What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Month Of August 2024, Per A Tarot Card Reader
A blessed month awaits!

The month of August 2024 is here! With it, we are back with the monthly tarot card reading for each zodiac sign. But first, here are the general messages for everyone.
First of all, we have the Three of Cups warning us that we are the average of the people in our inner circle. If that space is good, loving, caring, and supportive, you will fly higher than anyone in the same metaphorical boat as you.
If that space diminishes your self-worth in the guise of laughs and gags or perpetuates stereotypes that keep you small, then it's important to acknowledge that a change is necessary. Who doesn't want to feel supported and cared for?
The Two of Swords, as the next card, reminds us that for change to happen in the real world, it needs to first happen inside the mind. If you weigh yourself down with self-doubts and beliefs that you can't, of course you won't! So keep chipping away at that inner monologue if it tries to sabotage you. In time, you will be free of it.
Now let's take a look at the August 2024 monthly tarot card reading for every zodiac sign.
Tarot card of the month: Two of Pentacles
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Aries, your tarot card for August is the Two of Pentacles. While this is not always a desired card in the deck, in this instance, it's speaking of juggling a wide variety of responsibilities and things without dropping any of them.
Stability is not too far away. But to get there, you must first juggle well, especially if you are a single parent. Outlining your weeks on the weekend prior can help you stay on track and not lose sight of what's important. It's less of a to-do list and more of a “goals for the week.”
Tarot card of the month: Five of Pentacles
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Taurus, your tarot card for August urges you to be more careful with your finances and the people you spend time with. Sometimes the former can be because of bad habits and an incessant desire to purchase everything one sees on social media.
Other times the former and the latter are entwined when peer pressure may be keeping you unstable because of the urge to fit in. Be extra mindful this month with regards to this and you will thrive.
Tarot card of the month: Eight of Cups
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Gemini, the name of the rose, may be beautiful and deep, but if the rose itself is shallow, the name won't matter. That's the cryptic message for you for August, per the Eight of Cups.
Walk away or distance yourself from those who don't operate on the same wavelength as you and whose personal values are so different from yours that you can only be one thing together — incompatible. Breaking past attachment bonds and addictive patterns in relationships can be hard, but you will find your peace at the other end of this journey.
Tarot card of the month: Four of Swords
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Cancer, the tarot card for you in August is the 4 of Swords. It cautions you against doing too much and overextending yourself for everyone and their sister, brother, and landlord. If you don't rest yourself and prioritize your well-being and self-care, you will eventually burn out.
Since the Five of Swords follows the four, in this instance, it's highlighting the sudden realization you may have that those you overextended for are nowhere when you need them. If possible, say words of encouragement and love to yourself before you go to bed every night. It will remind you to take care of yourself because you are loved.
Tarot card of the month: Nine of Cups
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Leo, the tarot card for you this month is the Nine of Cups. It declares that August will be an absolutely fabulous month for you, no doubt about it! Only, you may align with personality traits more honored by water signs than fire signs this month — by prioritizing your loved ones and relationships above all.
When you surround yourself with love and care, it turns out you feed your creativity and personal drive. So don't be surprised if this has an indirect impact on other areas of your life in a really good way. Emotional intelligence for the win!
Tarot card of the month: The Emperor
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Virgo, have you ever wondered what would happen if you were to stop shouldering the burdens you carry every day? If the answer is: that chaos will break out, you are perfectly aligned with your tarot card for the month — The Emperor. It says “Heavy is the head that wears the crown”.
It also reminds you that an emperor is not a butler or a jester. You must acknowledge the worth of your efforts lest people convince you that they are not worth all that. Will you let this month be the one for personal growth and grounding within yourself?
Tarot card of the month: Judgment
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Libra, your tarot card for this month is Judgment. As a major arcana card, it cautions about karma and how what goes around comes around, including from past lives where certain stories were left unfinished. Some of you will have an ex come back into your life, creating major challenges for you.
You may also meet someone new who is a karmic mate from another lifetime. Judgment urges you not to let fears rule you and to engage with each day, conversation, and situation with mindfulness and awareness of what is right for you and what's not. You will be fine when you do this.
Tarot card of the month: Justice
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Scorpio, the tarot card for August for you is Justice. It's the 11th card in most tarot decks (although some decks feature it as the 8th card). Therefore, number 11 will be important to you this month. For some, since November is the 11th month and you are a Scorpio, you may experience something in August that will become more prominent and relevant during your birthday month.
Also, as a card representing justice and fairness, you must be mindful of what's fair and unfair. Just because certain behaviors and traditions are common does not mean they are just. You are urged to lean into the true definition of justice this month.
Tarot card of the month: Two of Wands
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Sagittarius, the tarot card of the month is the Two of Wands. It's asking you to create opportunities for growth throughout August. You may not be able to set all plans into motion, but when you do plan, something will stick.
You are also encouraged to trust your own counsel and make your own plans. Seeking opinions from everyone will not work out so well at this point. In this regard, meditation can be a valuable tool for you. It will help you clear past the confusion and get to the heart of what you want.
Tarot card of the month: Eight of Cups
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Capricorn, the tarot card of August for you is the Eight of Cups. It's a pensive card with a pensive tale of broken promises, disgruntled actions, and the ultimate decision to walk away from situations rife with toxic peer pressure. Some of you were already feeling this change burgeoning all around you.
You are urged to trust your instincts and not ignore red flags. If you feel the need, adopt a grounding ritual into your daily life. It will help you stay true to yourself and be more aware of your environment.
Tarot card of the month: Five of Cups
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Aquarius, you have a heart of gold. Yet, you know that you, like everyone else, can make mistakes. Your tarot card for this month — the Five of Cups — is here to tell you that true growth can only happen when you accept what occurred and do your best to remedy it.
Heal your heart and embrace the change. And if the actions of others harmed you, recognize the red flags and manipulations so history doesn't repeat itself. August is here to help you become stronger from within and without.
Tarot card of the month: Nine of Swords
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Pisces, the name of the game in August for you is patience. But not the kind that waits passively for change to occur. Nope. The Nine of Swords reminds you that your fears and anxieties may be rooted in something real, but that doesn't mean waiting patiently will change the status quo.
Find a way to look within the abyss of that fear. Meditation can definitely help with this. It will show you what you need to defeat, thus giving you the power to write your own story and create your own destiny.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.