Love Horoscope For Today, November 7, 2020
Do something you love that's fun and playful this Saturday.

For today's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on November 7.
The Moon is in the waning gibbous phase while in the zodiac sign of Leo.
The Moon in Leo is bold and brilliant. It brings out our playful side.
We want to embrace warmth and creativity. We love to be loved.
The waning gibbous phase is about gratitude and thankfulness.
So, Saturday starts with self-love for all zodiac signs.
The Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, and this can cause the uniqueness of others to stand out more than usual.
However, by learning to be thankful for life's positives and negatives we learn that challenges are what make life interesting and dynamic.
When you see your own unique design it's so much easier to love other people, especially after you've learned to love the less than beautiful sides to yourself.
During Saturday's love horoscope, spend a little time caring for your needs, and then extend the same understanding to others.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Saturday, November 07, 2020:
Aries, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of identity, and it drives you to be slightly more me-focused.
Venus is in your sector of friendships, so there's a challenge to be 'we' focused.
However, their opposition can create scenarios that feel at odds with each other, and you may not want to give up your right to control.
Taurus, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of past life karma, and it can drive you to work hard on repairing a relationship that you used to feel strongly about from the past.
Venus is in your sector of social status and you may feel that your role in life has been slightly threatened by the condition of your relationship.
Gemini, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of friendship, and it can cause you to feel driven to foster closeness with someone that you love.
Venus is in your sector of higher philosophy, and you may be learning something about love that you hadn't considered before.
Cancer, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of social status, and it can make you want to be acknowledged more than usual.
Venus is in your sector of shared resources and you may be giving more than another person and it can feel slightly exhausting.
Leo, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of higher philosophy, and it can drive you to understand someone's point of view that is at odds with your own.
Venus is in your sector of commitment and you may want or need to know whether or not your relationship is official.
Virgo, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of shared resources, and it can drive you to take stock of what is working within your relationship.
You may be prone to arguing today and ought to call a time out when things feel overly intense to regain perspective.
Venus is in your sector of daily duties, and you may be looking to share more responsibilities with another person.
Libra, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of commitments, and it can foster a need to know where you stand with another person.
If you're just beginning to date someone you may want to take a step back to see the big picture and not try to project a need for control into the relationship.
Venus is in your sector of romance and you may long for something sentimental or signs that love is growing.
Scorpio, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of daily duties, and it can drive you to be nitpicky with a partner.
Venus is in your sector of home and you may long for a person who gives you a sense of security.
Sagittarius, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of romance, and it can drive you to be more affectionate than usual.
Venus is in your sector of communication and you will want to talk about things that bring you closer and fulfill your needs for intimacy.
Capricorn, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of house and home, and it can give you a longing for the familiar and to do things that make a home feel cozier.
Venus is in your sector of money and you will want to see how to use it to make your home or surroundings more beautiful.
Aquarius, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of communication, and it can create unwanted or unexpected friction in your interaction with a loved one. You may be slightly irritable today and need space.
Venus is in your sector of identity and you are feeling confident in yourself. Your appearance is pleasing to others.
Pisces, Venus continues to oppose Mars today.
Mars is in your solar house of money or personal property, and it can cause you to be a spendthrift and to use money as a way of entertainment or even to buy the admiration of another through gift-giving.
Venus is in your sector of karma and you may be ready to make a big change based on a lesson you learned in the recent past.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.