What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of November 11 - 17 — According To A Tarot Reader
A tarot reader shares insight for how each zodiac sign can manage the astrological energy this week.

Weekly tarot horoscopes for November 11 - 17, 2024 are here to provide insight and direction for each zodiac sign as Saturn goes direct, the powerful Full Moon in Taurus takes control, and Pluto's final few days in Capricorn.
With the major arcana card Death on the table for the collective, we are reminded that life is a constant cycle of growth and change, a sentiment to keep in mind as we prepare for Pluto's shift into Aquarius ending a 16-year-long cycle. Don't hold on to a static version of yourself. Instead, allow yourself to grow, change, and transform. When the old ends, something new shall begin in its place.
We also have the Nine of Wands on the table reminding us that patience is a virtue because it allows us to trust the process. After all, there's only so much that one can do before they must wait for things that are beyond their control to align.
Weekly tarot horoscopes for each zodiac sign during November 11 - 17, 2024:
Aries: Seven of Cups
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Aries, your tarot card this week is the Seven of Cups. It reminds you that you can achieve your dreams and goals in multiple ways and along multiple paths, but you must choose which one resonates with you because it may not be possible to walk every single path simultaneously.
This week, think about the next step for your future and the path you feel will take you there. If you feel called to, working with pyrite or clear quartz is indicated for you this week.
Taurus: Page of Cups
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Taurus, you got the Page of Cups as your tarot card this week. This is a powerful card of creativity and personal expression. Allow yourself to engage this aspect of yourself this week and watch as extraordinary inspiration and outputs come out of it. This will also open the doors for new energy and teachings to come into your life.
If you feel called to, work with clear quartz or raw jasper this week to help you align yourself within and be in touch with your inner self and psyche.
Gemini: Four of Swords
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Gemini, the tarot card you got this week is the Four of Swords. It reminds you that peace and tranquility are not just something to look forward to in your retirement years but something you should actively make space for in your ongoing life. If you don't, you risk reducing your quality of life and burning out before reaching your hopes and dreams.
Journaling about this subject can help you unburden yourself and find the areas that are preventing you from finding peace within. If you feel called to, work with moonstone or raw jasper this week for the same reasons.
Cancer: Eight of Pentacles
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Cancer, you got the Eight of Pentacles as your tarot card this week. It reminds you that great efforts will lead to great success, but not if you spread yourself too thin. The quality of your efforts counts just as much as the quantity of it, so double down in the area you want to double down in instead of allowing peer pressure or society to convince you otherwise.
If you feel called to, working with aquamarine, red jasper, or green aventurine can bring you peace, clarity, and inner strength this week.
Leo: The High Priestess
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Leo, The High Priestess reminds you that for all the showiness about your zodiac sign, you are also a highly intuitive being. Lean into that aspect of yourself this week and you will find extraordinary insights and clear answers.
If you feel called to, work with blue aventurine and lapis lazuli this week to help sensitize your intuition even more.
Virgo: King of Swords
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Virgo, the tarot card you got this week is the King of Swords. It reminds you of your intelligence and asks you not to second-guess yourself even when it seems you are juggling many mental tasks at once. You are more than capable of accomplishing it all. Some of you are also in your leadership era at this time, so double down on it and don't second-guess yourself!
Working with clear quartz or red jasper is indicated for you to help you stay grounded and find the clarity that you need.
Libra: Eight of Cups
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Libra, your tarot card this week is the Eight of Cups. It reminds you that not everyone you meet in life is meant to walk alongside you until the end. Some may be energy vampires holding on to you because they benefit from the association but would not come through for you when you need them. Others are only there to give you a message from the cosmos and then walk away after their job as a messenger is done.
Find some time this week to contemplate this. Meditation, journaling, and working with iron and clear quartz can help.
Scorpio: Nine of Pentacles
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Scorpio, you got the Nine of Pentacles as your tarot card this week. It reminds you that little steps can feel inconsequential in the moment but always add up to something extraordinary. Don't second-guess yourself — continue to follow the path until the end. If you thought things through before you started, any doubts may just be fear of failure poking its head up.
This card also says that there's no need to hurry in new situations. Patience is a virtue. If you feel called to, work with clear quartz or blue jasper this week for the same reasons.
Sagittarius: Two of Swords
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Sagittarius, you got the Two of Swords this week as your tarot card. It highlights the need to make an important decision. For some of you, this is related to your love life — whether to go the distance with someone or not or take everything to the next level. For others, this is a question about which path to take in life and where to go forward.
Meditation can help you find the right answers and align yourself within. If you feel called to, work with moonstone or blue kyanite for the same reasons.
Capricorn: Three of Swords
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Capricorn, you got the Three of Swords as your tarot card this week. It's a clear cautionary message about not ignoring the red flags in your environment, especially friends who seem to enjoy gossiping about you or making snide jokes that are mocking in nature. For others, this card reveals that you may have certain people in your life who are not in your corner but pretend that they are because they don't want to come across as bigots even though that's exactly what they are inside.
Be very careful of any secret projects around these people as they may actively work to damage any efforts you make. If you feel called to, work with blue kyanite or clear quartz this week for the same reasons.
Aquarius: King of Pentacles
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Aquarius, you got the King of Pentacles this week as your tarot card. It reminds you that great success should be enjoyed for more than a moment. Immediately moving on to the next big thing may stem from conditioned beliefs that celebrating your wins is arrogant, which is untrue.
This week, acknowledge your wins and how hard it was to get where you have gotten. That will give you both the humility and confidence you need for the next phase of your life and also show you what you are made of. If you feel called to, work with blue jasper or green aventurine this week for the same reasons.
Pisces: Ace of Swords
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Pisces, you got the Ace of Swords as your tarot card this week. It's a powerful card of ideas and inspiration so don't be surprised if you stumble upon something ground-breaking during the week. Make sure to have a notepad or your notes app handy so you can note down what comes up.
Just remember: ideas are beautiful, but they need to be executed to become something substantial! So don't share the idea until it becomes substantial enough to be a real path. That's how you will preserve the purity of the inspiration from peer pressure. If you feel called to, work with blue jasper or sandstone this week for the same reasons.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.