
During this time frame, you may be able to think beyond limitations and see how there are different parts of your personality t… Read More Aries

During this cosmic period, you can greatly heal things from the past that make you feel you can’t claim the person you’ve grown… Read More Taurus

This is a wonderful time to heal any feelings of being left out or overlooked in your friendship circle. If you have had any ex… Read More Gemini

This is a time for you to heal any wounds around stepping into leadership and truly claiming your desires for success. You dese… Read More Cancer

Think about what inherited beliefs about the world and how you see yourself in it have been conditioned by your upbringing and… Read More Leo

This is a good time to check how much you own your sexuality and how you channel your Eros in your day-to-day life. Your sexual… Read More Virgo

What part of you is waiting for closure from past connections? Perhaps you can’t step into your new levels of growth recently b… Read More Libra

These cosmic energies can help you uncover your lack of confidence in your work, allowing you to showcase your gifts and talent… Read More Scorpio

No matter what age we grow into, we’re always connected to our inner child. So, if you’ve been taking life a little too serious… Read More Sagittarius

You can clean up any karmic patterns regarding your family legacy to heal generational patterns. You may notice certain emotion… Read More Capricorn

This is a good time to think about what helps you feel emotionally connected to your inner world and what may be hindering that… Read More Aquarius

Today is a great time to feel comfortable in your own skin and in your own authentic way of self-expression. The energy of this… Read More Pisces


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