The Positive Transformation Each Zodiac Sign Will Experience The Week Of February 3 - 9

Change is always good depending how you view it.

The Positive Transformation Each Zodiac Sign Will Experience The Week Of February 3 - 9, 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: Fabio Fabinho / Canva Pro

Venus changing signs the week of February 3 - 9, 2025, initiates positive transformation in each zodiac sign's life. The lessons of the week linked to the Venus in Aries transit starts on February 4, the same day the Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter stations direct. 

Venus in Aries will be a spontaneous yet valuable transit that will teach us a lot about patience, self-love, victory, and the importance of friendships. Whatever we rush into during this period will demand review during retrograde. Before we dive into that new relationship, take that new course, or decide to make that big purchase, Saturn in Pisces will have us reflect, and we may regret some of these decisions when Venus stations retrograde. 


For now, go with the flow, enjoy the ride, and have fun, but don’t be too impulsive.

The positive transformation each zodiac sign will experience from February 3 - 9, 2025:


aries positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango

Aries, you're going to change a lot this week because where you might have been angered easily, you'll demonstrate restraint, patience and wisdom. Protect those friendships and be mindful of how you communicate with others because the explosive energy from Mars is still in the air. The week will test your patience, so think before you speak — and if you need to vent, be careful who you confide in. 


Make sure to find an outlet that is very productive for you because as long as Mars is still retrograde you will still have that explosive energy ready to be unleashed at any given moment. Before the volcano explodes, channel your energy into projects or activities that make you happy.

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taurus positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Taurus, this week, a positive transformation in your life involves rest, relaxation and time for the good stuff. You are prepping for your ruler Venus to station retrograde. This Venus shadow period will be a moment for you to slow down, especially if you feel like you’ve been doing a lot of work. 

Try to be more methodical about how you use your energy. This is also a good time to talk to others who can give you some good advice on balancing your time.

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gemini positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


You're going to experience a positive transformation in your relationships. A positive transit is having your ruler now direct, so the only conflict you have to consider is how you show up for others. During the Jupiter transit, you might have focused on your needs. Switch things up this week and consider what others need and how you can show up for them. 

Start by listening to your friends or family members. If you’re in a relationship, listening to your romantic partner can help create an opportunity for an important discussion.

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cancer positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


You are going to be more diplomatic than you have been. Mars is still in your sign and it's retrograde. A friendly reminder to relax, pick your battles wisely and make sure not to burn those bridges. Cardinal signs are learning a lot during this period how to be more diplomatic. 

Channeling that energy will be very important for you as you become more emotionally connected with others. This can be very challenging, but because you are ruled by the moon, you may have an advantage because strong emotions are not new for you.

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leo positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


A focus on relationship dynamics will be important for the collective in the next two months because of Venus retrograde. However, you need to concentrate on empowering yourself through relationships because Pluto is currently making an opposition to your sign. 

Therefore, working with others is going to bring a lot of benefits, and it’s also going to mirror what you need to elevate, so continue to focus on those elements and fill in those gaps that will continue to empower you.

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virgo positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


As you’ve learned so far, Saturn can bring some ups and downs, and now, with the South Node in your sign, there will be an even stronger evolution and transformation going on for the next several years. But this week, your concentration may shift to new things with Venus' entry into Aries. 

Venus themes will center on reflecting and learning about your relationship dynamics with yourself before you can progress and tune into what Saturn is teaching you. Venus in Aries will prepare you for what you must learn before the retrograde transit.

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libra positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Your positive transformation this week involves boundary setting and relationships. Venus is entering a new domain this week, opening you to new experiences and ideas. Although Venus is in a challenging sign, the transit will still benefit all Cardinal signs. Expect to encounter people from the past or receive some unexpected messages from people that you dated or perhaps you were friends with. Nevertheless, you are a Libra, and diplomacy is your thing, so keep things civil. 

Venus in Aries will show you that you don’t need to rekindle a friendship or relationship if someone does contact you. It is your moment to focus on yourself and protect boundaries. Venus will focus on how you have evolved during the Nodal transit in your sign, but you may feel tested. Trust and protect yourself and your heart during this process.

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scorpio positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Venus in Pisces has been a roller coaster for you. It has taught you a lot about self-love, but at the same time, you may have encountered situations where you needed to learn to let people in your life a little more. This is where some challenges may have arisen since you are a very private sign and have zero patience for entertaining nonsense. 

Now, Venus in Aries is a different flavor, allowing you to break free a bit from your comfort zone. The transit will help you be more compassionate and understanding and not fear love as much. You will learn to be a little more flexible during the Aries transit, which can spark surprises and transform your life positively by gifting you with new adventures.

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sagittarius positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


The transformative moment that you’ve been waiting for is Venus and Aries. You are in your element, feeling the spark, the passion, and optimism. Venus in Aries is the medicine your heart has desired after the Saturn in Aquarius transit that made you feel like a hermit, hiding away and retreating. The year 2025 is your chance to break out of your shell and be more excited to fall in love. 

Another positive energy for your relationship houses is that the Nodes are in a new sign, helping you to make new friendships or romantic partnerships if you are looking. With Venus here, there is also a new opportunity to embark on a new learning journey for those who want to expound on their knowledge.

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capricorn positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


As a Cardinal sign, Venus in Aries will bring positive challenges and will make the next several months a period of transformation. You will gain a newfound understanding of your career or academic expectations and overall ambitions. Prepare to continue on the story from the North Node in Aries. People will be magnetized and drawn to you now with all this powerful Aries energy. 

It can be overwhelming. It can be exciting, but at the same time, it will open up new pathways for you to learn about this journey and be more willing to embrace the changes that come ahead because this is setting the tone for Saturn’s ingress in Aries later this year.

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aquarius positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango

A powerful transit this week will be Venus in Aries. The planet of love will make a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, which will help you remember the beautiful qualities that make you alluring, charming, and mysterious. 

You will focus now on building those friendships and connections because a wave of inspiration and creativity is in the works for the next several months, ushering in positive transformational experiences. This is your moment to get out of your shell, be open to new experiences, and connect with people who are like-minded and who teach and guide you.


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pisces positive transformation zodiac sign experience february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango

Now that Venus is out of your sign and in detriment, it can feel a little shaky, but you will benefit from this because Venus will be in your second house of finances. 


Venus pushes you to work harder and allows you to dream big. One major thing to consider during this period is to be practical about what you spend, and with Saturn in your sign, this can benefit you. Be responsible during this period and invest in learning. Read more, write more, and equip yourself with knowledge.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
