Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week For March 27 - April 2, 2023

Gratitude attracts greater luck.

luckiest zodiac sign weekly horoscope, march 27 - april 2, 2023 Dean Drobot via Canva Pro/Studio Angel via Canva 

This week ahead, a lot of energy focuses on what is of the highest value for you and how to align with it so you can create more. The second house rules value within your natal chart, and while most known for highlighting your finances and material wealth, it also rules self-worth and those people and things in your life that are of benefit.

This week, with Mars and the First Quarter Moon in Cancer, there will be a lot of focus on finding gratitude for what really matters in life and how you have more of it than you first anticipated. This is the law of attraction. As you begin to practice gratitude and awareness for all you have, you will automatically attract more of it.




It is a reminder that by focusing solely on what you do not have, you will not be able to attract opportunities for more. With Saturn having recently shifted into Pisces, it has also changed and will continue to affect the career path for many, as this transit is all about finding your purpose — not just your job. When you find your purpose, regardless of what it is, living in alignment with your soul contract, you receive every divine moment of opportunity you can. You are gifted this week with new moments to seize not divine luck but also more graciously appreciate all you have already received.


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Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week for March 27 – April 2, 2023:


(March 21 - April 19)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, March 30th

This week, Venus, the planet of finances, forms a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, lighting up your second house. Taurus rules your second house of value, highlighting themes around finances and self-worth. At this point, you could benefit from abundance in both areas. This is a lesson on how your sense of self-worth affects the financial opportunities that present themselves and offers a chance to bring expansion to both.


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(April 20 - May 20)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, March 30th

As Venus and Uranus meet in your first house of Taurus, this is a week to discover what truly aligns with your truth. Venus rules love and finances, while Uranus is the great awakener. Together in your first house, it becomes all about what you believe in, what you need and what you want. You will manifest a life that matches your authentic self as you discover your truth.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, March 28th


As an air sign that can make decisions quickly, it is essential to understand your passion so that you do not let anything get in the way of following it. This week, Saturn in Pisces activates your tenth house of career, while Mars in Cancer stands to increase your net worth as it activates your second house of value, which governs finances. The more you follow your passion, the greater abundance that you will be able to create.

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(June 21 - July 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, March 28th

The ninth house is considered the sector of luck in astrology. It rules adventure, exploration, learning and even spirituality. Saturn has just moved into this sign for the next few years, so you know that it will be an incredible time of luck where you will be stretched to take risks to achieve your dreams. This week though, Saturn in Pisces creates a trine of abundance with Mars in Cancer which rules your first house. The more you listen to your intuition, the more confident you are on the right path.


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(July 23 - August 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, March 30th

Taurus rules your tenth house, which governs your career, professional life and reputation. As Venus and Uranus meet here this week, you can expect some financial gains for decisions that you are making according to what you inherently feel is right. This is about your truth and what you genuinely want to create in your professional life, but it makes any rules or restrictions that must be done to achieve it worth it.

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(August 23 - September 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, March 30th

Taurus rules over your ninth house in astrology which is also considered the luckiest part of your natal chart. As Venus and Uranus join here, you will feel called in an exciting new direction. This universe is divinely intervening to help you accomplish your true desires and passion and will open an entirely new and incredibly lucky chapter of your life.

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(September 23 - October 22)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, March 28th

The First Quarter Moon in Cancer allows you to overcome any challenge to accomplish your desired goal. Because Cancer rules the tenth house of your career, you will have an opportunity to tune into your intuition for how to go about getting ahead professionally. It is a lucky week for you to progress toward a career goal and find success by learning just how much you are capable of.


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(October 23 - November 21)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, March 28th

Cancer rules over your ninth house of luck which means as the First Quarter Moon occurs here, you will be in the place to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Pay attention to anything related to expansion, such as travel, education or even spirituality, as the ninth house works to bring luck by also drawing you out of your comfort zone to try something new.

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(November 22 - December 21)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, March 30th


When it comes to health, you often underestimate its importance to your overall life satisfaction and choices. Simply put, you do your best when you feel your best. This week as Venus and Uranus converge on Taurus, they activate your sixth house, helping you start a new health regime or daily routine that will pay off overall.

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(December 22 - January 19)


Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, March 30th

As an earth sign that has just finished with Pluto’s transit in your first house of the self, you are due for some joy. Lucky for you, this week, as Venus and Uranus converge in your fifth house of pleasure, that is exactly what you will get. As much as success is important to you, being available to enjoy life is something you often put on the back burner. As you remember just how much joy life can bring you this week, a newfound way of living begins to get established.

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(January 20 - February 18)

Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday, March 28th


You are amid some major up-leveling within your identity and life thanks to Pluto having shifted into your first house of Aquarius. This will let you embrace your inner truth and put yourself first. Your emotional, mental, and physical well-being is a big part of this. As the First Quarter Moon occurs in your sixth house, it activates all these themes. It is time to start genuinely thinking about what is best for you and then trusting that will always be the path that leads to overall abundance and luck.

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(February 19 - March 20)

Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, March 30th


You are an emotional water sign that needs the grounding of earth signs to feel secure and safe in your life. This week as Venus and Uranus meet on Taurus, ruler of your third house of communication, you will be gifted with the ability to discuss taking a new path in life. This path paves the way for your dreams to manifest and provides the security to validate that you are on the right path.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
