August 2024 Monthly Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign
Venus, the Moon, and Mercury retrograde change how we view love.

Love can bloom in the most unexpected places when you aren't looking for it. This August, we have three important astrological transits to look forward to: Venus in Virgo, the New Moon in Leo, and Mercury retrograde, each bringing a new energy to love that's surprising and beneficial.
Venus in Virgo and the New Moon in Leo: August 4
On August 4, we have a double transit of the New Moon in Leo and Venus entering Virgo. Both the Moon and Venus are potent in their influence on the heart (and body). Yet Leo and Virgo's energy blends somewhat differently.
It's easier to manifest love this month. Love that's found in August can stimulate your mind and share your sense of humor, and touch your heart in new ways. Venus in Virgo will continue to have a positive effect on relationships all the way through mid-September.
Mercury retrograde: August 5 - 28, 2024
We also have Mercury Retrograde occurring this month from August 5 - 28, during which it will travel from Virgo to Leo. Once again, the blend of Virgo and Leo energies will make this retrograde's effect on love more along the lines of deciphering the desires of your mind. You may suddenly realize why past romances did not work. Maybe there was no “click” between your mental wavelengths.
Full Moon in Aquarius: August 19
Finally, on August 19, we have a beautiful Full Moon in Aquarius that will influence matters of the heart by reminding us that love can revolutionize or diminish. It's your choice which path you take. Now, let's take a look at the monthly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign for August 2024.
Each zodiac sign's monthly love horoscope for August 2024
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Aries, the energy around love for you in August is all about being patient and grounding yourself in what truly builds love and nurtures a relationship. Grand romantic gestures and wonderful dates may become your relationship's cornerstone memories.
Be sure to focus on the little things, too, Aries. After all, would you care for that grand date if your partner only called you once every fifteen days and never shared the burdens of everyday life with you?
This month, make it a point to hug your significant other more often and longer, just for the sake of it. Physical touch is known to generate bonds among human beings. Since Venus rules wellness, why not use her energy to make your partner feel better, too?
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Taurus, sometimes all you need is a tiny taste to know what's to come. Don't ignore your psychic knowledge when it comes to love. If someone tends to make backhanded comments and compliments and is prone to microaggressions, be your heart's best friend and walk away. After all, one doesn't need a fatal wound to die. Sometimes, all it takes is a thousand tiny cuts for a person to bleed out without realizing it.
You are also encouraged to focus on healing yourself and letting go of the trauma that's obstructing your path to love. Working with a therapist is also highly recommended because they have precise tools to help you understand yourself and heal.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Gemini, the path to love in August is paved with challenges you will overcome. The astrological transits this month are not all that favorable for you in the arena of love. You will benefit more from focusing on your education and career or even having fun with your friends and family. The path to knowledge will eventually lead you to love.
If you feel called to, maintain a gratitude journal. It will help you see the world through a fresh pair of eyes and realize that you have much more to be thankful for than you ever realized in the past.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Cancer, when all goes up, but you want to go down (this is not a romantic euphemism!), you must trust that inner voice and follow through in matters of the heart. You will find your tribe and find yourself when you are authentic.
Some of you will benefit greatly from maintaining a personal journal of your thoughts and feelings. It will help you observe and remember all the tiny pearls of wisdom that the world reveals to us daily. If you feel inclined, you may also record your dreams and try to interpret their symbols. All of these things will tie into your love life before you know it.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Leo, you are strong, brave, worthy, and good. Remind yourself this every day in August, especially if you are going through a heartbreak and want to reclaim yourself and the pieces of your heart. Just because one person treated you badly doesn't mean everyone else will, too.
You should never ignore red flags in a new person. Don't let history repeat itself. This could feel like a personal challenge, but there's room for triumph in August. Will you rise to it? Yes, you can claim your crown.
For some of you, especially if you have a creative side business, love may be the muse for your success and expression. Lean into it and let the catharsis take you to astonishing new places!
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Virgo, you are encouraged to also be more light-hearted and think of creative dates (or first dates!). You are urged to translate general wisdom and apply it to your life while trusting the voice within, a.k.a. your intuition. Doubt will make it harder for you to hear yourself.
Trust in yourself. Your ability to grow and transform will reveal new depths that you didn't even realize you possessed. Apply this to your love life, and you will find true love.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Libra, you are exactly where you need to be at this time. The lessons in love and your hopes for the future are coming together now under the astrological transits of August. Embrace this, and you will transform in magnificent ways!
For some, this means being open to new ways of approaching love and romance. How about going on a blind date if you have never been on one? You can allow your parents or family members to set you up with someone just to see if they truly know you as well as they say they do. This month, be more diverse in how you define love. Intriguing experiences await!
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Scorpio, silence will bring you peace, and peace will bring you love. That's your message in matters of the heart for August. Steer away from people, places, and habits that bring you pain, discomfort, and agony, whether that's emotional, physical, or of other kinds. You are at an important crossroads right now. Seek peace so you can make the right decision for yourself.
If you feel called to and are single, you may also want to do visualization meditations this month that connect you to the soul of your true love. Those of you who have strong psychic abilities may also get a glimpse of their face in your mind's eye.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Sagittarius, a lot can change in love in just a matter of one month. The compatible and the incompatible will become obvious when you choose what feels right to you and leave the rest to the universe. Plus, always take note when someone does not honor your personal boundaries or seems to throw tantrums when you set them.
If you feel called to, this month's energy is also really good for working with spirit crystals, like Aquamarine, Selenite, and/or Moonstone. Adding some Rose Quartz will tie everything into love.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Capricorn, know your roots and never be ashamed of them. If anyone does not consider your people and your culture attractive, that's a bigoted belief and a hidden blessing. Lean into what feels good to you, and you will conquer both yourself and the world. That's why they say self-love is the true beginning of any romantic journey.
If you are an artist, you are also encouraged to maintain an art journal and pour your heart onto the pages. Whether you use this for art therapy or drawing pictures of your muse (or crush) is up to you. Only beautiful things will unfold when you embrace this path.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Aquarius, the energy of love for you in August is all about recognizing how unique and beautiful you are inside. When people roll their eyes at the phrase “you are special,” remind yourself of all the unique ways you show up in the world, especially through your intelligence, ideas and creativity. That's your key to finding true love.
After all, once you embrace yourself, heart and soul (and body), no one can prey on your insecurities in romance or take up space in your life that's meant for love of truly the exceptional kind. It's a journey, but the journey begins now.
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Pisces, let love be your guiding light in August so you don't get swayed by false glamour and intense physical attraction. With Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, you can keep yourself grounded daily so Neptune doesn't swing in with its heady charms and lead you away like the piper.
Despite the difficult nature of this transit, hold fast and find inner peace. That's how you will know where to go in love, who to engage, and what you must lean away from. You've got this!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.