3 Zodiac Signs Likely To Attract Financial Success Throughout The Month Of November
These three zodiac signs are in for a prosperous month.

We are all looking to achieve financial success and prosperity, especially as we deal with a skyrocketing cost of living and a challenging job market. Luckily, three zodiac signs stand out as attracting more financial success this November.
Three zodiac signs attracting financial success in November 2024
1. Libra
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While Libra has undoubtedly had a tough year, November looks better than usual in terms of your prospects for financial success. Even though Jupiter, the planet of luck and gain, is retrograde, it can still help some. In November, Jupiter retrograde makes a trine to your sign, which could only help, as Jupiter-Sun aspects are known for increasing luck and wealth. This is especially true if you are dealing with foreign people or people at a distance.
Secondly, Uranus is in your eighth house of other people’s money, loans, and investments. If it makes an aspect to something positive in your chart, this should increase your chances of financial success as well.
Venus in Sagittarius is transiting your second and third houses this month generating more communication and bigger ideas, so now is the time to take a chance on any new idea you want to present. Since Venus sextiles your Sun, this can also help attract others to you and make you more magnetic.
Lastly, a New Moon falls in your second house of money this month, generating opportunities for new starts with your finances. It will be followed two weeks later by a Full Moon in your eighth house.
The planets are lining up in your favor for cash, Libra.
2. Aries
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November is your month to see money flowing your way. You have several significant aspects that will help.
Uranus is in your second house of income, and if it is positively aspecting something in your chart, this should bring in money. Jupiter is sextile your Sun which is known to increase luck, opportunities, and money.
Pluto, which has squared your Sun creating stress and friction, will leave Capricorn on November 19. When it enters Aquarius it becomes much friendlier to your sign and moves through your 11th house of groups and organizations. Since it sextiles your Sun, this allows you to stand out in your company and your ambition should increase as well.
The Sun transits your eighth house of corporate money this month along with Mercury placing an emphasis on money and making this a prime time to ask for a raise or a loan. The New Moon also falls in your eighth house, which is also the house of change and transformation. New Moons bring new beginnings. A Full Moon on November 15, which falls in your second house of money, follows, so this two-week period should benefit your money and income.
3. Aquarius
Photo: Billion Photos | Design: YourTango
You should do well with money in November Aquarius, and several planetary events will help.
Jupiter, the planet of luck and gain, is in Gemini, which trines your Sun. These aspects are known for luck, opportunities, and money — it can only help your love life as well.
Pluto leaves Capricorn this month and enters Aquarius. In many instances, this increases your ambition and your desire to change things for the better, give up bad habits, and start anew in some way. Pluto is very powerful at the 0 degree.
Transiting Saturn in Pisces is in your second house of money. It turns direct on November 15, which is very powerful, especially if it aspects something in your chart in a positive way. If this is the case, you should see significant change. Either way, Saturn’s direct motion can only help. Your major focus will be money throughout Saturn’s transit through Pisces this year and much of 2025.
Neptune in Pisces is also in your second house. Neptune can be a mixed bag, but if you have water or earth planets (other than Virgo) at the final degrees, this can benefit you as well, and even seem idealistic in some way.
The November 1 New Moon falls in your 10th house of career. New moons often bring new beginnings, so this could potentially mark a turning point for the better in your career.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.