How To Make A Capricorn Man Miss You
A "who's more interesting?" competition.

Winning over a Capricorn man is a very hard job, however, following this advice, hopefully, you will be one step closer to getting him to miss you.
Capricorns are born between the dates of December 22 to January 19.
According to astrology, the Capricorn earth zodiac sign is represented by the symbol of the Sea-Goat, which doesn't sound warm and fuzzy, does it?
Capricorn men can be hard to read.
Their loving and interesting personalities can get you hooked.
So, when you spend time apart, you may wonder how to make a Capricorn man miss you.
Capricorn men in specific usually are appreciated for their charming smile, rugged good looks, his smarts, and his charming personality, and how he makes a woman feel in the relationship.
He's the type of guy who stands by you through thick and thin.
However, this doesn’t mean all Capricorn men are the most experienced, some can become depressed by the lack of romance in their life or past failed relationships.
That can be a real mood killer especially if you invest time with one and they let you down because they couldn’t get past their fear of relationships and use you for attention.
Nonetheless, they are the most down to earth men, understanding, and kind of sexy that he’s a know-it-all but in a humble way.
A Capricorn man wants to strive to be the best.
He's never willing to settle for less than he thinks he deserves and that's important to know when you're going after a Capricorn man.
If you have been trying and trying to catch his attention or maybe doing too much that you're getting in the way of his ambitions and goals, then you have to try something new.
Capricorn men need a partner who will support their efforts and goals and help empower them and follow along with them but isn't going to make a relationship their top priority.
Even though he might not think of you as his top priority, a Capricorn man in love will always care for your feelings the most out of all the people he knows.
And if that's not the best compliment from a man, I don't know what else would be.
Most of all, make sure you're your own person and you don't just care about your relationship life.
A Capricorn man wants a partner who is ambitious and satisfied with themselves, who doesn't need a man but wants one to have something more in life.
If you’ve just been through a breakup or things aren’t doing too hot with your Capricorn man, there are some things you can do to make your relationship stronger and get back together.
There are important things to keep in mind when trying to make him miss you.
Let him take the initiative.
Don’t let him think too soon that he’s got you back, don’t say "yes" to him every time.
Make your time fun so that he’ll want more.
Here's how to make a Capricorn man miss you:
1. Be Creative
When going on dates with a Capricorn man, they want to be intrigued, learn something intellectual, and have fun.
If you bring him on a date that would adhere to his current interest and hobbies, he would love that.
If he’s a musician, take him on a date to a jazz cafe or a concert, if he’s a photographer, bring him to a new exhibition that opened at the museum.
2. Prove that you’re interesting
Get him interested in yourself as well, don’t just please his needs.
Share with him any common interests.
If you’re a pro at something, it will catch his attention because you have a talent and they like ambition and creative people.
3. Always look your best but for yourself
A Capricorn man loves that you put the time and effort looking good not only for yourself but maybe a little for him.
If you really like him then show him you’re interested in flirting with him but don’t wait too long for a Capricorn man.
Make your move sooner than later so you won’t get your hopes up.
4. Tell him you miss him
This sounds a bit counterintuitive, but a Capricorn man appreciates when you reach out to him and tell him you miss him.
He’s too stubborn and insecure to tell you himself.
You sometimes gotta do the heavy lifting and he waits for you to let him know your feelings before he tells you.
However, before that, give him some time for him to take initiative, if he doesn't and you really miss him then go ahead and reach out.
5. Keep yourself busy
Sometimes showing him that you’re becoming successful and pursuing something professional in your career makes him miss you.
He’ll be pleased that you’re doing well and maybe want to see you and talk soon.
Megan Hatch is a writer at YourTango who covers zodiac, love and relationships, and pop culture.