2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Abundance In August 2024
The cosmic energy of August 2024 is extremely beneficial for two zodiac signs.

The astrology of August 2024 promises to put on a memorable show for us. Despite the mutable planets in challenging aspects, two zodiac signs will be able to use this energy to their advantage and experience the abundance they so deserve.
The plot thickens with the Jupiter and Saturn square on the 19th, which will be the highlight of this month. But there are plenty of gems during this month, beginning with the New Moon in Leo on the 4th giving us an opportunity to dream big, even when Saturn tries to put the brakes on our plans.
This is then followed by Mercury stationing retrograde on the 5th. Although Mercury is going to cause some trouble, we are all used to this transit since it happens several times a year. During this time, it's helpful to plan ahead, be proactive. Don't lose your cool, and do not be afraid to try again!
The Sun will enter Virgo on the 22nd, Mercury stations direct on the 28th and Venus enters Libra on the 29th. The changes in the last week of the month will help us all get back on track and start fresh with more understanding and growth.
Throughout all of this challenging energy, two zodiac signs will experience abundance in August 2024
1. Leo
Aleksandra Konoplia and Giuseppe Ramos V / Canva
The month of August may give you more control with the Sun in your sign for the first two weeks, allowing you to reflect on your relationships through the Full Moon energy as well as reconnect with your creative energy when the New Moon is in your sign on August 4.
You may start questioning the types of people you allow in your life thanks to the Mercury Retrograde transit (beginning on the 5th) throughout the month, especially when Mercury returns to your sign once more on the 14th. However, Mercury in Leo can bring a period of healing and reconciliation. You are able to see the bigger picture and you can see how your personal relationships seem to improve.
The Jupiter transit in Gemini continues to make you a power player because it may have helped you strengthen your social circle and networking skills in the career or academic sector.
You are working hard through these transits and with Venus entering Virgo on the 4th, it can spark things in your house of possessions and finances. You are able to make good plans with the Mercurial energy in full force, but make sure not to get too carried away with spending once the Saturn opposition and Mars square to Venus occur. Nevertheless, these transits are calling for our patience and focus, which applies to most aspects of your life.
The Full Moon will enter the sign of Aquarius on the 19th, making an opposition to your sign and bringing the focus back on your independence and what the concept of love is to you. The transit can bring surprises and revelations that may help you switch your plans up or improve them once Mercury stations direct on the 28th.
2. Scorpio
Aleksandra Konoplia and Giuseppe Ramos V / Canva
The month sheds some light on the talents you have evolved in the last several years. Saturn’s stay in Pisces has allowed you to transform your work ethic which could be recognized during this period. Leo season will be an excellent opportunity to receive the praise you deserve, but there are still more tasks to do throughout the month.
With the New Moon in Leo and Venus also entering Virgo on the 4th, you are settling into new energy that will allow you to continue on your path to success. You may feel like a visionary during this time, taking things step by step to make your dreams a reality. Your professionalism transformed during the Saturn in Aquarius transit and now with Saturn in Pisces, you are getting the support and confidence needed. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini will continue to make you feel like the warrior you are.
Even when things may seem out of reach, you are feeling optimistic and confident in your abilities to win and overcome any mountains that appear in your way. You are an unstoppable force during Leo season and when the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd, you will see how you continue to weave your story with more achievements and triumphant victories.
Expect your circle of friends to expand since the transits could also bring about some new people especially with Venus in Virgo for most of the month. You can expect August to spark your social life, improve your career prospects and to claim more wins. You are connecting to the Leo energy full force during this month, allowing you to claim your throne.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.