Weekly Chinese Horoscope & Luckiest Day For April 17 - 23 2023

Have a great week, zodiac signs!

chinese weekly horoscopes april 17 - 23, 2023 Dule Creative via Canva Pro

Your weekly Chinese zodiac sign is here for April 17 - 23, 2023, with your luckiest day and horoscope predictions. Based on your Chinese zodiac sign, let's find out what's in store for your love life, money and friendship. But first, here's what the week will be like for the entire collective.

In matters of love and friendship, it's best to leave the worst in the past and walk toward a better future. So if anyone betrays you or breaks your trust, or you have friends who do not behave like friends, it's best to leave them behind and keep moving forward.




RELATED: These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest The Week Of April 17 - 23, 2023

As for your career, the collective energy is very good this week. Keep working hard (and smart), and you will continue to reap big rewards. Let's focus on the weekly horoscope for each Chinese zodiac sign for April 17 - 23, 2023.


Luckiest day of the week for each Chinese zodiac sign for April 17 - 24, 2023:


(1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Luckiest day for love: April 18th

Luckiest day for money: April 18th

Luckiest day for friendship: April 20th

You will have to make an important decision this week. But some of you may postpone making this decision because of fear or lack of faith in yourself. Don't sabotage yourself. You are wiser than you think. You just had the bad luck of associating with manipulative people who loved tearing you down. 

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(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)


Luckiest day for love: April 21st

Luckiest day for money: April 22nd

Luckiest day for friendship: April 23rd

Step out of your comfort zone this week. You will be pleasantly surprised when you realize how much you missed out because you were hiding from the world or holding back. This is especially true for you in matters of love.

RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are Happy To Be Single Vs. Those That Need To Be In A Relationship


(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Luckiest day for love: April 18th

Luckiest day for money: April 21st

Luckiest day for friendship: April 22nd

Divine timing is not a lie. And patience truly is a virtue. You are on the verge of accomplishing something big. Don't ruin it by taking action too early or too late. Trust the timing of things and keep your eyes open for saboteurs and enemies behind the scenes.


RELATED: Is Your Zodiac Sign Destined For Wealth? How Your Astrology Chart Can Show How To Get Rich


(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Luckiest day for love: April 19th

Luckiest day for money: April 22nd

Luckiest day for friendship: April 21st

Sometimes, you must make a tough choice where neither option is palatable or has certain pitfalls. Trust in your ability to bounce back from difficulties. Choose the option that's the lesser of the two evils.

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(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Luckiest day for love: April 22nd

Luckiest day for money: April 22nd


Luckiest day for friendship: April 20th

An important choice is before you this week, but the timing is not right to make the choice immediately. You need to gather more information before you can take the right step for you. Also, don't forget to call your mother or aging parents. 

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(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Luckiest day for love: April 17th

Luckiest day for money: April 18th

Luckiest day for friendship: April 20th

There's a big possibility someone is cheating on you if you are in a relationship. It can also be a business relationship where you are being ripped off. Some detective work is required at this moment. Act as usual while you investigate. A secret will come to light within the next few weeks.


RELATED: The Luckiest Zodiac Signs, Ranked


(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Luckiest day for love: April 19th

Luckiest day for money: April 21st

Luckiest day for friendship: April 22nd

If you have recently been in touch with a shaman, don't brush off what they said. For others, this week will be pretty regular without anything too special happening. Enjoy the peace.

RELATED: The 5 Luckiest Chinese Zodiac Signs


(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Luckiest day for love: April 19th

Luckiest day for money: April 20th

Luckiest day for friendship: April 23rd

If all else fails... you need to get creative. For most of you, this message relates to your career, especially if you have been unlucky in securing a good job. For others, there's a possibility that someone new will walk into your life soon in the area of love and romance.


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(1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Luckiest day for love: April 17th

Luckiest day for money: April 20th

Luckiest day for friendship: April 23rd

This week is of critical importance for you. Especially if you are appearing for an exam that is very tough and difficult to clear on the first attempt, don't take this lightly. A beneficial outcome now will have far-reaching positive effects on your life for years.

RELATED: Why You Need To Find Your Own Luck, And Not Wait For Luck To Find You


(1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


Luckiest day for love: April 21st

Luckiest day for money: April 22nd

Luckiest day for friendship: April 23rd

Ergonomics is more important than you think. Don't skimp out on it to save a few dollars. You will have to pay it forward in hospital bills. This week will be pretty regular for you — dull and boring even. But then again, not every week is action-packed.

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(1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Luckiest day for love: April 21st

Luckiest day for money: April 22nd

Luckiest day for friendship: April 23rd

Your friends will have your back through thick and thin. If you are a loner, you are missing out on the blessing of your Chinese zodiac sign. Try to make new friends. Also, some tasty treats are coming this week, especially if you are scheduled to visit a relative or an aunt.


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(1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Luckiest day for love: April 20th

Luckiest day for money: April 21st

Luckiest Day for Friendship: April 22nd

This week will be especially lucky for you in matters of love, romance and career. The shift is happening because you either have or will decide to stop butting your head in futile places and move where the current naturally favors you. Don't try to climb a tree if you are more suited to swim in a lake.

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Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd with a dash of wicked humor on the side. Follow her on Instagram for more.
