Specific Messages For Each Zodiac Sign About The Week Of November 4 - 10, 2024 — According To A Tarot Reader
A tarot reader's advice for each zodiac sign on how to navigate the heavy Scorpio energy dominating the first week of November.

The weekly one-card tarot horoscope for November 4 - 10, 2024, provides messages for each zodiac sign to navigate a week dominated by positive astrology transits.
The Ace of Wands on the table reminds the collective that anything worth achieving, whether in love, raising a family, or building something extraordinary, requires effort. Let that inner fire guide you.
The Queen of Pentacles adds another layer to this message by reminding us that like a tree that grows from seed to sapling to something mighty, every stage of your life leads to a certain transformation that helps you become a stronger version of yourself. Lean into growth and one day you too shall be mighty and able to withstand the toughest storms with ease.
Let's take a look at each zodiac sign's weekly tarot horoscope for November 4 - 10, 2024:
Aries: The Hermit
Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango
Aries, the tarot card you got this week is The Hermit. A major arcana card that represents solitude and wisdom learned on a solitary path, this highlights a need to be more introspective this week and allow your inner self to lead you where you need to go — even if others don't agree with such a life path or don't believe you have it in you to accomplish such a thing.
Meditation, deep soul healing, and cocooning away from the world to engage more with yourself are highlighted as ways to get closer to who you are and what you truly represent within. If you feel called to, work with cat's eye this week to help you connect with your intuitive nature.
Taurus: The High Priestess
Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango
Taurus, The High Priestess is a beautiful card hinting at great treasures and a wealth of knowledge within you that just takes a bit of effort to find. Introspection and meditation can help you do this, so try incorporating these activities in your daily life in some manner this week. Working with Blue Jasper is also indicated for you for the same reasons.
Gemini: Ten of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Gemini, the Ten of Pentacles is a powerful card of family, generational wealth, and abundance. Under its influence, you will find opportunities to level up and live your dreams. So don't hold yourself back! Continue stepping out of your comfort zone and engaging with new people and situations to find the abundance you seek.
The Ten of Pentacles also indicates that investments will bring positive results, which can be escalated with Blue Jasper or Chrysocolla this week.
Cancer: Nine of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Cancer, the Nine of Pentacles is a reminder that you have everything you need inside you to accomplish your goals and achieve the kind of abundance you wish for. Don't play small or hold yourself back. Every single act and decision that aligns you with this message will help you get one step closer to recognizing the greatness within you. If you feel called to, work with lab-made diamonds or Blue Jasper this week to find your inner strength and clarify the power of your intellect.
Leo: Five of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Leo, the Five of Swords reminds you that while you will find friends and supporters in life, there are also those with ill intentions. Don't ignore red flags or allow energy vampires and toxic forces to take root in your life. Being observant can protect you and help you fight back against bullies and those attempting to silence your voice. Working with clear quartz is indicated for you this week for the same reasons.
Virgo: King of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Virgo, the King of Swords is a reminder that you are a child of Mercury, even if you are an earth sign. So don't ever underestimate your intelligence when people stereotype you based on personality quirks or your need for organization. That's part of your intelligence because organization enables you to be swifter than half the people around you. If you feel called to, work with Blue Kyanite and raw quartz this week for the same reasons.
Libra: Five of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Libra, the Five of Pentacles reminds you to be careful where you spend your money, especially since even small purchases add up over time. This message also points to a certain expense — or person — that may burden your finances while contributing nothing to the quality of your life. Don't allow an energy vampire to take advantage of you. If you feel called to, work with clear quartz or meditate while holding it in your hand to help you gain the insights you need.
Scorpio: Knight of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Scorpio, the message for you as per your tarot card of the week — the Knight of Wands — is "nothing lost, nothing gained." Those afraid of failure never achieve their hopes and dreams because they sabotage themselves before the start. So manage and overcome your fears because the Knight of Wands is here to support your most driven side across the finish line. All you have to do is say yes. If you feel called to, work with clear quartz or black tourmaline for the same reasons.
Sagittarius: Seven of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Sagittarius, the Seven of Wands reminds you to hold your ground and not let oppositional force crush you. They are not as strong as you and will not succeed in bullying you or harming you. You'll continue to prosper as long as you remain whole and stand strong. If you feel called to, work with black tourmaline to protect your energy and lapis lazuli to sensitize your inner abilities.
Capricorn: Three of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Capricorn, the Three of Pentacles tells you teamwork makes the dream work as you boost each other's strengths and compensate for each other's weaknesses. But this cannot be accomplished if you choose the wrong people to collaborate with, whether this is your life partner, a business partner, or a sports team, so be mindful so you and your team can win while steering clear of toxicity. If you feel called to, work with Blue Kyanite and black tourmaline this week for the same reasons.
Aquarius: Ace of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Aquarius, the Ace of Pentacles urges you to try something new that will have long-term benefits in your life, whether this is a new habit, a new hobby that will build a certain skill within you, or the intention to be a better communicator so you can strengthen your relationships. Ace of Pentacles is a reminder that certain seeds are worthy of planting because they promise rich fruits. If you feel called to, work with clear quartz this week to gain clarity about what to do in this regard.
Pisce: The Fool
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Pisces, the major arcana card The Fool reminds you that while new endeavors can be scary because you don't know the ins and outs of the situation or have the skills to adapt quickly since you are still learning, those skills cannot be developed without challenging yourself to do so. Don't be afraid of trying something new and putting yourself out of your comfort zone. You may feel foolish and make mistakes along the way, but every challenge you overcome will bring a sense of satisfaction and personal regard for yourself.
If you feel called to, work with Blue Jasper or Chryscolla this week to bring your creative and metaphysical sides together. This will result in something truly extraordinary!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.