How The Astrology Of March Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Horoscope The Entire Month
March is going to be AWESOME.

Welcome to the amazing month of March 2024! This is the month that shows us what it's like to live in the smooth and spiritually sensitive Pisces season and what it's like to work our way all the way up to the outstanding power and glory of Aries season.
There is so much going on during this outstanding month, and as we go over the transits that will make their mark on our lives, we will see that within ourselves, the universe dwells ... as us.
This reading will inform us of what's going on for each individual zodiac sign as we cover certain astrological events and their influence, as well as certain specific dates and transits to keep in mind.
The month starts off with an incredibly positive 'bang,' and with a start like this, it's almost as if we're being given an advantage.
With the Sun sextile Jupiter as Venus sextile's Node on the first day of March, we are automatically being alerted that this is the month for great and vast healing energy. We are looking at the healing of our past, but not only that: our love lives will be mended and worked on.
We've got Mercury conjunct Lilith, Venus square Uranus, Mars sextile Node, Sun opposite Lilith, a New Moon in Pisces, Mercury in Aries at the same time it sextile's Pluto (whoa!) and a...drumroll...Full Moon in Aries, not to mention that Aries season begins on March 20, 2024. Holy moly, folks...March is going to be AWESOME.
March 2024 astrology forecast with horoscopes for all zodiac signs
(March 21 - April 19)
OK welcome to March, you know you love it, Aries. This has always been one of those months in your incredible universe that stands out as 'finer than fine,' and with the attitude you've got now, you can rest assured that you're probably due for some heavy 'positive vibe' activity. You're automatically welcoming Venus sextile Node into your life, and the timing on this is spectacular.
What this turns into is this snowball effect of good vibes, which end up healing you to the core. And that's what you've wanted to do: heal yourself all the way so that none of that 'old stuff' ever pops up again. And heal yourself you do this month, especially as Mars textiles Node and gives you that helping hand.
It's easy to look honestly at yourself during the month of March, so you'll be working with honesty and sharing that honesty with loved ones as the month progresses.
It's also the beginning of ... you guessed it: Aries season, and with a Full Moon in Aries to boost your confidence, you can kick back and know that March of '24 will be productive, amazing and truly liberating in terms of 'old baggage.' You go, Aries! Get it!
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 1, 3, 9, 10, 20, 25. Transits that have the most power in your world are Sun sextile Jupiter, Venus sextile Node.
(April 20 - May 20)
March of 2024 is all about rebuilding and getting things back into the order that makes you happiest. You know how tempted you can be by the idea of getting lazy and just resting on your laurels, but you're also into becoming a millionaire and with money on the mind, you feel like it's time to get real with your work ethic; something's 'gotta give' as they say.
March brings you Mercy opposite Lilith which is the main temptation here, as it shows you that you don't have to rush anything, so ... why bother? Then again, you know that if you don't grab some of that outstanding Aries energy, you'll be left behind in the 'we're just resting' zone with the other people who aren't ready to become millionaires.
And so, this month has you inspired to push past your own limitations; in fact, with transits like Sun sextile Pluto around you, you won't see those things as limitations but signposts in the road ... something you passed long, long ago. It's time to get up and get out there, as you intend to do. March lights the fire, Taurus.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 3, 7, 10, 20, 21, 27. Mercury opposite Lilith, Venus square Uranus are the two transits with the most power in your world this month.
(May 21 - June 20)
You've got more Venus energy than you can handle during March of '24, and the trick here is that you're pretty good with timing, so nothing is ever 'too' much to handle, especially when it comes to love or the pursuit of it.
Yes, a lot is going on, and you'll be invited here, there and everywhere. The old you might want to ignore that you're THAT popular, but the new March You wants to be involved with ALL the fun.
And there you go, off to see the Wizard as it were, meaning you will not hold back. With Venus opposite Lilith sextile Uranus, you'll see that there's someone in your life flirting with you, and not only that ... they have seriously caught your eye. Now that your curiosity has been piqued, you want to know more and more about this new 'mystery' person.
Spring has sprung, and it's happening while the Sun enters Aries on the 20th. This is where all the great Gemini timing comes in. You'll notice that during March of 2024, you seem to be given a second chance. It's not the right time to question it; luck is on your side for the entire month. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, as they say. Grab it all and make it all yours, Gemini!
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 3, 4, 8, 10, 19. Transits with the most power in your world are Mars sextile Node, Mercury conjunct Neptune, Venus in Pisces.
(June 21 - July 22)
With the Sun sextile Jupiter right at the top of the month, you'll instantly be working with hope, as you have something very special you want to accomplish. It looks like not only will you have success in that department, but you're going to parlay that success into more and more primo opportunities for yourself. You are on a roll this March of '24, and all feels very comfortable to you and yours.
You'll see how smoothly things work out for you, mainly because your attitude has changed so drastically; no longer are you stuck in that rut where all things eventually turn sour — oh no. Those days are long gone, and you are free now to run wild and soak in the good vibes because the truth is, good vibes are what you are giving out this month. And with Mercury in Aries, you feel strongly about speaking your mind, and your timing on that couldn't be better, either.
You're looking at a very productive month with you showing up, looking good and wanting to be present. Good for you, Cancer ... this is your work that's taken you to this high place ... you should be proud of yourself for being brave and standing strong.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 6, 10, 20, 22, 25. Transits with the most power in your world are Venus in Pisces, Sun conjunct Neptune, and Venus opposite Lilith.
(July 23 - August 22)
There's a lot of universal energy to take you where you want to go this March, and Leo, you feel as though the blinders have finally been removed from your eyes. The love energy is practically alive and all around you, and if you ever doubted your partner's ability to live up to the idea that this is a romance, then stand back and be prepared to be WOWed.
This month is all about returning from a bad experience, and while that experience may just be a conglomerate of many little dreads, you'll see that it's easier to let it all wash off of you. You need sunlight and daytime, and just because the world has shifted to bring Springtime in, you'll be ready and smiling by the time the Spring Equinox shows up on the 20th.
Mars sextile Node shows you that you can challenge yourself by overcoming an obstacle that might drag you back into negative thinking. And that's what makes it so healing, because... you'll avoid going 'back' there. You are so on a roll now that you can't be stopped. You know where you're going, and you know what to wear!
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 1, 7, 9, 17, 20, 21. Transits with the most power in your world are the Sun sextile Jupiter, Venus sextile Node, Sun opposite Lilith.
(August 23 - September 22)
Could it possible be that you, Virgo are about to have one of the best months of your LIFETIME? Well, it most certainly is possible. At the risk of 'toxic positivity,' we're going to go headfirst into this belief because, heck knows, you've spent way too much time believing that 'all is naught.' Well, all is NOT naught or something like that. All is possible, hopeful and ready for you to believe in it.
Mercury sextile Uranus has you changing gears at the top of the month, recognizing that not only is life short, but that you really don't have an excuse to feel badly anymore. Knowing this just makes you feel silly for even trying, and if you do, you'll be met by loving friends who will jolt you back into reality where you will see that, where you're concerned, things are pretty dang good.
You'll see this as Spring fever. You'll get into the enthusiasm of it all ... and this will include your romantic partner, as your vibe is infectious and positive. What you create during March of 2024 can change your life for the better ... forever.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 21. Transits with the most power in your world are Venus in Pisces, Sun in Aries, Venus opposite Lilith.
(September 23 - October 22)
Ah, there's so much to look forward to this month, and while you may even find yourself giggling over your own show of enthusiasm, there's nothing insincere about it. You feel your 'hibernation' period is up, and now it's time to get back in there and join the human race.
Life is good, and you're tired of seeing it any other way. This is YOUR life, after all, and the people in this wonderful life of yours bring you so much joy, and so much of that will come into view during the transits of Venus square Uranus and Mars sextile Node. Node energy is healing energy, and that's what you need. The great part is that you know a good thing when you see it.
March looks promising in some uniquely creative ways as well, Libra. Expect to dabble in something you've never dabbled in before, and expect it to steal your heart and your time, as having a new hobby is always a welcome addition to that creative Libra life of yours.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 27. Transits with the most power in your world are Venus sextile Node, Mars sextile Node, Sun opposite Lilith, Venus in Pisces.
(October 23 - November 21)
When it comes to change, you're all about it, and even when that change requires a complete overhaul, as it will during March of 2024, you can't think of a better time to work on yourself than now. The time is right for renewal. With the presence of Pluto and the hyped-up power play of the Aries Sun, you might as well think of yourself as a philosopher's stone: what you touch turns to gold.
You are the alchemist of your life, and this month is dedicated to honest transformation. You have come to terms with what must go, and there's no reason to go over it again and again. This Spring Equinox is your grand opportunity to make it all fresh and new, and if anyone can do that, it's you, Scorpio ... it's always been you.
You have set your sights on personal change and on improving your romantic life, and this is easy enough to do as you are majorly supported with Venus energy. This month brings you more than good fortune; however, you'll see bravery and courage make a serious play for attention. Keep it up, Scorpio; it's only the beginning.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 1, 3, 6, 10, 19, 21, 27. Transits with the most power in your world are Mercury opposite Lilith, Venus square Uranus, Sun opposite Lilith, Full Moon in Aries.
(November 22 - December 21)
The changes you've made recently are now starting to show exponentially, and the reason why you can make such positive changes in your life is because you WANT to. What March of 2024 has you realizing is that you were in control all this time, but you were also in your own way. With the new realizations coming fast and furious in your direction, you know now that you can steer this thing toward the best possible outcome.
Recently, you've started digging deeper into your own soul so that you can systematically heal yourself from whatever burdens you've been carrying around. And, it seems as though March frees you up in terms of those burdens and sets you on a path of new discovery and adventure.
You may even meet someone new this month if that's what you're looking for. Your entire attitude has changed, and it's bound to act as a magnet for people who want to be a part of this marvelous new 'you' emerging. March is going to be spectacular, Sagittarius.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 1, 3, 7, 10, 11, 20, 25, 27. Transits with the most power in your world are Sun sextile Jupiter, Mercury in Aries, Mercury sextile Pluto, Venus sextile Jupiter.
(December 22 - January 19)
You know that if you descend into that place where you allow yourself to see everything as negative, that will be a very sticky pit to pull yourself out of. During March of 2024, you'll feel compelled to stay with the positive for the sole purpose of allowing yourself true happiness. You don't want to get in your own way anymore; you are honest about being happy, and you stand a chance during this month at 'the real thing.'
First, you'll notice that your romantic partner is changing right in front of your eyes. Their transformation is not only GREAT, but it's inviting ... and they are inviting you into their world of change and progress, and this, Capricorn, is what you've been waiting on. Now, you have no excuse, and with Mercury conjunct Node and Mars in Pisces, it's all about taking the challenge and making something great with your life.
The good days are too many to mention, but you have the potential of making all of them into a great experience. Because so much of it is within your grasp. Happiness is not a thing that is 'out there.' It's right inside you, and it's up to you to let it become your reality or not. One taste of the real thing, and you'll never go back!
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 3, 4, 7, 9, 19, 20, 21. Transits with the most power in your world are Sun conjunct Neptune, Mercury conjunct Node, Venus conjunct Saturn, and the Full Moon in Aries.
(January 20 - February 18)
Whatever happened in the prior months, you can hardly even believe it's March. Where did the time go? Well, one thing is for sure: you're on the ball right now. You are so charged up with positive electricity that you feel you could light up the sky with your happy attitude. While that may sound unrealistic, check it out, Aquarius: the whole picture changed for you, so get used to it.
Notice that things aren't as difficult as you once believed them to be. Notice that people in your life are actually on your side. There's one person in particular who is your 'biggest fan,' and they may even have interests in you that stir your interest in them. Expect surprises in romance and curiosity in love.
Romance is mainly where your mind is this month, and with Venus sextile Jupiter happening right at the top of Aries season, you can expect the latter half to be filled with romantic engagements and exciting dates to go out on. You might just indulge in a little 'retail therapy.' And why not?
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 3, 9, 20, 21, 28. Transits with the most power in your world are Venus square Uranus, Mercury sextile Uranus, Mars square Uranus, Sun sextile Uranus, Full Moon in Aries.
(February 19 - March 20)
If Spring is in the air and Pisces is in the season, then all is totally well in your world because this is the month that always gives you that special feeling, as if you can wish for anything, and somehow, it can become a reality. This dates back to your childhood when you had dreams that you wanted to come true. March was always a magical month for you, Pisces, and it might also be the month of your birth.
Sharing this month with Aries is fabulous as you are so very close to Aries in so many ways, and you are always able to 'borrow' that power to put it into creative projects and the like. You'll find that during transits such as Mercury conjunct Neptune and Venus conjunction Saturn, you'll weigh the worth of love in your life, and you'll be able to feel good about your romantic choices.
With Venus opposite Lilith at the end of the month, you'll feel good that you resisted giving in to a certain person at this time as you need to concentrate on your own life right now. While you are focused on healing and self-love, you are still very open and very friendly; if there's a romantic interest in your life, they will still be there in April...mark these words!
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 17, 20, 25. Transits with the most power in your world are Venus sextile Node, Mercury opposite Lilith, Mercury conjunct Neptune, Sun conjunct Neptune. You've also got a Pisces New Moon and Venus in Pisces heading your way, as well.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.