seeking, whereas Cancers need security and tenderness.

This inability to see eye to eye can make for a tumultuous marriage. Sagittarians can be blunt and impatient, and those qualities don't go well with Cancer's sensitivity and need for emotional support.

Sagittarius and Leo

Love: As long as Leo isn't too controlling, Sagittarius and Leo are quite compatible, but if Leo starts to feel that Sagittarius isn't giving them enough attention, there could be problems.

Both signs are dynamic, social, and adventurous. They have matching views on how fun and entertaining both love and life can be, and that sense of delight can sometimes be enough for them to enjoy spending time together.


Sex: Sagittarius and Leo are extremely compatible in the bedroom as they have the same sexual appetites.

Their fiery bond keeps them in an almost constant state of arousal. But Sagittarius likes to be free and doesn't like to stick to the plan, and this could frustrate Leo.

Long-term relationships and marriage: Sagittarius wants to be able to enjoy the moment without worrying about the future, but Leo doesn't want to waste time on a relationship that has no future. This means Sagittarius might struggle with Leo's constant need to be looking forward rather than living in the moment.

Leo is secretly insecure and will struggle if they're afraid of Sagittarius running off all the time. A long-term relationship can be a source of trouble for these two.


Sagittarius and Virgo

Love: Sagittarius and Virgo admire and respect each other, but it's hard for them to find common ground.

Earth sign Virgo needs things to be in order, and is highly aware of when anything (including their appearance) isn't top notch. Sagittarius is much more casual and generally doesn't have the time or the inclination to strive for perfection.

Sagittarians tend to see Virgos as overly sensitive tight-wads and wish they'd just relax for a moment. Virgo doesn't understand why Sagittarius can't be a little more serious and take more care with things and people.

Sex: Virgo can definitely let loose in the bedroom, which will be a welcome surprise for adventurous Sagittarius. Virgo is happy to please, making Sagittarius feel adored.


However, Sagittarius is someone who likes to try something new as often as possible, and Virgo may struggle to keep up with these surprises. Virgo might end up feeling a little under-appreciated from time to time.

Long-term relationships and marriage: Let's put it this way: when traveling, Sagittarius love to impulsively go off schedule, whereas Virgo follows their itinerary to the letter, so these two might struggle to keep it together on the honeymoon let alone stay together after.

However, if they've made it to the wedding, it's likely these two have already worked out some kinks. Virgo works hard in relationships and Sagittarius is always optimistic about the future, so it's possible these two can strive for greatness together.

Sagittarius and Libra

Love: They both share great senses of humor and the laughter never stops when they're together. They enjoy traveling together, experiencing new things, and generally not taking things too seriously. They have a chemistry that works for both of them.


Sagittarius and Libra are generous, smart, and fun-loving. But Libra's indecision can work Sagittarius' nerves, as they can be impatient, and sometimes Sagittarius' brutal honesty is a little much for Libra.

Sex: Sometimes Libra needs a bit of a push to go outside their comfort zone, and Sagittarius is the one to do it. Libra is a flirt and Sagittarius loves the chase. Sagittarius will be glad to push Libra's sensuality to the next level.

These two will definitely show one another new moves.

Long-term relationships and marriage: Sagittarius and Libra make fast friends and long-time partners. Libra isn't one to find conflict or fall into emotional despair. This makes them great matches for Sagittarius' optimism.


Sure, some issues may arise if Sagittarius isn't willing to entertain Libra's constant peace-keeping discussion. But most of the time, they get along well.

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Sagittarius and Scorpio

Love: These zodiac signs are big fans of honesty. Scorpio demands it, and Sagittarius sometimes has no control over it; if they need to do a little truthing, they're going to do it.

But Scorpio may be a little too intense for Sagittarius, and Sagittarius may feel suffocated by Scorpio's need to lock down their relationship. Sagittarius needs to be free and feel as if they're not tied down, whereas Scorpio needs a commitment.


Sagittarius' constant flirting may make Scorpio overly jealous and no one wants that. It doesn't matter if charming Sagittarius meant nothing by flirting with their waiter, it could be enough to infuriate Scorpio to take drastic actions.

Sex: Let us be blunt: as long as Sagittarius and Scorpio are having sex, they'll get along just fine. If not, they may not be compatible enough to overlook each other's quirks.

Scorpios' powerful intuition will give Sagittarius exactly what they want without having to ask. This adds to sexual chemistry and spontaneity.

Long-term relationships and marriage: Outside of the bedroom, these two are not built to last.


Scorpio wants an intense intimate relationship whereas Sagittarius still wants to have their freedom. Scorpio has emotional extremes while Sagittarius only has room for optimism.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Love: You'd think that a Sagittarius and a Sagittarius would be a match made in heaven, but that is not the case.

Most Sagittarians find that a partner who is just like them is boring. Sagittarius tend to be somewhat self-absorbed and it doesn't work if both partners put themselves first at the top of the list.

There is no one to be the responsible party in a Sagittarius/Sagittarius pairing. At the first sign of trouble, both parties are going to take off in two separate directions and that will be the end of that.


No matter how much they may have in common, it's probably best if the two Sagittarius just wave at each other from afar.

Sex: Even though a long-term love might not be fruitful for these two, they can still have their fun for a little while. These Sun sign twins will show each other a good time, testing out new things on each other and constantly spicing things up.

However, these two might lack anything else but a good sex life, and will struggle to keep things going without an emotional connection.

Long-term relationships and marriage: If these two do decide to stick together, they'll have to take turns being the grown-up from time to time. They share a love for freedom and adventure, but every long-term relationship needs moments of stability and seriousness, so someone will have to step up when those times come.


Sagittarius and Capricorn

Love: Sagittarius and Capricorn aren't especially compatible. They can envy the other for having qualities that they themselves don't possess, but the two together don't work.

If Sagittarius and Capricorn are together, at some point, Sagittarius' irresponsibility will wear on Capricorn. Capricorn will feel that they're doing all the work in the relationship and Sagittarius is doing nothing but making them laugh.

These two signs might make great family members or friends of friends — anything where they're not too dependent on each other.

Sex: These two are independent and may occasionally struggle to put someone else's needs before their own in the bedroom. However, if they're willing to take satisfying each other in turns, they can definitely maintain a healthy sex life.


Long-term relationships and marriage: Capricorn is all about having a strong financial foundation and putting down roots. Sagittarius is about seeing the world and having the ability to pack up their stuff and be nomads if they want.

This means their long-term goals are not aligned. A Sagittarius and Capricorn marriage isn't one built to last.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

Love: Both are intelligent, independent, and creative. Together, Sagittarius and Aquarius love to discuss ideas and philosophy, or even more low-brow things like "Westworld" and "Game of Thrones."

A Sagittarius and Aquarius pairing makes for an excellent partnership. Aquarius is able to carry out Sagittarius' ideas, and Aquarius benefits from Sagittarius' enthusiasm for life. Sagittarius can help get Aquarius out of their head and encourages them to expand their world and their thinking.


When Sagittarius is blunt, Aquarius doesn't take it personally and just appreciates Sagittarius' honesty.

Sex: These two share great conversation and adventures, so much so they don't even need sex to have a good time together. But when they do get into bed together, their relationship goes to new heights.

Aquarius has a cool, laid-back approach to intimacy, which helps Sagittarius not feel so trapped. They're both keen to try new things which keeps things fresh.

Long-term relationships and marriage: All these two need is love, hope and a sense of freedom, and they're both more than willing to give that to one another.

They may not have a conventional marriage with a white picket fence, but they'll be the cool married couple who travel the world together and cause everyone else to be jealous.


Sagittarius and Pisces

Love: Yeah, these two just aren't compatible signs.

If they met at a party, they'd enjoy talking to each other and might even be attracted to one another but, ultimately, they're not going to be beneficial to each other in the long run.

While Sagittarius is blown away by how kind and imaginative Pisces is, they don't always treat them with the compassion and care that Pisces needs.


Pisces is more likely to experience the world of their imagination than the real world that Sagittarius is so fond of. Sagittarius is more optimistic, and Pisces leans toward a more pessimistic view of the world.

Sex: Pisces is looking to connect on a soul level and until that happens, their sex life might not take off.

Sagittarius misunderstand Pisces a lot of times which doesn't encourage the fish to be more giving in the bedroom. Equally, Sagittarius lacks the kind of gentle intimacy that Pisces favors.

Long-term relationships and marriage: If you haven't gathered by now, these two won't be wedding any time soon.

It almost sounds like a plot of a sitcom — what happens when the most insensitive sign of the Zodiac pairs up with the most insensitive one? Tune in and see how Sagittarius inadvertently hurts Pisces repeatedly. This usually isn't what anyone wants or needs in a husband or wife.


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Who should Sagittarius marry?

Sagittarius and Libra definitely seem like a good match in marriage. They're the kind of married couple who appear to have it all. You know, the annoying ones who never argue and always have the best advice for other couples.

They're fun-loving and would host the best dinner parties, but they can also have powerful intimacy when alone together, getting to know every part of one another.

If they can jump a few hurdles, Sagittarius can also find happiness with another Sagittarius.

This sign doesn't want the conventional marriage with babies and boring jobs. They want to travel and explore the world. They want to live out of a van for a month and then move onto a houseboat right after.


Even though a fellow Sagittarius might remove any chance at either of them taking life seriously at any point, at least they'll be on the same page.

What is the soulmate of a Sagittarius?

Soulmates depend on a lot of variables, but Aquarius is a good runner for a potential soul-connection with Sagittarius.

These two have a similar outlook on life. No challenge is too great for them and no adventure is too far-fetched. They can excite one another and lift each other up with their optimism.

Aries is another sign who will keep Sagittarius' young soul fulfilled even in old age. Aries has the same zest for life as Sagittarius, and it's easy for these two to feel like they don't need anyone else in the world but each other.


What signs do Sagittarius attract?

Fire signs often find a strong common ground.

Aries, Sagittarius and Leo can travel in one fiery pack, delighting and entertaining each other. If you have a Fire sign or two in your natal chart, you might find yourself drawn to others who do also.

And what does fire need to keep burning? Air.

Social Air signs like Aquarius, Gemini and Libra keep Sagittarius feeling free and full of adventure. Sagittarius loves to learn and Air signs love to teach, so these two can easily be stimulated by one another.

What signs should Sagittarius avoid?

Water signs tend to have a suffocating effect on Fire signs, particularly ones as free as Sagittarius.


Scorpio can be too controlling for independent Sagittarius, while Cancer might be too needy. Pisces is a dreamer and an optimist which Sagittarius likes, but this fish is also deeply sensitive, too much for tactless Sagittarius.

Of course, this daring Fire sign knows that every rule is made to be broken, and Sagittarius compatibility certainly has its exceptions.

Finding true zodiac compatibility means looking at your entire natal chart and that of someone else in order to find a clear compatibility chart. Don't go shooting suitors down just because of their Sun signs!

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Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram.
