How Sagittarius Season 2020 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign's Love Horoscope

The curtain is opening on the final act of 2020.

sagittarius symbol Wikimedia Commons / underworld / Shutterstock

It’s been a year of the unexpected and the unplanned. We've had a year that has left us tired of hearing unprecedented, simply because it’s played out.

But within these storms we’ve been moving through, both collectively and personally, there is a silver lining. And we are about to find out what that is.

When does Sagittarius Season 2020 start?

We welcome Sagittarius Season on November 22nd, and will continue to move through its lessons until December 21st, when the Sun enters Capricorn.


RELATED: Sun Sign Meaning: What The Sun Means For Your Zodiac Sign

In astrology, Sagittarius is a Fire sign, which means that those fire element signs, Aries and Leo, will feel this transit more strongly. Zodiac Seasons set the theme for the month because even if we have no planets in that sign, we are still inclined to think, speak and behave according to that sign’s traits.


Sagittarius is an introspective sign, one of the most spiritual of the Zodiac. This is a sign that desires both roots and wings, and is always looking not just on the horizon for what’s next, but for the greater meaning.

Sagittarius is fueled by passion, both in career and in personal lives. They either feel it or they don’t, and if they don’t, well... don’t expect them to stick around too long. This sign craves freedom like oxygen, and while sometimes that can sting if you’re on the receiving end of their distance, it’s also one that encourages independence and autonomy.

These are the traits that will infiltrate our lives in the coming weeks.

While each season matters, Sagittarius Season 2020 is stealing the show with hosting both of our final eclipses. Our Lunar Eclipse in Gemini will occur on November 29th or 30th, and just two weeks later, after diving into the rabbit hole of anything happening, we celebrate our Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th.


These Eclipses, while specifically carrying Gemini and Sagittarius vibes, will affect everyone; together, they represent the freedom to make our own choices (even if we don’t want to).

Is 2020 a good year for Sagittarius?

This year has been all about the truth for Sagittarians, because one way or another it always seems to come out. Truth is important for Sagittarians, even if it feels like a struggle for others around them. This is rarely because they are trying to be deceitful; rather, it's because they try to learn and figure it out for themselves.

Saittarius have been deeply affected by the Mars retrograde in fellow fire sign of Aries, along with the Super New Moons we’ve seen in the last few months.

Mars in Aries asks us to dive into the depths of who we are and live our life as authentically and truthfully as we can, which also brings out the challenges to do just that.


It can be hard for Sagittarius to separate the highs of discovering their truth with the challenges of not knowing how to take what they’ve learned and manifest it. Instead, they get weighed down over how possible or impossible something seems.

But with Jupiter and Saturn moving into the expansive Air sign of Aquarius from December 17th to 19th, that will usher in optimism, courage, and freedom to break away from whatever has stood in Sagittarius’ way of living their truth.

One thing is for sure: there are major life lessons wrapping up for Sagittarians, showing us that we ultimately can’t be anything other than who we really are.

RELATED: What Makes Sagittarius Different?


Your Sun/Rising Sign Horoscope For Sagittarius Season

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

As a Fire sign, Aries, you will feel the energy the next few weeks more than most.

The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini at the end of the month will help direct you towards that truth you’ve been ignoring. And as December dawns and you start to stretch your wings, you’ll see that it’s time to fly.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You may be an Earth sign, Taurus, but you’ve been feeling the pulse of change coming just as strong.

Ever since your "once in a blue moon" Full Moon on Halloween, you’ve been less concerned with the rules and more worried about how you feel about something.


To be all in your feelings isn’t a waste of time, but the only way to make sure it’s your truth you’re living and not someone else’s, be ready to get uncomfortable around the time of the Lunar Eclipses. It will be choice time when the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius rolls around, so get ready.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, the next couple weeks are all about you, just the way you like it.

This has been a year of growth, and with that there have been challenges, more internally than externally. Sagittarius Season brings a chance to start putting it all together. You will be asked to take a chance and do things differently.

With this Lunar Eclipse in your sign next week, not only is it all about you, it’s also about how the big internal shifts we have affect our external life. This eclipse will be that awakening moment you’ve been waiting for, so no matter how big or scary it seems, try to keep showing up as your full, real self.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You still have one last card up your sleeve with the final Cancer Full Moon at the end of December, but until then, it’s about setting up your life for the changesyou want to make deep down.

Whether this is change in relationships, your physical environment, or even a new path within yourself, the next few weeks are helping you put those final pieces into alignment; during the last of the four Cancer Moons we’ve seen this year, you’ll be exactly where you’re meant to be.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo, you’re more likely to feel the full strength of this season than some other signs because of that shared fire element.

It feels like the Leo front has been quietly lately, but that’s because there has been a lot going on under the surface. You haven’t necessarily been speaking on it, and that’s okay; sometimes we just need to keep moving through it before we’re ready to say anything.


But for you, you’ll be running into a wall where you can’t just keep gliding along anymore. You will need to take a stand — for your truth, your worth, what you want, and be very clear in what you don’t.

Keep an eye on that Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius as the Sun is your ruling planet. Some days can really change our entire life, and this is one of them.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Trust has been a major theme for you this year, Virgo — trusting yourself, others, even life having a bigger plan for you.

Trust that you can let go, surrender, be vulnerable and feel safe doing so. Trust that if you allow yourself to fall, someone will be there to catch you.


This is the moment when you get to see just how much work you’ve done, and how ready you are for the next chapter. Be aware that the Lunar Eclipse at the end of the month will likely bring a test from the universe in what choice you make, when you can either step forward into your future or back into your past.

There is no failing these universal tests; they are just a way of helping us see where we need to lean into. Whatever happens, don’t forget to celebrate how far you’ve come.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You’ve likely been feeling restless lately, Libra; it's partly because of that Super New Moon in your sign back in October, and also because Venus is finishing up its transit through your sign.

Venus is the planet that rules love and, in your sign, you’re aware of all the things that are working about your relationships and love life, but also are painfully aware of what isn’t. This can be a frustrating because seeing the balance in our life and knowing what to do when it’s not present are two different things.


The Lunar Eclipse in fellow Air sign Gemini next week will help you make any difficult decisions you’ve been putting off. And don’t worry: just because you have doubts doesn’t mean you’re wrong.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Sometimes it seems that Scorpio Season moves even too quickly for you, leaving you spending the first few weeks of Sagittarius Season reflecting on all that happened. So, you know what to do with it.

As a deep sign, being in your own season means you’re in your feelings. Now is the time to balance that out with what you think, too. It’s one thing to just follow our heart, but we also need to make sure to take our brain with us. You can’t hide in the depths forever; sometimes even you have to surface and face what needs your attention.

The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the middle of December will be this point, so be aware that whatever you’ve been trying to not deal with will come up, once and for all.


RELATED: Sun, Moon & Rising Sign Meanings, Per Astrology

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Truth is your theme this year, Sagittarius, so it’s no surprise that during your season is when we reach this point of decision and action.

Knowing your truth and living it are not the same, and while, yes, you have to know before you can put it into action, living it is part of knowing it, too. Otherwise, you end up selling out your soul.

You’ve struggled to see the meaning in everything that has happened this year — not because it doesn’t exist, but because it’s different from what you have envisioned. Try to let people and situations be what they show up as, instead of what you want them to be. Let things ebb and flow in your life.


You’ll always know the truth, it’s just a matter of accepting it. And it's no surprise that the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will be a pinnacle moment in the year and likely in your life. Change is right around the corner, just make sure it’s rooted in your truth.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn, this has been a year of letting go — sometimes willingly, sometimes feeling as if it’s being pried from your grasp.

The last month of the year can have you feeling as if life is crumbling around you in unexpected ways. As difficult as it can be, try to look for the space that is being made by all these things breaking away. It’s not to have you feeling empty, but so what really fits can find a way in.


When it feels like you have nothing left, it also means nothing is holding you back. Let yourself dream, as Jupiter and Saturn leave your sign and enter Aquarius the 17th to 19th of December. You’ll feel the weight lifted and will be ready for whatever is next.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

This is your year, Aquarius. Well, the start of it anyway.

For you, 2021 will be so different than 2020 and will be so on point that you’ll likely be pinching yourself to see if it’s real. This is just the start of it, but it’s here nonetheless.

The reason for this is Saturn and Jupiter entering into your sign from December 17th to 19th, with Saturn hanging there until 2023, and Jupiter not having been there for 12 years; it’s going to make a big splash in your life.


Things are about to get more expansive, interesting, freer and aligned. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini at the end of November is about you deciding what you’re going to manifest, so when the flush of Aquarius energy comes in, you’ll be ready to move forward and leave the past behind.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

As a sign of duality, Pisces, you’ve been feeling all your sides this year — the walls, the vulnerability, the strong, the soft and everything in between.

You’ve learned that if your heart isn’t connected to it, it doesn’t matter. You won’t ever have to convince yourself of something that is meant for you, just like if it’s not, no amount of talking yourself into it will matter.

Learning to listen to that intuitive voice inside has been a lesson this year, especially being able to separate which is the voice of healing and hope, versus wounding and fear. You deserve life to be good, Pisces. You deserve love and all the beautiful moments you dream of.


The Eclipse Season over the next few weeks may have you feeling tested on if you’re able to receive the best that life has to offer. Just make sure your hands are empty and open, because the blessings coming in will overflow.

RELATED: The Zodiac Symbols Of All Planets And Signs In Astrology Explained

Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.