Your Zodiac Sign's Monthly Horoscope For August 2024
While this month may feel challenging, remember that these are all energies we've dealt with before.

If each zodiac sign's monthly horoscope for August 2024 are any indication, this month's astrology will be a force to be reckoned with.
"We got a Full Moon at the same time we have two T-squares in the sky, one of those T-squares is will the Full Moon and Uranus," Human Design Astrologer Kelsey Crookshanks explained in a TikTok. "It's giving March 2020," she said of the "collective energy" this month will bring — an energy that most of us would probably rather forget.
Of course, it doesn't help that the month starts off with a dreaded Mercury retrograde cycle — but it's not all doom and gloom. "These can be synonymous with creative transits as well as perfect periods for research, learning, and expansion," astrologer A.T. Nunez has explained. "The eclipse cycle in Aries has taught us that moving quickly can make us stumble, so once again, we are told to play the long game, wait, and handle things tactfully."
So while this month may feel challenging, remember that these are all energies we've dealt with before and can successfully manage again. But buckle up — it may not be an easy ride!
August 2024 monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
The Sun is moving through your fifth house of romance, fun and friends until August 22 when it enters your work sector, so now is the time to make the most of romance, entertainment, summer love and warm evenings. After August 22, the focus returns back to work and day to day activities so your focus will shift.
Mercury retrogrades August 5th in your sixth house of work and health, and then back into your house of fun and love from August 16th-28. After the 28th and you will have one more chance at summer fun until Mercury re-enters Virgo September 9th.
The August 4th New Moon falls in your house of love and friendships, and the powerful and unpredictable Full Moon on August 19th may shake things up in terms of friends, groups and those things you are hoping for, which isn’t necessarily bad, but it will be changeable.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
Between now and August 22, the powerful Sun in Leo will be focused on your home life. This can include entertaining, social gatherings or making changes to beautify your domicile. The August 4th New Moon supports this along with having friends over and entertaining.
Pesky retrograde Mercury from August 5th-16th is backtracking through your fifth house of love and children until August 16-28th when it returns to your fourth house or matters pertaining to home.
The very powerful August Full Moon falls in your 10th house of career, so expect to see some changes or unexpected events in this area. This can include recognition for your efforts.
After August 22, look for the Sun to enter your fifth house of love and friends for the rest of the month, so prepare for some late summer excitement and fun that will take you into September.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
The very dramatic Leo sun travels through your third house of communication and short trips through August 22nd, so this is a great time to reach out to those you have lost touch with, immediate family, and those who are your extended family, perhaps through social media.
Retrograde Mercury begins on August 5th and through the 16th it will affect your home and possibly family life. Don't expect a disaster, but rather pesky inconveniences. After the 16th, Mercury will affect your communication, so be careful (and watch who the email is really addressed to before you hit send!), but it will turn direct again on August 28th.
The August 4th New Moon is a great time for travel, learning, getting together with neighbors or even family members and it should go well. After August 22nd, your focus will shift to home and family and you may even make changes or updates to your home.
August's Full Moon falls in your house of travel and education. If you have been planning a trip, now is the time to take it. But the Full Moon is very changeable, not to mention Mercury is retrograde, so make sure your plans are solid and everything is taken care of before you leave.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
Wherever the Sun goes, the spotlight shines and through August 22nd it will be on your friends, hopes, wishes, and any organizations you belong to that your focus is on.
Mercury retrogrades in your third house, or your chart sector that concerns communication, immediate family, and short trips, from August 5th-16th, so watch any details that arise in these areas. From August 16th-28th, Mercury retrograde moves into your second house of money and resources, so make sure the bills are paid. You may want to renegotiate a financial matter or watch your budget.
August's Full Moon will affect your eighth house of taxes, debt, partner’s money, changes, and secrets — expect the unexpected at this time.
After August 22nd, the Sun moves to your house of communication, learning, and immediate family. It also rules communication, so this is a great time for any endeavors you may have concerning social media or writing.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
The Sun travels through your first house until August 22nd, putting the focus on you! It’s your birthday month, so it’s time to have some fun. After the 22nd, the focus will shift to money, finances and your own self worth if there are any issues here.
The August 4th New Moon was made for you so get out there and show everybody what you’ve got! From August 5th to 16th, retrograde Mercury travels through your house of money, so you may want to watch spending. From the 16th to the 28th, Mercury retrogrades back into your sign, so you may have difficulty thinking or keeping appointments straight. You may want to keep detailed lists of what you have to do.
The Full Moon on August 19th focuses on your partnerships and relationships with others. It could be a bit stressful. You could even decide the person you were interested in really isn’t for you at all. This will be a changeable time, so just go with the flow.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
From the beginning of the month until August 22nd, the Sun is illuminating your 12th house, which governs the things that lie deep in your subconscious mind. You may want to spend some time alone. After the 22nd, the focus is on you, so it’s time to shine and enjoy your birthday month, Virgo.
Mercury begins its retrograde on August 5th in your first house, which rules you! You may have brain fog, be forgetful, or say the wrong things, so just be aware of this. From the 16th to the 26th, Mercury goes back into your 12th house, bringing up those issues that lie in your subconscious mind once again.
The August New Moon seems to focus on the things that have been bothering you lately but this should not be a negative. Alternatively, you could want to be alone or visit someone in a secluded place such as a hospital.
The Full Moon on August 19th focuses on health and work. This Full Moon will be quite unpredictable, so expect the unexpected and be prepared for unexpected events, especially at work.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
Until August 22nd, the Sun’s focus is on your friends, groups you belong to, and whatever your personal hopes and wishes are. After the 22nd, the Sun moves to your 12th house, or the place of your subconscious mind, which can bring up issues that have not been resolved concerning your inner world or even secrets you're holding close.
Mercury retrogrades on August 5th in the sector of the chart that rules your subconscious mind. This can bring up any unresolved issues you may be unaware of and you may want to stay away from the spotlight and spend some time alone. The New Moon on August 5th is all about friends or any groups you may belong to and this should be a good time to relax and enjoy. After the 16th, Mercury moves into your chart sector that involves friends and your hopes or wishes may change.
The Full Moon on August 19th falls in your fifth house of friends, love, and children. You could be around children at this time or you may be more focused on love. This Full Moon is very changeable, however, so don’t have your plans set in stone or you could be disappointed. Just go with the flow of things and any changes that may occur.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
The brilliant Leo Sun highlights your career and any new activities you have here until the 22nd when it moves into your house of friends. The New Moon on August 4th gives you the opportunity to showcase your talents and show them what you are made of, so make the most of it.
That annoying retrograde Mercury transits through your 11th house of friends and organizations from August 5th to 16th, so be aware of what you are doing and what is really going on. From the 16th to the 22nd, Mercury moves into your house of career so be extra careful during this time.
The powerful Full Moon on August 19th falls in your fourth house which rules the home, family and your basic foundation. Be aware that this can bring some unexpected changes. Something may go awry, but if so, you should be able to quickly get back to normal.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
Until August 22nd, the Sun highlights the part of your chart concerning education and travel. You could take a trip (which is likely) or you could take up some course of study or learning — and this doesn’t have to mean formal education. After the 22nd, the Sun moves into your house of friends as well as hopes and wishes and this will change your focus.
The August 4th New Moon in Leo should be quite good for you and your focus may be on travel, learning, or your own world view. You could connect with people at a distance. Retrograde Mercury follows on August 5th, which moves through your career house, so be extra aware of any mistakes at this time. After the 16th, however, it goes into your 9th house, so make sure all bases are covered if you travel, whether for business or pleasure. Things will straighten out after August 28th when it turns direct again.
The powerful August 19th Full Moon may concern short trips or immediate or extended family or even the way you communicate. This is a powerful and unpredictable Full Moon so you can expect some changes or issues to crop up in these areas that could initiate some sort of change.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
Money, secrets, and transformation are in focus this month on some level as the Sun travels through your eighth house until the 22nd when it moves into your sector concerning education or travel, where you should be especially comfortable.
Mercury’s retrograde from the 5th to the 16th affects your house of travel and learning. From the 16th to the 28th, it moves back into your eighth house of sex, secrets and money, initiating the possibility of something being revealed that you weren’t aware of. The Leo New Moon on August 4th is the perfect time to focus on money — or it could bring a very intimate interlude.
The Full Moon on August 19th puts a focus on money and since it is so unpredictable, be prepared for the unexpected. This does not mean you should expect the worse, but it could bring something to the surface you aren’t aware of.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
The showy Sun in Leo travels through your partnership and relationship zone, which could prompt romance. If you're single, you may have an opportunity to meet someone new. If this is the case, someone should make quite an impression. After the 22nd, your focus will turn to the potential for intimacy.
Mercury’s retrograde from August 5th to 16th places a focus on your finances. From the 16th to the 28th, retrograde Mercury moves into your house of relationships and partnerships, so be aware of any signs things are going awry. However, with the positive New Moon on August 5th falling in your house of partners and relationships, things should go well at this time.
The Full Moon on August 19th puts the focus on you, Aquarius — but you can expect the unexpected since Uranus is so strongly involved.
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva
We begin the month with the Sun in Leo transiting your sixth house of work and health, so this is a time to shine in your job, at least until the 22nd. At that time, the Sun moves into your seventh house of partners and partnerships. Will someone announce their interest in you? Good chance. If you have a partner you will be more focused on them for the rest of the month, which is probably a good thing since retrograde Mercury (which begins on August 5th) falls in your house of partners through the 16th.
From August 16th to 28th, pesky Mercury retrograde moves through your house of work and health until it turns direct on the 26th so make sure you are on your toes. A positive New Moon on August 4th also lights up your house of work and health, but this is also the house that rules service to others.
On August 19th, the powerful Aquarius Full Moon falls in your 12th house which could bring up any issues that have been playing on your subconscious mind lately. Alternatively, you could visit a sick friend or someone in seclusion, or you may want to spend some time alone to sort out any issues that have been bothering you this month.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.