
The week initiates a cycle where you will be more conscious of the wounds you need to tend to in order to flourish with Chiron… Read More Aries

Showing love and compassion to yourself will be the theme of this week’s transits with the Sun in vibrant Leo, helping Fixed si… Read More Taurus

This week's notable transit is Mercury’s ingress in Virgo, making this an epoch where home and family may become your priority.… Read More Gemini

You are ready this week with Mercury entering Virgo, changing your perspective and focus regarding community and connection. Du… Read More Cancer

Happy Birthday, Leos! It could be a promising season that can bring prosperity and change for you. The week begins with relatio… Read More Leo

With your ruler now in your sign, you can feel a lot more confident and empowered for the next several weeks. While the Sun ent… Read More Virgo

With the Sun entering Leo, expect to feel in your element, socializing and meeting new people for the next several weeks. The M… Read More Libra

At the highest point in your chart, the Sun in Leo will illuminate you with insight and confidence for the next several weeks.… Read More Scorpio

Fire enters your chart with the Sun in Leo, making you fall in love with learning something new. With the Moon in Aquarius, you… Read More Sagittarius

There is a lot of love and care with Mercury in Virgo, bringing you more confidence and hope for the next several weeks. The Mo… Read More Capricorn

Having the Moon in your sign earlier in the week will bring breakthroughs and reflection. But the Sun in Leo will add new eleme… Read More Aquarius

Mercury enters Virgo this week, making your friendships and romantic relationships feel lively and exhilarating. You are enthus… Read More Pisces


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