Monthly Aquarius Love Horoscope

Best Love Day for Aquarius in May 2024: Saturday, May 25

As much as Aquarius can sometimes be known for your independent and free-spirited ways, it doesn’t mean that you also don’t crave a deep romantic connection. As Jupiter shifts into Gemini on Saturday, it will help you be able to create just that. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, helping to breathe new life and energy into whatever area of your life it touches. In Gemini, you can either continue to develop your romantic connection or attract an entirely new partner.

Jupiter in Gemini will help develop a stronger romantic connection through a significant commitment or marriage — but it also will help you enjoy life more. You may find your priorities shift around this time to include more quality time with your partner or with family. When you can allow yourself to be pulled by what is most important, you will also ensure you are investing in your future happiness.

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