
Dear Aries, you can’t keep beating yourself up over what has happened in the past. You’ve lived, and now it’s time to learn. Le… Read More Aries

You may start to feel unexpectedly quiet, Taurus, as you are pulled into your innermost thoughts. But this is your chance to he… Read More Taurus

Who you surround yourself with is everything, lovely Gemini. It doesn’t serve you to try to ignore this fact, or even simply tr… Read More Gemini

Sweet Cancer, you can’t expect to feel valued by your partner if you still don’t really value what you bring to the table. You… Read More Cancer

There really are a million possibilities in the world, Leo, but that doesn’t mean each one will reach the same destination. The… Read More Leo

Virgo, it’s time to cast off that fear of change and realize that you can do anything. The best love isn’t the one that only st… Read More Virgo

Make space for profound healing, sweet Libra, because your dreams are riding on it. You have an incredibly unique idea of what… Read More Libra

Just because healing isn’t hard work, Scorpio doesn’t mean it won’t feel like that at times. Try not to become disheartened ove… Read More Scorpio

You are being given a unique opportunity to heal your relationship with yourself and your partner, Sagittarius. Try to approach… Read More Sagittarius

Pay close attention to your loved ones, Capricorn, as this time of healing in your life is one that will stretch across generat… Read More Capricorn

How you show up matters, Aquarius, especially when it comes to love. Just because you can always understand another’s perspecti… Read More Aquarius

You really do deserve the Sun, Moon and all the stars, sweet Pisces, but you can’t let that old storyline play tricks on you. K… Read More Pisces


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