The Luckiest Day Of October 2024 For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign

The Chinese Zodiac Signs that see good fortune and luck throughout the month.

chinese zodiac lucky days october 2024 Photos: DAPA Images, grublee | Design: YourTango

We are back with every Chinese zodiac sign's luckiest day of the month for October 2024! But first, here are the lucky messages of the month for everyone, according to the I Ching.

The I Ching hexagram of luck this month is Fire over Fire (#30) changing to Fire over Water (#64). It reveals the nature of luck in the simplest of ways. Luck will blaze into one's life like a shooting star, but it's up to the individual to make the most of that luck. Whether you do so by trusting your instincts, picking up an extra major at the university, or starting a side hustle depends completely on you and your goals. Regardless, success will be yours. 


Now let's focus on every Chinese zodiac sign's luckiest day of the month in October 2024:


rat chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro

Luckiest Day: October 21

Rat, your luck this month flows from your creativity. Lean into that space of genius within you to discover true treasures. It doesn't matter if your area of interest is conventionally a hotbed for creativity, like the arts, or a space where peer pressure or conformity must be overcome. As long as you trust that creative spark within, you will thrive and call opportunities to you like never before.


If possible, carry a “notepad of ideas” and catch the random bursts of inspiration you may get the month. Once this becomes a habit, you will be astonished by how powerful this exercise will be for your future.

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ox chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Luckiest Day: October 27

Ox, your luck this month is all about choosing paths that bring you steadiness and stability. Whether in love, career, or other endeavors, you will be pleasantly surprised when you steer away from wishy-washy behavior and associations and move towards tried-and-tested situations with a solid foundation. 

For example, instead of investing your money in a new mutual fund (despite raving recommendations), choose one with a trustworthy track record. As long as you choose what brings you stability, you will be golden.

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tiger chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Luckiest Day: October 24

Tiger, your luck this month is all about knowing what's in your heart and making sure you don't get distracted by shiny opportunities that are not aligned with your dreams and goals. If you can do this, you will hit the jackpot in one way or another, although effort will still be required to continue benefitting from the initial burst of luck. 

Living more mindfully will help you “catch your luck,” so try incorporating at least one such practice of your choice into your everyday life, whether that's early morning meditation, doing 60-second planks, or engaging in a tea ritual. 

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rabbit chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro

Luckiest Day: October 26

Rabbit, your luck this month stems from how patient you can be while continuing to do your part in making your dreams come true. In love, career, or elsewhere, luck will stream in unexpectedly and boost your efforts. It may be even more subtle and refuse to reveal its hand behind the scenes. 


Send some gratitude into the ether whenever you become aware of such cosmic currents working in your favor. It will keep the flow of luck open. If you feel called to, now's also a good time to set intentions for the next five or six months of your life. That way you can channel this luck where it needs to go the most.

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dragon chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Luckiest Day: October 29

Dragon, your luck this month won't feel like good luck when it comes through. Instead, it will trigger wounds hiding within your psyche and bring to the surface repressed feelings and painful revelations... all so you can heal yourself and set your soul free from such torturous chambers. 

Try engaging with these feelings with as much courage as you can. As a Dragon, you have everything you need to overcome this challenge and discover the rainbow hiding behind such stormclouds.

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snake chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Luckiest Day: October 31

Snake, your luck this month will be fabulous! Some of you may even say your wishes out loud and have them come true very quickly, so be mindful. You can direct this luck where it needs to go the most while preventing it from bringing unwanted things to life. 

Your best luck is in the arena of love and relationships, both platonic and romantic. It may even help you and your loved ones make the best memories, especially during the lead-up to Halloween and all the activities therein.

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horse chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Luckiest Day: October 19

Horse, know your mind and let your heart guide you to your chosen destination. That's how you will unlock your luck this month. You don't have to always be on top of your goals! Make time for fun and random silliness. But while you are at it, try to steer clear of distractions and peer pressure that actively prevent you from following your heart or making you question your mind. 

If you feel called to, do a mindfulness meditation every day in the morning for just ten minutes with a soothing candle burning close to you to help you unlock your intuition, lead you, and nudge you when you need to pause.

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goat chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro

Luckiest Day: October 17

Goat, your luck this month has a competitive edge to it. Whether this is in sports, college, at work, or your community, watch out for other players who may try to push you out so they can score an easy win. Hold fast and don't let the toxicity faze you. You have luck on your side and it will unfurl beautifully, thus paving the path forward. 


You'll have to rise to the challenge and score the final win as this luck won't alter outcomes. But it's easier to do one's best when discrimination, toxic privilege, or other shady things are not part of the picture. You've got this!

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monkey chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Luckiest Day: October 12

Let this period be about engaging with your family, friends, and loved ones, enjoying Halloween, and taking it easy while maintaining a steady pace in areas that mean a lot to you. The decisions you make and the actions you take at this time will have a direct impact on your luck in the coming months, especially in November. 

If you feel called to, now's also a great time to visit a candle craft shop and have them whip up something with your “signature scent”, whatever makes you feel at peace and yourself.

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rooster chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Luckiest Day: October 12

Rooster, your luck this month is extra strong! Whatever you set your sights on will be yours, so set those intentions and make the most of this energy! You can channel it into your personal projects, a business endeavor, or a budding romance. Y

ou are also encouraged to set healthy (and strong) boundaries to prevent peer pressure from diverting you to places that are not for you while giving you the space to let your inner genius out and seek adventures where your heart leads you. Be prepared for a big boost of inspiration!


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dog chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro

Luckiest Day: October 19

Dog, your luck this month is closely tied to your areas of responsibility, whether at work, at home, or concerning your children. Pay extra attention to your plans and goals in these arenas and trust your heart about the right pace and actions. Your luck will pave the path, either behind the scenes or in subtle ways directly, so you can live the best life and feel fulfilled. 


Just remember to do at least one thing each day for yourself to balance out this energy and clock in some self-care. That's also the key to your success!

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pig chinese zodiac signs luckiest day month october 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro

Luckiest Day: October 21


Pig, your luck this month is directly tied to your intellect. Trust yourself and your inner genius, which will lead you exactly where you need to go and help bring support and fresh opportunities along the way. 

You are also encouraged to seek inspiration in more than one space throughout the month, whether by visiting a museum, playing paintball with friends, doodling on a napkin at a coffee shop, or watching the latest big-screen blockbuster. Let the ideas flow and then incubate the ones that shine true and golden!

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect Throughout October 2024


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
