Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 29 - August 4, 2024
Let yourself embrace the present moment.

The week of July 29 brings the return of Venus in Virgo, the New Moon in Leo, and the dynamic alignment of Neptune in Pisces with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius and the Sun in Leo with Mars in Gemini.
What does this mean, and how does this improve relationships this week?
Venus in Virgo, on Sunday, August 4, tends to focus on the details of the relationship, helping you be more in the moment, so long as you are aware that perfection is the thief of joy.
Venus in Virgo can help you become more aware of the small moments of love that can have a significant impact on your relationship — just in time for the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4, which is sure to bring fireworks. Leo is a bold and often dramatic sign, so big actions and declarations of love and romance are possible under this lunation, helping to bring you and your partner even closer together.
But there is even more in store for your relationship this week as Neptune in Pisces aligns with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius on Thursday, August 1, bringing in an opportunity to learn from the past and create a new beginning. This is the perfect energy to understand your past actions and choices so that you can not only take accountability but also find the forgiveness necessary to have a fresh start.
The Sun in Leo also aligns with Mars in Gemini in the final days of July, bringing luck to whatever you want to accomplish or begin in your relationship. This energy combines the luck of the Sun with the action of Mars, helping you to take the astrological energy this week and make the most of each moment — so that you might fully embrace the joy of love and being loved.
Relationships improve for five zodiac signs the week of July 29 - August 4, 2024:
1. Pisces
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Venus shifts into Virgo on Sunday, August 4, sweet Pisces, and brings in an energy of romance, love, and new beginnings. While you have been steadily progressing a certain relationship this year, there have been no official conversations as of yet, or even any intentions clearly stating what each of you wish for the relationship.
All of this changes once Venus moves into Virgo, and your focus and heart are solely on creating that new beginning you’ve been dreaming of. This is an incredible time for love, whether you’re figuring out a new relationship or even looking to start dating again. Venus is the planet of love, and in Virgo, it helps you make great strides in your relationships — you just need to be sure you’re also loving yourself.
Venus in Virgo will help to expedite relationship matters and even create some profound moments of connection with you and your partner. You do need to be mindful, though, that once you and this special person cross that boundary, you’ve been holding, the connection will go much faster than you have anticipated or even may feel ready for.
Try to let yourself trust your partner this time, if you’re feeling scared, then allow yourself to discuss it, and most of all, remember is safe to surrender to those deep feelings you’re having. This is what you’ve been waiting for, and now it finally arrives.
2. Aquarius
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
The New Moon will rise in Leo on Sunday, August 4, helping to bring about a beautiful new beginning in your romantic relationship, Aquarius. Leo governs all matters of love and relationships for you, so a New Moon here is about as good as it gets.
You’ve been needing not just a fresh start in your connection but also confirmation that this relationship is the one you are meant to be in. A big part of this new beginning in love for you rests on your ability to articulate your feelings to your partner and even be transparent about some rather challenging issues in your connection.
Something has been weighing on your mind for a long time, and while you may have danced around the topic, you haven’t truly come out and said exactly how you have been feeling. Once you do, though, it does create the space for new beginnings and opportunities in this connection, as your partner genuinely had no idea how you were feeling. Once they do, they will respond with all the actions necessary to tell you you are the one.
Try to prepare for the New Moon in Leo by having any conversations that you need to, especially if they involve matters and questions that have been plaguing your mind. It might be scary to talk about, and it’s okay if you are afraid of what it means, but it doesn’t stop you from needing to discuss it.
Often, in relationships, what you most fear saying is precisely what needs to be said. Much of what you contemplate is in terms of a worst-case scenario, but it’s not as bad as you imagined. Talk to your partner as if they are your friend first, and then hold space for a new beginning to not only be possible but also occur in your romantic life.
3. Virgo
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
You and your partner need some quality downtime together, Virgo, to have that reset that is so necessary at this time. You both have been so busy with life and moving through all you’ve been building in your relationship that it seems matters have felt rather stagnant or even routine. It’s hard to feel like you have an intense romance when you’re both so exhausted, but that also means that by honoring what you both need, you can see your relationship begin to improve.
While the energy of Neptune in Pisces aligns with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, which occurs on Thursday, August 1, bringing about a need for rest, it may also need to include practicing saying no to others more often. Both you and your partner enjoy being of service to others, helping people who are close to you, and having a full social life — but it doesn’t mean that even those matters can’t take a toll on your relationship. Try to prioritize one another and your downtime to truly feel those flames of love once again.
Neptune and Pluto are all about giving you a chance for a new beginning, but in your case, it has less to do with forgiveness and more about reflecting on your priorities. You and your partner can’t be everything to everyone, no matter how close you are to them or how much you are to them.
After first caring for yourself, then the next priority needs to be your relationship. Just because you enjoy helping others doesn’t mean it should ever be at the expense of yourself. Try to practice saying no more often, creating those healthy boundaries, so that not only are you investing more time in one another — but also so you’re not continually exhausted. To have the best relationship means you need to feel your best, which includes honoring what you need — and what matters most to you.
4. Taurus
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
You need to start reflecting on what you want, dear Taurus, and if your actions align with your intentions. You haven’t meant for your partner to get the wrong idea, or even come across as uncaring recently, but it is your responsibility to fix it. Whether you have been discussing taking matters to the next level or even experiencing distance in your marriage, it’s time that instead of finger-pointing, you simply start doing whatever is necessary to fix it.
To be in the moment and participate in a new beginning means that you have also reached a level of acceptance about the current state of your relationship. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is, or even what specific comments have been said, all that does is that if you want to repair this connection, then you need to take drastic action.
Venus will shift into Virgo on Sunday, August 4, and will help you prioritize more not just your committed relationship but also you’re healing and sense of happiness. It’s no good to work so hard to create achievement in your career or finances if the rest of your life is falling apart. See this as an opportunity for greater balance, and make sure that you are honoring what this romantic connection brings to your life.
Whether it’s popping a certain question or even taking time off to enjoy together, love and your connection need to come first. Your relationship matters a great deal to you, and while phases of ebbing and flowing are natural in love, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take matters into your own hands and truly create a love that you can consistently feel confident in.
5. Aries
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Everything that you want is on the other side of what you’re afraid to say, Aries. It’s understandable why you would be hesitant to speak up as you’re trying to do everything so right this time around, but at a certain point, you also must realize that in not saying anything you are doing more harm than good. You don’t lose anything by saying that you love someone, that you want a life together, or even that you want to get married — but you do when you keep your feelings to yourself, awaiting some perfect time and delaying your manifesting your dreams.
You may still be wrapping certain matters up from a past relationship or divorce, and if that’s the case, then it’s more than understandable why you would want to wait, but it would also serve to maybe consider finding a middle ground. Just because you may not launch headfirst into a new romance doesn’t mean you can’t express how you feel. And in this case, that release, and feeling better about relationship matters won’t occur unless you do.
On Monday, July 29, the Sun in Leo will align with Mars in Gemini bringing about an opportunity to embrace your feelings and be more forthcoming with what you want from this particular relationship in your life. Even if you can’t go all in just yet, doesn’t mean that you need to keep playing it so cool — especially as your partner can see right through it. You can be clear, and vulnerable while still honoring the process that you’re in.
Plus, in this case, your partner does feel the same, and they are having just as hard of a time holding back as you are, so it’s okay to let them in and take a chance on love. By sharing your feelings and even intentions for the future, you will have that new beginning in love, and even if you’re still waiting for other matters to play out, it is still one that you deserve to seize. A love like this doesn’t come around every day, so choose to embrace it and be present in this beautiful connection because it’s everything you deserve.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.