Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On December 29 — Chiron Stations Direct
You transform your romantic life from the inside out.

As Chiron stations direct in Aries on Sunday, December 29, a pivotal point of healing takes place, changing how you look at yourself — and the day's love horoscope can provide insight as to how.
Asteroid Chiron is the wounded healer, the astral body that teaches you that you can’t sacrifice yourself for others. Chiron brings you face to face with what hurts the most, not to cause pain but to have you understand how to heal yourself.
As selfless as love is meant to be, you can’t offer another what you don’t have within yourself to give. There is no shortcut to your forever love, but by following the path of Chiron, you can understand how to become a better person and make healthier choices.
Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for Sunday, December 29, 2024:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You aren’t meant to be alone, Aries. While you should be able to enjoy your time being single or working on yourself thoroughly, don’t succumb to thoughts of self-doubt. If you desire to be in a relationship, nothing stands in your way of achieving it.
However, before that occurs, you may need to work through feelings regarding relationships. It’s not necessarily better if you’re single forever or to give up trying altogether. But you must give yourself time to understand why you’re using these thoughts to protect yourself.
Try to believe that you are just as worthy of love and a healthy partnership as everyone else so that this new year can be your new start in love.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are more than just the stable one, dear Taurus. You have a deep purpose to fulfill in this lifetime, and because of that, you are highly intuitive. For too long, you have let others determine how you feel about yourself and what opportunities you seize.
It’s time to regain your power and embrace all you are. Refuse to settle into a box or let others define you. Take time to reconnect with your intuitive and spiritual side. Believe in there being a purpose for your life and relationship. But also, be willing to walk away from any partner who cannot love you for who you truly are.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
The relationship that you have with yourself must come first, sweet Gemini. It’s easy to get distracted by life. This is especially true for you as your relationships with others, including your romantic partner, are of immense importance to you.
You can find yourself easily influenced by others and, in the process, lose who you truly are. Take time to reflect on your relationship with yourself instead of just your romantic or friendship. Learn who you are apart from others, and decide to be your authentic self, no matter what situation or relationship you find yourself in.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You must be able to recognize your own worth, Cancer. This is found in the deep process of self-love and self-validation as it will allow you to learn what you are worthy to receive.
You have spent much of your life overworking for love, self-sacrificing to keep relationships going, and ignoring your needs. This is your chance to change all of that, though as you adopt a mindset of attracting what you are worth.
When you can stand in a space of sacredness, knowing you don’t have to be anything other than yourself, then you also will finally attract the relationship you have always dreamed of.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
A lasting relationship isn’t about what comes next, dear Leo. Too often, you can get caught up in focusing on the next best event, situation, millstone or partner. But living your life this way means you miss out on what is meant for you.
It also takes you away from the present moment, so instead of enjoying what you’ve created, you’re constantly thinking happiness is found within some other achievement.
Try to slow down to see that while aspirations are helpful, they don’t ever determine your happiness or how loving your relationship is.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You deserve to be loved in all the ways you desire, beautiful Virgo. To learn this, you had to become aware of the imbalances in your relationship. You are a giver by nature, but you gave with the expectation that others would do for you as you’ve done for them. Yet, this hasn’t been the case.
Try to focus energy on giving to yourself first and practicing healthy boundaries. This will allow you to create a reciprocal relationship that will honor how you deserve to be loved. Create space in your connection, and don’t be so quick to jump in so that you can have a partner who is just as giving as you are.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Fixer-uppers are meant for real estate projects, not romantic ones, sweet Libra. You have a playful and loving approach to relationships. But you also tend to want to help your partner, even to your detriment. In the past, you have often been attracted to partners that were fixer-uppers.
These individuals and relationships you saw potential within, but had to work or sacrifice to bring about your desired results.
When you feel secure within yourself, you are also ready to attract a partner who feels the same way about themselves. Everyone is a work in progress, but try to lean into your inner sense of security so you no longer think love is found by taking on a romantic project.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Any relationship you attract is a mirror of yourself, Scorpio. This mirror may not always be pretty or one you want to look into. Yet, by allowing yourself to, you can better understand what is going into unfulfilling romantic patterns.
Try to take time to journal on your past relationships, noticing similar feelings or wounds that they brought up. To change this pattern, awareness is the first step so that you can also better understand where to focus on within yourself. There is no rush in finding love, as it’s better to take your time healing than rush into something that will only be another lesson.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You must commit to yourself before you can to another, Sagittarius. Instead of wondering about your past romantic decisions and going into it all being your fault, see that everything was a necessary experience. You have a deep craving for a romantic soul connection but also need to be free to explore your life path.
This has led you to learn that you have to first commit to yourself before being able to make that romantic commitment to another. You should be ready for a new relationship or to take a new connection to a new level, but you must trust yourself enough to know that this time won’t be like anything before.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You can achieve anything you desire, but romantic relationships don’t solely work that way, Capricorn. You are skilled at focusing on what you want to achieve and then planning for how to bring it to fruition.
While you don’t consider yourself controlling or forceful, this desire to reach your goals can often come across as such to your partners. You can’t manifest your romantic destiny by force. What is meant to be will always be, but you must learn to trust in the process.
Let go of thinking that a milestone brings safety or accomplishment to your relationship. Instead, continue to focus on how you feel with your partner – and of course, how you want to continue to feel in the future.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You do have a voice, Aquarius, so it’s time to start using it. You have a very divine nature about you, which can have you often just walking away from situations or trusting in the process. But just because you can go slow and surrender doesn’t mean you always should.
You need to understand the power of using your own voice and declaring what it is you want from love. Instead of just continuing to let everything roll off your back, see that the universe is trying to teach you how to stand up for yourself. By doing so, you are sending clear intentions about what you want and what you will no longer accept.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Promise yourself, sweet Pisces, that you will never let another determine your value. You have a great big heart full of conditional love and hope for your romantic life.
But because of that kind nature, you have often been taken advantage of. In this process, you also have unconsciously let others determine your value.
Letting your partner determine your value has only left you in toxic or unfurling connections, so you must embrace the power of your boundaries. You’ve been doing so much work on this area of your life, but you are reaching a fruition point on this journey.
It won’t feel as hard moving forward because not only do you have healthy boundaries, but you have learned your innate values. This is one area of your life; you must never be willing to compromise on.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.