6 Smartest Zodiac Signs That Are Extremely Intelligent Geniuses
They are next-level thinkers.

According to Mensa, a genius is someone who scores at or above the 98th percentile on an IQ test or any other standardized intelligence test.
But geniuses aren’t just very intelligent — you could be a creative genius, meaning that your brain is able to come up with solutions that aren’t readily apparent to other people.
This could be good news for you, especially with astrology, because you could be one of the smartest zodiac signs and not even know it.
Which zodiac sign is the smartest?
The top 5 smartest zodiac signs are Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Gemini, though there are other signs with personality traits that geniuses tend to have.
Geniuses are highly adaptable. When out of their comfort zone, they aren’t entirely thrown; they’re flexible and are able to adjust to the situation or surroundings.
They don’t need to be around other people to have a good time because they enjoy their own company and are usually quite happy to be focused on a project or problem-solving.
You don’t have to be a nerd to be a genius, you just have to have high intelligence and a creative brain.
So, are you one of these above-average people?
The smartest zodiac signs in astrology, ranked
1. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius tends to filter almost everything through their intellectual mind.
They're able to distance themselves from a situation, making it easier for them to figure out a solution. They're known for being balanced, inventive, and having a cool head.
Aquarians are broad-minded and accepting of ideas and concepts from sources other than themselves. In fact, they seek out alternative viewpoints.
However, they won't commit to a belief about something until they've seen evidence backing it up.
2. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos are interested in all kinds of things, even if they're things other people take for granted.
If there's no solution to a problem or the answer is difficult to find, Virgo will simply set out to create their own answer. They love to solve the unsolvable and fix the broken. And they're constantly thinking and creating.
While they generally don't like to brag, there's very little that Virgo can't figure out. They ask a lot of questions, which is a sure sign of a genius.
3. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns have a very methodical, precise, and highly structured way of thinking that aids them in making smart decisions.
They avoid being overly impulsive by having a clear idea of their goals, and while willing to consider alternative strategies, they will look at the big picture and consider all consequences.
Are Capricorns smart? Yes, Capricorns tend to be very intelligent and have the ability to put their brain to good use!
They are life-long students in a variety of subjects. They don't give up; when they make a mistake, they learn from it and adapt.
4. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
It's practically impossible to fool Scorpio because of their mental strength, perceptual intelligence, and intensity.
They have perceptual reasoning, or the ability to use information they've received from their senses. They not only acquire a lot of information from their senses but are able to make use of it very quickly.
Scorpios pick up on information that other people are inclined to miss. You can't con a Scorpio because they would be onto you immediately, and you don't want them to use their high intelligence for revenge.
5. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
All you have to do is listen to Gemini talk and you'll know their genius.
They are the fastest thinkers of the Zodiac and have a special aptitude for acquiring and disseminating information. They often have a fully developed sense of humor, which is another indication of genius.
Not only do funny people have higher IQs, they manifest greater creativity, have impressive reasoning ability and verbal skills, and make new friends fairly easily.
This perfectly describes Gemini because they have all of those personality traits!
6. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces are not unlike the cliché of the scatterbrained geniuses.
Pisces possess super-high levels of intelligence and creativity, but can sometimes get caught up in their own imaginations. They have so many ideas that they can become overwhelmed.
Pisces tend to be sensitive to what others are experiencing — it's almost as if they can feel what someone else is thinking or feeling.
They are emotionally intelligent — so much so that they trust their gut instincts, are great judges of character, and truly care about being a good person.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram.